Part 21 |the shrine|

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"I went through their financial records dozens of times and this was not in any of them. This doesn't make sense" Kirby stated, "don't worry, I'm just really good at my job, you'll get there" Gale fired at Kirby who just rolled her eyes and groaned.

Other POV:

    Once in the building, Gale opened up a metal gate door, "what is this place?" Sam asked as you all walked in behind Gale, "what's with all the security?" Sam asked another question as Gale found the light switch, lighting up the whole place. "It's a movie theatre" Tara answered Sams first question, "it's not just a theatre" Gale intervened, "it's a shrine"

You all began to walk deeper into the large room as torn curtains started to rise up, revealing the old stage behind it. All of you were just looking around in shock, Mindy pushed past Sam to look at all the things in the room. Then you all diluted into the room, looking at all the different artifacts... artifacts from all the previous Ghostface attacks. There were drawings of victims and survivors, clothes of said victims strewn up on manikins, bloody knives in glass cases. "They got the whole damn franchise" Mindy said. You knew you shouldn't think this was cool, but you did. You were a movie fanatic, horror and crime being some of your favourite genres, so this to you was just incredible! "Wow" you breathed, looking around in awe, "honestly this is quite impressive" Ethan nudged you, trying to get you to realize what you just said, Tara just looked at you. "What?" You asked, confused as to why it seemed like you said something wrong. Tara rolled her eyes then walked over to look at a different case. "Do you really think it's cool?" Ethan asked seriously, "well yea- I mean, these guys had some crazy dedication! Plus it's cool to see all this stuff in one room" you whispered to him so no one else would hear your crazy thoughts about all of this. Then out of the corner of your eye, you saw a display area with a bunch of Stu Machers stuff. "Dad" you said sadly, "what was that?" Ethan asked not hearing what you said. "Uh... nothing" you said nervously as you walked over to Stus area. Ethan followed you.

Once you got to it, you just looked at everything, taking it all in. You were looking at his stuff, your fathers stuff. You started to fidget with your hands, you didn't know what to do, so you just kept looking. "You ok?" Ethan pulled you from your trance, "hm- yea- I'm uh, fine... I'm fine" you looked at him and tried to smile, but your eyes got pulled back to the paper in the display case. There was a picture of you there next to a picture of your father, none of your mother though since no one, not even you, knew who she was. "Y/N. Whys there a picture of you in there?" Ethan asked, you hesitated to answer. "That's my dad" you said, not taking your eyes of the display case. "Your dad?" He asked making sure he heard you right, you just nodded, unable to look him in the eyes in fear of his reaction.

Despite your dads horrible deeds, you still loved him. You hated the fact that you had to visit him in such a high security prison, and that you had to keep the fact that he was still alive a secret (yes I do believe he's still alive, fight me!). And even though he was in prison, he was a good father. He gave you money for things, through his parents of course, and he called you from the prison whenever he could. You didn't understand how a person like him, like your father, could kill another human being.

"You all have been through so much" Detective Bailey said, looking at all of you. "Who drew all these?" Mindy inquired. They were all still moving around looking at everything they could, but you still hadn't moved. Your eyes welled up with tears, but you only let a single one fall. "Hey," Ethan said softly, "it's ok" he grabbed your hand, turning you to face him. You pried your eyes away from the case, finally looking at him. You felt relief as you saw there was no judgment or hatred in his eyes. This made your tears build up more, you could barley hold them back anymore, "it's ok. Y-you can cry... if you need to" he said looking into your eyes. With that, you let it all out. He pulled you into his chest, giving you a nice tight hug. You just sobbed quietly into his chest.

    As you started to calm down, Tara spoke up, "hey how'd they get all this stuff?" It was a fair question, "I mean isn't this evidence?" "Well, cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily" Gale said, taking a jab at Kirby but forgetting detective Bailey was also there. Then she turned to them, "present company excluded of course" Kirby just smiled sarcastically.

   "Uh why am I here exactly?" Ethan asked, "my alibi checks out" you huffed, taking a step away from him. You were a little offended by this since him being there was helping you a lot. He saw the look on your face,  "I didn't mean it like tha-" he started, "to keep an eye on you, roomie" Chad had cut him off. Then Mindy aggressively pointed at her eyes with two fingers, then flicked them towards him. This made you chuckle a little, Ethan just smiled in disbelief.

    "The killer must have found this place  before he murdered Jason and Greg, and then he took the masks off the manikins heads" Gale said, the manikins she was referring to were the 10 on the stage which held all of the previous killers Ghostface costumes on them, excluding the masks of course. "All 9, from Stu and Billy, to Amber and Richie, as well as one from the first film" Gale added. (I know it says 9 in the movie, but 10 works better for what I'm goin for) As Gale was saying that, you and Sam walked up on to the stage. Dead center of all the costumes were 2 very specific ones that were put in their own glass cases, unlike the others that were just out. They were the costumes that your father, and Sams father, had worn. The costumes of the original ghostfaces. You both walked right up to the glass of your respective parts costumes, you both looked at each other, then down at the nameplate at the base of the glass case. "Fuck no" Sam said, it sounded like she was talking to someone but you had no idea who. Then, out of nowhere, you swore you could here your fathers voice talking, you knew it was in your head, but it was still scary. You didn't want to listen to that voice, you were shaking your head and covering your ears, "no" you whispered. Sam was still just staring at the case, still responding to some unheard voice.

    You looked back up at the case, and in unison, both you and Sam lifted your right hand, placing in on the glass. "What are you doing?" Taras voice was heard behind the two of you. You both turned to look at her, gasping as you did. You had taken your hand off immediately as you heard her voice, but Sam took it off a few seconds later after realizing she hadn't yet put her hand down. Tara looked at the both of you, confused and somewhat frightened. "I don't know" Sam said while you just stood there speechless.

Word count: 1300+

A/N: Ik this is a weird place to end the chapter, but it was getting long and I don't like going too far past 1000 words per chapter

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