Part 8 |on my way|

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I really didn't want to be alone right now, 'I can't be alone right now' and with that thought, I started to cry. I was finally letting out all my pent up tears, the shock of everything wearing off and reality setting in. 'Not again'

Other POV:

    The car ride to the station was a blur, both physically and mentally. Physically because of the tears, mentally because of the thoughts spiralling in your head.

    Once you arrived at the station you saw that Tara and Sam were already there, waiting for you. You gave them both a hug, you weren't the hugging type, but this seemed like it warranted a nice big hug. Then, detective Bailey took them away to talk to them about what just happened.

    "What about me?" You called out, still not wanting to be left alone. "Sorry Y/N, you'll have to wait a bit. Can't talk to the 3 of you at once" he said, "then why can you talk to the 2 of them together?" You retorted. "Y/N, they're family" he paused and looked at the officer that brought me in, "Officer Cooper will take you to the waiting room, alright?" the last part he said more as a statement than a question. You were too tired to fight so you just followed the office to an isolated room.

    You sat down with a big sigh, finally having some time to relax. You pulled out your phone, it was on 'do not disturb' that whole time, and good thing it was or else you'd all probably be dead due to the seemingly hundreds of texts you'd gotten from a certain someone that you said you would text once you got to the station.

Your POV:

    Looking at my phone I saw that I had 34 unread texts and 3 missed calls from a rightfully worried Ethan. Man this guy is persistent... but it was really sweet of him to be so worried about me. I smiled at my phone when I opened it, it made me really happy to know he cared this much. You unlocked your phone and opened up your messages. You scrolled through and read all 34 of them, they got more and more urgent the farther down you scrolled. The first messaged was "hey, just checkin' in to see if you forgot to message me... or if you're even there yet" accompanied by a smiley face. The last few messages consisted of things like "where are you guy?!" "Are you ok???" "Y/N please answer me!" the common alarmed texts to get when somethings wrong. The very last ones said "holy shit Tara just told me you guys got attacked by Ghostface!! Are you ok?" And "Y/N??? Please tell me you're ok!" His frantic texts were almost cute to you, I little weird, but more cute than anything.

    You texted him back, the tears flowing down your face slowly stopping as you typed, "Hey Ethan, I'm ok I guess, just in the waiting room at the station" almost immediately the text went from 'sent' to 'seen' then you saw the little '...' icon pop up, indicating that he was responding to your text. "Omg! I'm so glad you're ok!" You could feel the relief in his text. Then he sent another, "is there anything I can to??" You smiled at this, "could you come maybe down to the station? I hate being alone" once you sent it you thought it sounded too needy so you sent another one right after, "only if you want to of course" unlike you though, Ethan didn't see it as you being needy, it actually made him really happy that you wanted him to come comfort you and keep you company. "Omw!" He responded. With that you started to blush a little, you turned your phone off putting it back in your pocket.

    About 8 minutes later, Ethan had arrived at the  station. Not saying a word to the officer he went straight for the waiting room. The room was off limits to the public so one of the offices at the front desk stopped him. "Hey kid, you can't go back there" the office said in a commanding tone, "I'm here to see my friend! Her names Y/N" the officer just looked at him, "Y/N L/N!" Ethan said becoming annoyed. Just then, detective Bailey came out of his office to go talk to the Carpenter sisters. "Da-detective Bailey!" He called out, stuttering on the first word (I wonder why...). Mr.Bailey turned on his heels. Now facing the person who called for him he said in a friendly tone "can I help you?" "Yes, you can. My friends were just attacked and I want to see them" he said to Mr.Bailey. You heard this commotion, so you quickly stood up and walked over to the closed door. When you opened it you saw Ethan and Mr.Bailey talking. "well unfortunately I have to talk to them about... what happened, so you'll have to wait out here" he was about to leave but he saw Y/N standing at the door, giving him a pleading look. Ethan saw you too and gave you a soft smile, then he spoke again, "what about Y/N?" He gestured to you, "She's just in the waiting room right now, right?" "She is" Mr.Bailey responded looking back at Ethan, "can I please stay with her? Just until you need to talk to her? Please" Ethan pleaded. Both Ethan and Mr. Bailey were silent for a few seconds before Mr.Bailey sighed, then looked at the officer holding Ethan back, and nodded. The officer let Ethan go, Ethan thanked Mr.Bailey and started toward the waiting room. Right when he got to you, he engulfed you in a tight hug. As you hugged you both moved yourselves into the waiting room, he stopped hugging you to close the door. Then he turned back to you cupping your face in his hands, you were crying again, you couldn't help it. You had such a stressful day and you finally had someone with you that you felt you could be vulnerable around.

Word count: 1000+

A/N: idk if Mr.Bailey is a detective but it works for what I'm going for in that one singular line that Ethan says

Also 3 Chapter uploads... like 1 a day for 3 days, I'm impressed with myself!

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