Part 2 |what a party|

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There were people all around the house doing all kinds of thing. Making out, doing drugs, drinking, dancing... all of it at the same time, all while loud music blast through the speakers.

Your POV:
Since Halloween was just around the corner, it was a costume party, so everyone was wearing really cheap, homemade, or really nice costumes, no in between. I was wearing a (fav fandom) costume, I had made it myself and I was very proud of my handy work!

I was sitting on the couch with my best friend Mindy Meeks-Martin her girlfriend Anika Kayoko, when Mindy sighed as she saw a man dressed in a ghost face costume. "It doesn't bother you?" Anika asked both of us, Mindy looked at her questioningly, so did I "I mean, being at a house party after you were almost brutally murdered at a house party" Anika elaborated. "No I think of it like being struck by lighting" Mindy said as she sunk more into the couch they were on, I giggled at her comparison, "the odds of it happening twice to the same person are extremely low" she smiled, "oh" Anika nodded, "guess I should stay close to you then" Anika said as she put her legs on top of Mindys. I smiled at the 2, they were an adorable couple. But I couldn't help but think about Mindys logic, it just didn't make sense. Sidney Prescott was "almost brutally murdered" 5 times! That is literally nothing like lightning... whatever, she was probably just saying that to make her girlfriend feel better.

I was brought out of my thoughts when some random kid walked by the couch and kicked my leg... ow. I was bored here anyway, and this kid gave me a reason now to get up and leave. I'm not really a party person, I only came to make sure Tara would be ok... and because Ethan asked me to accompany him. So much for "accompanying him" I don't even know where he is anymore, I mean I know he's here but I just don't know where. "Where are you goin'?" Mindy asked, "I don't know, I'll probably get a drink then hang outside for a bit" I shrugged, "it's really hot in here, plus it smells absolutely awful" I made a face of disgust as Mindy laughed. As I was about to walk away, Anika piped up! "You sure you're not going to find Ethan?" She said, elongating his name in a suggestive way, I blushed a little, then turned to look at the 2 still sitting "no" I replied flatly trying to hid my embarrassment. I knew Mindy wasn't very fond of him so I tried to hide my weird feelings for him from her, but she knew, she just tried to think about it as little as possible. Anika on the other hand was very sweet to him, she seemed to like him, unlike most of my other friends, which is why she always try's to push me towards him.

Other POV (not sure what to call it):

"Shoot I'm sorry" Tara giggled as she bumped in to someone, clearly she wasn't fully sober. "Hi" she said cheerfully to another person. "How you doin' T?" Mindy called to her, Tara just giggled and said hi again. She went to fill up her blue solo cup, but the large barrel was empty. "You're lying" she said, "nah, last one's kicked" the man in front of her responded, "we got some hard stuff in the kitchen though" Tara just smiled up at him. "Franky" the man introduced himself, "Tara" she introduced herself back, shaking his hand sloppily, "lead the way" she said. He held her hand and lead her into the kitchen, "you Omega Beta Zeta?" He asked, "no not yet" she replied, "but I might rush it" she grabbed a bottle on the table. "Oh right- right on" Franky said as he picked up a bottle as well. All the bottles seemed to be empty though. "Where from?" He asked another question, "Michigan" Tara said flatly. There was an awkward pause before Franky spoke again, "you know what? I got a bottle of fireball up in my room" again there was a long pause. Tara was debating wether or not she should go with this strange man she just met, then, "fuck it yea, let's go" she said, and went with him.

Your POV:

I had gotten another drink. Nothing alcoholic, just a can of (fav pop). I was heading to the backyard so I could have a bit of peace and quiet, away for all this chaos, when I saw Chad and Ethan talking. Ethan's costume was so silly. It was supposed to be a suit of armour, like a knights suit, but Ethan wasn't the best artist around so it looked a little goofy. A half assed glue and paint job on his cardboard cut out costume didn't really help the over all aesthetic of the costume. From where I was standing I couldn't really hear what they were talking about, so I decided to move closure. 'This is literally stalking Y/N' I thought to myself as I slowly made my way towards them, close enough for me to hear them, but not close enough for them to see me. 'No... no this isn't stalking... I'm just- making sure my friends are doing ok. Yea that's all this is... yup' I tried to think of a more positive way of viewing this situation. As I was almost in hearing rang of the 2 boys they moved farther away. Then Chad called out to the girl who was now in front of them, who they'd both been looking at previously. "My friend here. You think he's a snack right" was what I heard Chad say to this poor random girl just trying to have a fun night. All she did was shrug and smile, then turn back to her friends. I couldn't help but snicker, poor Ethan, didn't deserve to be out on the spot like that. Chad laughed a bit as well. Ethan looked at him, "what does that mean?" He asked, oh Ethan, nerdy little Ethan. "It's good, it's good" Chad said, "what?" Ethan asked surprised. "Well it not bad" Chad replied, putting extra emphasis on that last word, "it's room for improvement!" He added happily. Though, as this was going on Anika came up to me alarmed and hooked her arm around mine bringing me with her over to where Chad and Ethan were standing. "Hey big guy, you're needed" she said to Chad as I made eye contact with Ethan. I smiled, so did he, 'what a little goofball' I thought, completely disregarding the situation at hand.

Word count: 1100+

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