Part 22 |the shrine pt 2|

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Tara looked at the both of you, confused and somewhat frightened. "I don't know" Sam said while you just stood there speechless.

Other POV:

"So" Chad cut the tension, "somebody killed these chucklfucks and... took over?" "Someone that beliefs Sam masterminded Woodsboro" Gale paused, "and thinks Y/N helped"

    "If this were a normal stab movie, this would be the killer layer" Mindy said, "which means this isn't a normal stab movie" Kirby remarked. After a few seconds of looking around, Tara hastily walked away. You and Mindy sat on the edge of the stage, then Kirby came to join you two. "The TV that killed Stu Macher" she said as she sat down right next to Mindy. You in fact we're sitting right in front of the Stu Macher section of display cases. "If you believe he's dead" Mindy stated as Kirby gave her a side eye, then she looked at you with a pity smile on her face. You already knew that Kirby knew your dad was still alive, she's FBI, of course she knows.

This stressed you out. The thought of your father, the thought of a killer or killers on the losses again, just all of it. Your breathing started to pick up pace until you were almost hyperventilating. You quickly stood up, "hey, you ok?" Mindy asked, standing up and putting her hand on your shoulder, "yea. Yea, I-I'm fine, I just... need a minute" you replied, shaking Mindys hand off your shoulder and speed walking away.

You were in a different section of the abandon theatre where no one else was. It seemed to be some kind of eating place, shown by the tables and chairs strewn across the black and white checker floor. You were pacing back and forth trying to slow your breathing, trying to calm yourself down, but it wasn't working. You stopped in front of a window, it looked out onto an empty back road, not a very pretty sight but it would be useful if there was ever a fire.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when someone came over to you, tapping you on the shoulder. You whipped your head around out of fear, not knowing who it was at first, but you soon noticed it was just a concerned Ethan, "can we talk?" You nodded. He motioned for you to sit down, pulling out a chair for you, but you just shook your head and resumes pacing. "You ok?" Ethan asked, but you didn't answer, or make eye contact for that matter. You were still freaking panicking and pacing which worried him a lot, "hey- hey, just breath ok" "don't tell me to just fucking breath!" You yelled, immediately feeling bead and regretting it when you saw the look on his face. "Y/N" he said calmly, "arms on your head" he rested his forearms on top of his own head as he spoke. You looked at him, slowly starting to raise your arms, "and breath. In, and out. In, and out" he cooed. It was working, and you finally calmed down and sat down in the chair Ethan had pulled out. Ethan sat down too, "you ok?" You didn't answer, "you just... seem upset" you still didn't answer, "did... did I do something, or-or say something, 'cause if I did I'm really really sorry an-" his tone started to waver and his talking pace started to pick up, so you cut him off, "Ethan" you held his hands in yours, "you didn't do anything" he let out a relieved sigh, all the tense muscles in his body relaxing, "if anything you helped me, a lot" you were avoiding the main question, "But is everything ok, you're just... I don't know... acting a bit different I guess" he paused when you looked up at him, "b-but not like in a bad way or anything, I-I just-" he added quickly but cut himself of so he wouldn't seem like such a dork, and not wanting to offended you. You giggled a bit at this, then you went back to being serious, "this is just a lot. I guess I'm just really overwhelmed is all" you tried to laugh it off, "thanks for being so concerned thought, it means a lot- but I'm fine" he gave you an unconvinced look, "I'm fine, really" you said standing up out of your seat. You were still holding his hands so you pulled him up out of it, but he still wasn't convinced that you really were fine. "I know something that'll cheer you up" you cocked your head when he said this, curious as to what he had in mind, "let's explore the rest of the building?" He said as if it were a question, but he knew you'd say yes. Your eyes lit up, "yes! Hell yes!!" You said excitedly and started to drag him off to wherever your feet would take you.

~~about 10 minutes later~~

You guys had explored a fair amount of the building when you made it to a concession stand area. There you met up with Gale and Sam just after detective Bailey had arrived as well. "Ah, good timing" he said, giving a quick glance to you and Ethan's interlaced hands, then looking up at Ethan before continuing, "where are the other?" He asked turning to look at Sam and Gale, "Tara and Kirby are upstairs, but I haven't seen Chad or Mindy for a bit" Sam responded, "that's good enough, we can fill the other two in after" and with that he headed upstairs, the rest of you followed behind him.

"Sorry to interrupt. I think I might have an idea about how to turn the tables on this creep" detective Bailey said while walking toward where Tara and Kirby were sitting. "Yea, we're in" Gale said eagerly, "sorry Gale" Kirby smiled sarcastically, "no press allowed, police business, I'm good at my job too" Gale glared at her.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: shorter chapter kinda, but this was a good place to end since the next scene take place in that park and Kirby's van.

Also I'm going on a trip to Salem so I may not be able to post new chapter for a few days- I'll try to post ofc but I can't guarantee I'll be able to :P

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