Part 12 |I really really like you|

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The whole taxi ride was silent, you didn't feel like talking. Ethan could see that, so he didn't bother you. But the entire time two of you were still holding hands. You were looking out the driver side window, and he was looking at you.

Your POV:

We arrived at my apartment complex, "well, this is my stop" I said looking at Ethan, "yup, guess so" we both laughed awkwardly. I turned to open the cab door. I pulled the door handle opening the door a crack before stopping, "but if you'd like to come up, and... I don't know... hang out" I looked at Ethan, an adorable smile growing on his face, "I'd love to" he said eagerly, "o-only of if you want me to though" he added. I giggled shaking my head as I stepped out of the cab, "i-is that a yes" he asked, I closed the door, "wait- wait Y/N is that a yes?" He asked as he started to get out of the cab as well. I was already at his door as he was getting up, so I grabbed both of his hands, pulling him out of the cab. I thanked the taxi driver and closed the door, then I turned walking toward my building. I turned to see if Ethan was following me, but he was just standing where I had left him, "you coming?" I laughed, "yea... yea, right, I'm coming" he said speed walking over. Once he got to me I linked our hands again, looking him in the eyes and smiling. Blush creeping back on my face.

Other POV:

You had basically forgotten about your interaction with Gale, since Ethan was such a good distraction. When you were with him it was hard to think about anything else except him.

The two of you walked up the stairs and went into your room in the building on the top floor. Once in there you made sure to lock the door behind you and went to the kitchen to grab a (fav drink) from the fridge. "Want anything?" You asked Ethan, "uh yea sure" he smiled. "We've got a bunch of stuff, both alcoholic, an non alcoholic" you added, "so?" "Oh, yea... right, I'll have a" he paused, "a (same drink as you)" you smiled grabbing a second one from the fridge. "Nice choice" you laughed handing him the drink.

You started toward your bedroom. Ethan hesitated but he followed you, he wasn't sure if he was supposed to come with you or not. You walked in to your room and plopped down on your (fav colour) bean bag. Ethan stud in the door way, "don't be shy" you giggled, "you can come in" he took a single step in, "and close the door while your at it" you added. "You sure?" He asked nervously, you were confused on why he was so hesitant. "yea?" You stud up and walked over to him, "what? You think I'm gonna" you paused, "kill ya'!" You said loudly while slamming the door. "Geez!!" Ethan's eyes went wide, you scared him a bit, even though he knew you weren't the killer. But his mood lightened again as he heard your adorable little laugh as you sat down on your bed this time.

"Come sit" you said, a soft smile on your face as you patted the space beside you. Ethan walked over and sat down next to you, his legs hung off the bed, whereas your legs were crossed. Putting your hands in your lap, you began to ask something, "Ethan?" But you were cut off, "Y/N", "sorry" you both said and giggled in unison. "Go ahead" you said. There was a long pause, then he began, "listen, Y/N, I know we haven't known each other for very long, and this is probably a really bad time to talk about this... but... I really really like you Y/N" his face and ears were beet red. The whole time he was speaking he was looking away from you, afraid of your reaction, but you didn't respond fast and he got worried, so he looked up at you. You were just smiling, grinning even. You started to giggle like a school girl, "I really really like you too Ethan" you blushed hard and turned away from him, still giggling.

There was a long silence as both of you were thinking, Ethan broke that silence, "we don't have to start anything right now, or be official, or anything like that, I just needed to tell you how I felt... because you never know what could happen to us, right?" He said, asking a rhetorical question. You began to nod, "yea- yea I like that" you said, "like... what?" He asked, "not really starting anything or being official" you replied, "I'm just not ready for... that... right now. Especially because of all this stuff from my past coming back to haunt me and my friends... it just isn't a good time for me" you paused now looking Ethan in the eyes, "I hope you understand that?" Your eyes started to tear up now. "Of course! I completely understand that!" He exclaimed, "I hope you understand that... I will be waiting... as long as it takes" this made you smile, "as long as it takes" you repeated.

(Not a smut warning but like kinda I guess... nothing crazy just a lil make out sesh)

You looked into each others eyes as you both slowly started to lean in. Your lips connected in a small but passionate kiss, then you pulled away. You looked away smiling and giggling, so did he. Then you both looked back into each others eyes, the hunger in Ethan's eyes was so visible, you could tell he had been waiting for this for some time now.

This time you both leaned in faster, crashing your lips into each others. The hunger in both of you bursting out with this passionate lusting kiss. You both fell over on your bed, not letting go of each other, continuing the kiss as you fell. You were now on top of him, but he wouldn't have that so he flipped you over. Ethan was now on top of you, you fought to get on top again, but the struggle was useless, he was so much stronger than you. But if you were being honest with yourself, you loved it, and you craved more of this feeling, but he pulled away causing you to whimper ever so slightly. You were grasping his shirt in your hands, slightly pulling him towards yourself as he was hovering over you looking deep into your eyes. Then he looked up and down your body, taking in each and every part of it. He let out a low hum before saying "you're beautiful" you blushed as he lowered himself back to you, but he didn't kiss you even though his lips were aching for more contact. He was just hovering his lips over yours, so close they were almost touching, "I will never let anything happen to you" he whispered, and before you could say anything he pressed his lips back in to yours.

After your little make out session, you looked at your clock. "Shit!" You yelled, "what?!" Ethan asked startled, "school" you sighed. Time to go talk to the group.

Word count: 1200+

A/N: I've never written anything like that before so I hope it was ok lol :))

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