Part 14 |abandon art hall|

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As you walked off Ethan stood up to go after you. He was about to call out your name but someone stopped him, "don't" Sam said causing Ethan to shut his mouth, "just let her be for now, she just needs space sometimes"

Other POV:

    You walked all the way to the furthest building on campus, your favourite building. You entered through a set of double doors, this was the only way to get into the building since all the other doors were shut and locked. You walked down the abandon disheveled halls of the old art hall. A few year back a fire broke out in the theatre room, the fire severely damaged the building, causing it to be deemed 'unfit' for teaching and 'structurally unsound' which is why it was closed immediately after the fire. They didn't tear the building down because of a vote done by the families of the people who lost their lives. The vote ended up being 23% to 77%, the latter voting for the building to be kept up in 'respect for those who lost their lives.'

    You walked up and down the halls, in and out of rooms, but you never went up the stairs. The stairs were almost completely destroyed, they were the one part of the building that they were allowed to destroy since they'd be dangerous to anyone who happened to get in the building, and they 'don't want to lose anymore live to that sad building'.

    After roaming around for a few minutes, you found a room to settle down in for a bit while you calm yourself down. It looked to be a fashion design or architecture type class room considering the shape of the tables. Basically they looked like science lab benches, but more artsy. It was also one of the least destroyed rooms since it was one of the furthest away from the theatre room.

    You sat on one of the desks, swung your legs up on to it, and layer down. It wasn't really comfortable, but it was comforting. You started to hum to yourself, trying to get your mind off of things, it was so peaceful. The whole building was slightly over grown with plants, and every once and a while you'd see a squirrel or rabbit hop by. It was lovely.

~~ after about half an hour a peace and quiet~~

    You were still laying on the desk, still humming to yourself while you tapped your hands on your chest to the beat of what you were humming. When all the sudden, you hear a snap. You stopped humming, your eyes shot open, but you didn't move from where you were. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, you hoped it was just a large rabbit or something like that. Crack! You gasped at the sound of the loud footstep 'Definitely not a rabbit' you thought as you sat up quickly to see who was there. Your heart sunk in your chest, it was Ghostface. He must have followed you from the plaza. You shot up off the desk, your knees were weak, your whole body was shaking, your breath was shaky too, but you were ready to book it the second he made a move.

(I guess TW: violence and blood)

    Out of nowhere, Ghostface full sprinted toward you, you weren't expecting it so your reaction time was a bit off. You bolted around a few of the desks and headed for the door, not looking behind you in fear of how close he was. You were just about to get to the door when Ghostface gripped the hair on the back of your head and threw you to the ground away from the door. You landed flat on your back, hitting your head on the floor as well. You groaned in pain, gripping your head with one hand, pushing yourself up with the others. You were also struggling to breath, that fall winded you pretty badly. "Please don't do this" you begged as Ghostface just stood over you as you pushed yourself away from him, and away from the door in the process. "Please don't" you started to cry. He cocked his head to the side as you stood up. Your nose was bleeding because of the impact, you wiped it with your hand looking at it before you wiped it hesitantly on your clothes. You were standing in the dead centre of the room now, very slowly backing away as Ghostface was approaching you. Again he ran right at you, this time your reaction time failed you even more, you didn't get out of the way in time. He grabbed your jaw tightly in his gloved hand, pushing you backwards and slamming you into the wall. He pressed his knife against your stomach, slowly putting more pressure on it, "fuck you" you managed to spit out as he gripped your face harder now. The knife slowly started to slip into your flesh and muscle as you screamed out in pain. Both your hands where taken up trying to pry his hand from your face and push the knife away from your stomach. You had to give up one to get free, so you let go of the hand holding you face and punched him in the gut, then in the throat. He pulled the knife away, then through you at the ground harder this time as he backed away. This time you didn't get up onto your feet, you were to out of it to do so. Instead you got on all fours and started to crawl away, you were heading to one of the broken windows, hoping you could get out that way. "BITCH!" Ghostface yelled, you were too slow, and not strong enough. He kicked you in the ribs making you fall on your side. You curled up, hold your small stab wound, and now the place he kicked.

    He flipped you onto your back and straddled you, bringing the knife up over his head, he was ready to swing. And he did. So you brought both your arms up, covering your face and neck from the blade. Ghostface swag the knife back and fourth continuously, shredding up the back side of your forearms. It hurt like a mother fucker, but you couldn't mount or say anything, so all you did was cry and scream. Then with one hand he grabbed both your wrists, pulling the, away from your face, with the other hand he lifted the knife above your head, preparing to plunge it into you for the kill shot.  Just when you thought you were as good as dead, someone ran into the room. "GET THE FUCK OFF HER!" The person yelled. The person fully ran at Ghostface, tackling him to the ground. Everything you saw was blurry, you had lost a lot of blood. Everything was fuzzy, the blood on your arms just looked like a shiny shirt now.

    The mysterious person ran over to you, supporting your head on his lap. "Y/N?! Y/N!!" The voice yelled, "SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT!" The person pulled out his phone, he dialled 911, the phone rang and was picked up quite quickly. Most of what was said, you were unable to here, but the things you could make out were; "hello, yes I need an ambulance" "there's a lot of blood" "the abandon art building at-" and "my name is Ethan Landry" and that was really it.

Word count: 1200+

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