Part 17 |he's in the house|

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"I've been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall" Sam said looking up at Chad and Mindy. You were all quiet for a second but then, "Boom!" Mindy yelled slamming her hand in the table, "I knew it!" Tara yelled leaning back in her chair.

Other POV:

    "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it" Tara repeated, "holy shit we were right!" You said to Tara giving her a hard high five. "Called it" Mindy said loudly, Sam was just looking at all of you, surprised by your reactions, she was almost in awe. Then Sam started to laugh at all your incoherent yelling about how you all knew it already, and you all joined in on the laughter.

    Unfortunately this little happy moment wouldn't last long. Quinn was in her room, lying down in her bed while talking on the phone, "yea I know she's my roommate but you're like the police" Quinn sighed into the phone. Little did she know Ghostface was standing right behind her, and 'cute boy' from across the hall was trying to warn her. He was banging on his window, trying to get her attention, but it was no luck. He did, however, catch Ghostfaces attention, thought Ghostface couldn't hear what David was yelling, so he just cocked his head a little.

    You were all still in the kitchen, so instead of getting Quinn's attention, he tried to get Sams instead. But you guys couldn't hear him either.

    "I feel like, we should high five or something" Tara said, "the core 5 high five" Chad said sticking his hand up in preparation, "more like the core high 5" you said, doing the same thing as Chad. "Don't call it that, but we'll do it, go ahead" Tara said sticking her hand up as well, interlacing her fingers with Chads. Then you, Mindy, and Sam all piled you hands on top of theirs. All while Danny tried to get your attention.

    Quinn was still on the phone, when a male voice came from her shower, "babe! You gonna join me?" The voice called out, Ghostface heard this of course, so he backed away slowly. "No" Quinn replied, "and don't use my hood face wash, it's ph balance for women. And with that, Ghostface successfully left the room without being seen.

    While you were all still at the table having a grand ol' time, Sams phone rang. It was David. She held up her phone and you all saw that it was David, but her contact name for him was 'Danny'. We all tried reaching for her phone, but Tara was the one who was actually able to snatch it. She put the phone up to her ear, "Tara" Sam said in a semi-serious tone, "uh hey," Tara started, "so, what are your intentions-" the whole time Sam was fighting to get her phone back. You all began laughing again, even more than last time. Tara handed the phone back to Sam, "no, it's fine, I'll-I'll call him back" Sam said declining the call, "poor guy" Mindy chuckled, "ok" Chad said.

    Then you heard a sound coming from the other room, "what's that sound?" You asked, giggling a little thinking you knew exactly what it was. You all stopped laughing, "oh my god, Quinn and her gentleman caller are back at it again" Tara said, Chad laughed awkwardly, "gettin' in to it, okay" Mindy said in a high pitch tone.

    You all began to laugh again, this time a little quieter, when your phones all went off. Confused, you all checked your phones. It was a picture taken from Danny's apartment of Quinn being attacked by Ghostface. All your smiles dropped and you immediately got up from your seat, running toward Quinn's room. All you could hear was Quinn's horrific screams, but then they stopped. You all stood together at the entrance of the living room area, staying far away from Quinn's door. After a long pause of silence and heavy breathing, Mindy said "Run" right before Quinn's door burst open as Ghostface threw Quinn out of the room, shoving her right in to Anima who fell over from the forceful impact. Ghostface slowly approached you and the group as Anika screamed seeing Quinn's lifeless body lying next to her.

    Chad took Tara by the hand and pulled her out the front door of the apartment, "guys come on" Tara yelled, but it was too late. "Oh fuck" Mindy cursed looking up at the looming presence of Ghostface.

Word count: 700+

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