Part 6 |unfortunate detour|

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I sat up "oh god... what now?" I asked, "Mr.Bailey needs to talk to us" she said, I cocked my head in confusion, "down at the station" I didn't respond, all I did was huff, then stand up. "Lead the way" I said. And we were off.

Sam and I walked out of the complex and onto the side walk, followed by Tara. "Y/N, Sam, slow down" Sam turned to her sister swiftly, "Tara, no. Get inside, lock the door" Sam pushed her away. I personally didn't the the issue in Tara coming with us, if anything it would probably be safer for Tera at the station. "Are you serious? Now you don't wanna stick together?" Sam huffed at this comment, "Sam, both of us are here, it's probably best she stays with us anyway" I said. Sam looked at me, then back at Tara, "fine" was the only thing she said. Then we started walking, in silence.

    Not too far from the building we just left, Sam's phone started to ring. 'Probably just Gale again' I thought... but boy was I wrong. The caller ID said that the person calling was "Richie Kirsch", Sams ex boyfriend... the most recent ghost face. "What the fuck" Tara said, feeling uneasy, "yea... what she said" I swallowed hard. "I never deleted his contact" Sam told us, "this is coming from his number" "don't pick that up" Tara said, "again... what she said" I looked from the phone to Sams eyes. Sam breathed heavily and looked around. Picking up the call she started walking again, "who is this?" She asked angrily. "Hello, Samantha" the voice on the other end echoed, we all froze, "I want you to think long and hard about wether you really want to do this, because the last 2 people that fucked with us, ended up dead" she stated blankly. "You should be thanking me Sam. Jason and Greg were gonna kill you, your sister, and your friend" the caller, supposedly the newest ghostface, paused, "I gutted them before they had the chance"

    "So what? You're protecting us now?" Sam questioned, "not quite. I'm going to show the world who you really are. A liar, and a killer, I'm going to punish you Sam" the person spit, "you shouldn't believe everything you read on the internet asshole" Sam spat back, "don't be cute, you're gonna pay for what you did, and I'm not gonna stop until I've butchered you, and anyone that gets between us. You, Tara, and Y/N, better watch your back" the voice said, but Sam wasn't afraid to snap back, "no you better watch yours"

    I was getting paranoid so I looked behind me to see a person in a ghostface costume running toward us. Before I could warn Tara or Sam, the person looped their arm around Tara's neck and was about to stab her. But Tara acted fast, she elbows the person in the face, causing them to stumble back. And with an extra shove from myself, we were given a good opening to run away, so we did just that, we ran. As we were running I looked back, ghostface was back up and was coming after us. All 3 of us were calling out for help as we ran. Then Sam had a split second decision, "in there!" She said, ushering both me and Tera into the closest corner store.

    We burst through the door, "please! Please help us! Call 911!" Tara yelled, we were all yelling incomprehensible things at the clerk because of our panicked state. Behind us a random man said "there's a line here girls" in an annoyed voice, I had almost had enough at this point, I was so close to giving this random guy a nice punch, square in the jaw... but then ghostface came into the store. All 3 of us stopped speaking, then backed away as much as possible. "We got a problem here guy?" The random guy from earlier got between us and ghostface, I'm really glad I didn't snap at him before.

    The man and ghostface had a little stare off for a few seconds before ghostface pulled out his signature knife and rapidly stabbed the guy 4 times in the stomach and chest area. Then another guy in the store charged after ghostface, this got the man a single stab to the side of the neck. With that ghostface looked at us, and started to walk over, they weren't kidding when they said they'd kill anyone who stud between us. "Hey!" The store clerk yelled, pulling out and cocking a shotgun. Ghostface quickly looked back to see the gun point at the dead centre of  their mask, then ducked down right as the clerk pulled the trigger. He cocked the gun a second time, walking over to where ghostface had ducked down, but ghostface was nowhere to be seen. "Go out the back!" The clerk instructed us, but the back door was locked. "Fuck" I cursed, "keys! We need your keys!" Tara yelled to the man. He started to grab them but ghostface tried to sneak up behind him. Me, Tara, and Sam all started to scream watch out so the man hopefully wouldn't be another victim to this vicious killer. The man turned swiftly trying to block ghostface with his gun, but was unsuccessful. Ghostface stabbed the man in the chest and punch him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. We all backed away even more, knowing exactly what was coming. "Wait wait" the clerk begged, "no no no" BANG! "Holy fucking shit" I said under my breath. Ghostface cocked the gun again, we ducked behind a shelf. He was slowly moving toward us, we were slowly moving toward the exit. Then ghostface shot off another round of the gun. And another. He was a predator, and we were his prey.

Word count: 900+

A/N: I was trying to keep ghostface genderless in this since we don't actually know who is wearing the mask at this moment, but from now on I'm just gonna refer to ghostface as he to make my life easier lol

Also 35 minutes in- wooo!!!

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