Part 29 |the family|

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holding out both Stu and Billy's mask to you and Sam respectively. You shakily reached out, grabbing your fathers mask, you just held it in your hands and looked at it.

Other POV:

But Sam didn't take Billy's, she just looked at Bailey with anger. "I'm gonna need you guys to put them on" Bailey said, he wasn't asking, he was telling you to. You looked up at him, shaking your head, "no" you said quietly, still holding your fathers mask. "Fuck you!" Sam said as she slapped the mask out of Baileys hands. Ethan swung over the counter at Sam, slicing her arm with his knife, and he smiled. "You stay the fuck away from her!" Tara screamed at him, Bailey laughed, "oh come on!"

"So what? What is this?" Sam turned to look at Bailey again, "you did this as a family" Sam turned to Quinn and Ethan who were now fully behind you three. "Hell yea bitch! You should know better than anyone" Quinn said through gritted teeth. "What the hell?" You question, "they're still not getting it" Ethan laughed, pointing at the three of you with his knife, "duck you Ethan" your tears started to fall again, "look, I don't know what you believe, but I didn't commit those murders in Woodsboro, neither did Y/N!" Sam stated, "It wasn't us!" You added looking at Bailey now because you couldn't stand to look at Ethan. "Oh we know that, of course you didn't, what do you think- this is based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?" Bailey asked rhetorically, "come on? Who do you think started the rumours about you in the first place?" He asked, gesturing to Quinn who had her hand raised up, giving Sam a small wave. Bailey laughed again, "do you know how easy it was to turn Sam from the hero of Woodsboro into the villain?" Quinn started, "how easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people, rather than the best" Quinn said pointing her knife at Sam. Ethan chimed in, "Because it's not enough to just kill someone these days. You have to assassinate their character first. So when dad here discovers your horribly mutilated body" Quinn stabbed at Tara, "posed with Sam, wearing her fathers mask. He'll say some poor dumb bastard read on the internet that you're the real Ghostface and took matter into their own diluted hands" Ethan said pointing his knife at Sam.

You had had enough of this, so many thoughts were going through your head, and you couldn't hold them in anymore, "Oh yea? And what about me huh? Was you 'liking' me some dumb ploy too... was that part of your fucking plan" You finally spoke up, filled with angry and sadness. "Well... to be honest, the original plan was to have Ethan get close to you so that you and Sam would be framed for the murders" Bailey spoke so you turned to look at him, "but Ethan asked us not to kill you, he grew a genuine... attachment, to you. So we promised not to kill you, as long as you stay out of our way" Bailey explained, "as if!" You spat letting the venom seep into your voice. "Y/N, please, y-" Ethan started but you cut him off, "No Ethan, just no, I'm not gonna watch you kill more of my friends just to save my own ass! You don't fucking love me, you d-" "I do love you Y/N! I very much do, which is why I'm trying to save you!" He paused, "You still love me... don't you?" He asked, his voice filling with pain as he asked that last part. There was a long silence, "fuck. You." you seethed. You were breathing heavily now, you were so angry. Angry at Ethan, and angry at yourself.

    "But don't think we won't kill you if we have to" Quinn said as an evil smile spread across her face, "trust me... I would love to cut you open" you grimaced,

(Skip to chapter 29.2 for alternate ending)

"we would just stage you up next to Sam, and put your fathers mask on you- it would make the scene even more perfect... and even more believable" she hissed, looking over at Ethan as she did so.

    "Exactly! And even if you do somehow survive, it's the perfect alibi!" Bailey chimed in excitedly, "and all the best lies... are based on the truth. You're a killer, just like your father" he said pointing at Sam, "No I'm not!" Sam was enraged at this, she hated being told she was like her father. "Yes you are you mother fucker! You killed our brother!" Quinn screamed, tears of anger filled her water line. You just looked between Sam and Quinn dumbfounded. Sam was looking at Quinn with wide eyes, "what are you talking about?" Sam breathed, "you said your brother died in a car accident" you spoke, "no, no, no, no, you sweet dumb thing, he died in Woodsboro" he said to you, then turned to Tara, "at the hands of your bitch sister" he gestured to Sam. "Sam?" You questioned, looking at her. Sam looked as confused as you and Tara did, until she finally realized, "your Richies family" she said after turning to face Bailey "Richie Kirsch?" You said shocked, looking at Sam. Bailey nodded, "yea" he said swallowing back his own tears as a single tear fell down your face. "Ding ding ding ding ding!" Ethan yelled as he stabbed Sam in her right shoulder, "I think they're finally starting to get it!" Ethan exclaimed as you, Sam, and Tara tried to run away. "Now!" Bailey yelled telling Quinn and Ethan to stop the three of you, "it wasn't until I saw that photo of what you'd actually done to him, that I knew... that I knew you had to fucking die and be punished! Along with anyone else who stands in our way!" Bailey yelled, saying that last part directly to you. The three of you were once again cornered.

Quinn out the knife up to Sams throat, Sam had a seemingly murderous expression on her face, "there she is. There's the fucking killer" Quinn said while forcing Sam to back up closer to you and Tara. "Real great parenting job by the way" Tara said with blatant sarcasm, "shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn screamed as she shoved Sam and Tara back into the centre aisle, leaving you at Ethan's knife point. "Have I been a perfect dad? No" Bailey said as Ethan grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to them.

You hisses out in pain at the pressure he was putting on your wrist, and without a word he loosened his grip, not enough for you to run, but enough so that it didn't hurt. Now this shouldn't have made you feel any kind of way, you should hate him for everything he's done, but this little gesture made your heart flutter a bit because it showed you that he did actually care about you. You didn't hate him, but you did hate yourself. You hated yourself for still caring about this murdering psycho... for still loving him. You didn't know what to do anymore...

Word count: 1200+

A/N: double chapter post! Yippeee!

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