Part 27 |the beginning of the end|

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Since Mindy had moved, you and Ethan could no longer see her, and there was no point in trying to get closer since the sea of people in front of you was like an unmovable concrete wall.

Other pov:

Mindy was now standing at the back of the train car, you and Ethan were around the middle of it. Mindy leaned against the back emergency exit door and looked through the crowd back at the Ghostface that was sitting in the seat. The lights flickered a bunch, and when they fully came back on the Ghostface was looking straight at her. Mindy swallowed hard, and the lights started to flicker again. This time when they came back on he was standing, still looking right at her. Mindy started to breath heavily, and as the lights flickered again, he slowly moved closer. This time when the lights flickered they didn't come back on immediately. They lights in the train were off, Mindy squinted her eyes trying to see where the creepy person in the Ghostface costume was now. But when the lights came back on, he was no where to be seen. That was until the lights flickered again and he was now right in front of her.

(Gore/violence warning but at this point I assume you're prepared for this stuff)

Mindy was about to scream but he had covered her mouth with one hand and stabbed her in the stomach with the other. The whole time Ghostface was just staring her dead in the eyes. He pulled the knife out and stabbed her again as the lights continued to flicker.

You were getting increasingly more stressed not being able to see where your friend was and if she was ok, but Ethan seemed unfazed.

Mindy slowly slid her back down the door, Ghostfaces hand still over her mouth, until she was sitting on the floor. Somehow the people around her hadn't noticed what was going on. The train was now at its next stop, so Ghostface took this chance to get off the train without being caught. Now that the train had cleared out a little bit, you and Ethan could now see Mindy again, but this is not how you had hoped to see her. "Shit" you and Ethan both said as you hastily made your way over to her, "Mindy!" You yelled, "fuck!" Ethan cursed as Mindy groaned in pain. "Mindy! Fuck, fuck, that's a lot of blood" Ethan said panicked as he put pressure on her stab wound. You were just standing behind him in shock, you didn't know what to do. Then you adrenaline kicked in, "Help!" You yelled, "help! Somebody help us! Please!" "Fuck, we're gonna get you outta here ok!?" Ethan said to Mindy. She put her hand on his shoulder, he looked his arm behind her back, and he helped her up off the floor. "Y/N you stay on the train!" He said moving toward the exit with Mindy, "what?! No way I have to help you an- and-" "Y/N, you wanted to help your friends right?" Ethan cut you off, you just nodded, "then stay on the train and go help them, they need you! I'll get Mindy out of here and to the hospital alright" he said, "o- ok, yea, yea" you stuttered, "be safe he said" as he finally hauled Mindy off the train. "Ethan wait" he turned to look at you, "I love you!" You yelled to him as the doors closed. You didn't hear it but you saw him say "I love you too" and with that the train left the station. 'Shit... shit shit shit' you thought.

5 minutes later you had arrived at the station just outside the old theatre. You ran up the stairs and into the building as fast as you could. As you ran the the shrine room you heard Sam talking on the phone. You entered the room and closed the door behind you, "no, no! Y/N wai- shit!" Sam yelled. This sudden yelling startled you, "what? What?!" "No!" Sam yelled running past you and to the door, she tried to open it but it was no use, it was locked tight. "What the fuck" your eyes widened at the locked door. Then the lights were cut out. You and Sam both stared ti breath heavily, "Sam?" You questioned shakily, "quiet!" She shushed you, "why... do you have a bloody knife?" You continued anyway but she just shushed you again. Just then, a projector turned on, it was projecting the original Stab movie on the torn white sheets hanging in front of the stage. Sam started slowly walking towards it, and you followed suit, not wanting to be left behind. "Shit" Sam whispered, "what the hell is going on?" You asked then looked at her. She just shrugged. She was just as confused as you were.

After a long pause Sam started to explain to you what Bailey had just told her over the phone. Apparently Kirby was no longer part of the FBI because after the most recent Woodsboro killings she had been on some kind of downward mental spiral which caused her to snap, or something like that. "Wait, where's Mindy and Ethan?" Sam asked concerned, "yea... about that" you started.

While you were explaining to Sam what had happened on the subway, Chad and Tara where in a different room, talking, flirting, and kissing. But they didn't have it any better there than you did in the theatre area, if anything they had it worse. Since they were now being attacked by Ghostface. You and Sam heard the screaming so you went over to check on them. You saw Ghostface on the ground as Tara and Chad ran over to you. As the four of you ran into the shrine room, Sam told the others what she had told you, "it's Kirby! She's the killer!" "Oh shit!" Chad cursed as he made his way to the gate door, "that's locked!" Sam yelled stopping him in his tracks, "come on!" Sam continued. "We're trapped?" Chad whined as he came back over to you guys. "She made this whole theatre a kill box" Sam paused, "for us" you added filling the small silence. "Hey what about that?" Tara pointed up to the balcony, "there's an exit door! Maybe it leads to the roof or something?" "Well there's only one way to find out, let's go" Chad replied hastily, "Baileys on his way bu-" Sam started but was cut off by Ghostface jumping down off the stage right in front of you guys. He swung his knife, slicing Tara's arm, and cutting off the head of a manikin, "beheadings!" Chad exclaimed. Ghostface swung at Chad again, but Chad was able to tackle him to the ground. "Tara! Come on!" Sam yelled as you and her ran over to make sure Tara was on, and hopefully to get the hell out of there. Chad picked up a camera from one of the display cases and walked over to Ghostface who was trying to get up, "smile for the camera" Chad remarked as he slammed the camera into Ghostfaces face. You, Tara, and Sam ran up on to the stage, Chad followed not long after, still holding the camera. "This way, come on!" Tara breathed as you all ran toward the open door to your right, with Ghostface quickly approaching. You all were running down a long narrow hallway, Ghostface was catching up, so Chad made the quick decision to throw the bulky camera right at him, causing him to slow down a bit.

At the end on the long hallway, you ended up back in the room where Tara and Chad had been attacked only a few minutes ago. Chad knocked the popcorn machine down trying to slow Ghostface down even more, but it was no use. Ghostface instantly went for Chad, makes sense since he was probably the strongest out of the four of you. He swung, but Chad dodged it, he swings again and Chad dodged again. Though now Chad was backed against a wall, so Ghostface tried to stab rather than slash, but Chad had caught his arms before he could plunge the knife into Chads chest. You went behind the concession stand to look for some kind of weapon while Sam and Tara tried to pull Ghostface off and away from Chad. Ghostface just slammed the two girls backs into the concession stand making you flinch, but fortunately Chad was ready, and he took a big swing right at Ghostfaces face, this time with his fist instead of a large camera. He fell to the ground and Tara decided not to take any chances, so she kicked him square in the face.

Word count: 1400+

A/N: double posting today since I have actually technically finished the story... all the chapters are written, now I just have to post them. So the next couple days might be double posts... we'll see.

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