Part 19 |the ladder|

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"Could you guys say something more positive" Anika cried, "fuck Anika, I am so so sorry Anika" you said, "your gonna be ok!" You said in the most unconvincing tone that not even you believed yourself, "thanks for trying" Anika said.

Other POV (gore warning):

"Eyes on me" Danny said right before Sam slipped again, "come on, come on" but she kept going, "I got you, come on"and just like that, Sam was now on the other side. Danny embraced Sam into his arms and pulled her inside his apartment. Instantly once she got inside, she yelled over to the rest of you, "Come one!" "Let's go!" Danny yelled as well. They were both ushering for at least one of you to go over, "Anika come on" Sam yelled, Mindy came over lifting Anika up to force her to cross, you went over to the dresser in front of the bathroom door to take Mindys place in holding it shut. Anika cried out as Mindy picked her up and moved her. They were fighting about who was going to go first, "you have to go first" Mindy said sternly, "no Mindy! No!" Anika yelled, "I'll be right behind you I promise" Mindy looked up at me when she said that, "I'll make sure she's right behind you Mindy. I swear it" you said, "Y/N?" Mindy started, but you cut her off, "go Mindy!" And with that Mindy and Anika had one last kiss before Mindy crawled onto the ladder, and started going across. Ghostface seemed to be kicking and slamming into the door harder now, he was basically throwing you around, you couldn't even count the amount of times your head smashed into that dresser, but that didn't matter right now. What matter was that your friends got across that ladder.

Once Mindy was fully across, Anika started to make her way over to the ladder. Before she got on, she turned to look at you. "Go" you smiled at her, and unlike Danny, your smile was actually somewhat reassuring. You even made her think for a second that everything would be ok. So she got on the ladder, and slowly started cross. "I can't do it, I can do it" she cried, you were all yelling things like, "yea you can!" And "you got this"

But just then, Ghostface crashed through the door. You had to jump out of the way of the falling dresser, which out you right in his path. You tried to fight him, shoving him, punching him, slapping him, anything you could. But it was no use. He grabbed you for fully by both sides of your head and slammed it into the wall three times. He knew he hadn't knocked you out since your eyes were still open and you were still groaning in pain. Still holding your head, he slowly slid you down the wall to the floor, sitting you down and crouching in front of you. You let your body go limp, you had basically no fight left it you. You were feeling pretty woozy due to the multiple slams your head toke, but for some reason Ghostface was being really nice to you now, not hurting you anymore than he already did.

    Your head dropped, you couldn't keep it up anymore as you waited for what you assumed was going to be your gruesome death. But, unexpectedly, Ghostface lifted his mask up, just enough so his mouth and nose were out of the mask, still hiding his eyes. He leaned over, kissing you on the top of the head. Then he put the mask back on and whispered in your ear, "I don't want to hurt you" he paused, "please don't make me hurt you". Unfortunately you passed out as he was finishing his sentence, but you swore you recognized that voice. The question was, would you remember it when you woke up?

Then he hastily stood up and he made his way over to the ladder. Anika was still making her way across, she was almost dead centre between the two windows. Mindy, Sam, and Danny's eyes all looked behind her at the now approaching Ghostface, their eyes all widened. "What?" Anika whimpered, "Anika you have to move right now!" Mindy screamed. Anika turned around, "No!" She cried as the others continued to yell at her, trying to get her to speed up. But she couldn't, she was too scared, and had already lost a lot of blood.

    As Anika crawled, unable to pick up her pace, Ghostface stabbed his knife into the wooden windowsill and grabbed the end of the ladder with both hands. He started to shake it. Lifting it up, then dropping it down, causing Anika to stop moving, though the screaming never stopped. Then he switched his motion, shaking it side to side. Then he did combination of both motions, she was still practically dead centre, not making any progress.

    "Baby I don't wanna die!" She cried out to Mindy, "No Anika!" Mindy yelled reaching out to her girlfriend. "Anika give me your hand!" Sam reached out as well, luckily Anika was able to grab into Sams hand, "I got you! I got you!" Sam yelled to her. Just then, your adrenaline hit like a truck causing you to wake up, also giving you enough energy to stand. You pressed your back against the wall as you stood up, trying to balance yourself. You the large black blur standing in front of the window shaking the ladder, "shit" you muttered seeing and hearing Anika on the shaking ladder. Sam tried to pull Anika over to them since she was now lying belly down on the ladder, Ghostface saw that they were getting close to saving her though, so he began to shake it more violently. "Fuck you!" You you said through gritted teeth, Ghostface turned to see you standing there slightly hunched over. Then he shook it harder, still looking at you, "No!" Sam howled, so did Mindy... and so did Anika as she let go of Sams hand, and fell of the ladder. Plummeting down all five (idk) stories of the building.

    Sam and Mindy stopped yelling, but Anika screamed and flailed the whole way down. Hitting her head on the dumpster before her body fell limp onto the ground. Mindy sobbed as she looked at her now deceased girlfriend, tears rapidly falling from her face as Sam and Danny just stared in disbelief.

"No!"you shrieked, running at Ghostface as he fully turned to you. You didn't care any more, you weren't scared. You started to slam your fists into his chest over and over, "you just killed my fucking friend" you cried still punching him as hard as you could. He was starting to get impatient with your little outburst, "Stop" he said sternly, the voice modulator in his mask making his voice change, "no! Fuck you, you piece of shit wannabe!" You screeched at him, voice cracking as you did. "I said, stop!" He gritted more angrily this time, but you didn't stop, you couldn't stop. "Why did you do that! Why the fuck did you do that! You fucking bitch-" he threw his hand up to your through, stopping your yelling. "God damn it!" He yelled slamming you into the wall by your throat, just like he did with Anika. Except this time he didn't stab, he just squeezed your neck cutting of your air supply. You swallowed as much air as you could, which wasn't much considering his tight grip. "I'll kill your for this" you managed to choke out, "sure you will love" he snickered. Then you passed out, and he dropped you to the floor.

Word count: 1300+

A/N: there was so much incoherent screaming in this scene, so I tried my best lol.
Also I just wanna say, I didn't get very attached to Anika, but her death was gut wrenching, especially when you find out one of the killers is Ethan.

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