Part 30.2 |youre not my Ethan|

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You could tell she was trying to talk judging by the blood exploding from her mouth, but only a gurgling sound could be heard considering the knife went right through her trachea.

As Quinn drew her final gurgling breaths, Ethan pulled the knife out of her throat, speeding up her oh so violent death. Knife in had, Ethan stud up from his crouching position. He stayed there, hovering over his sisters lifeless body, head hanging low, hand gripped tightly around the knife. Then his hand loosened, causing the knife to clatter to the ground.

    Ethan turned to face you, lifting his head a bit to see you better, even though you were on the ground. He started to move toward you, making direct eye contact. Out of fear you tried to back away, but you just hit the display case behind you. Your breathing was shaky as he slowly approached you, he was confused as to why you kept trying to back away, why you were pressing your body against the case. "Ethan stop" you whimpered, he stopped right in front of you, "stop what?" He inquired, crouching down in front of you now. He looked like a fox hunting it's prey, "I- I'm just trying to protect you" he stuttered. He reached his hand to stroke your hair, but you flinched at his movements, "stop" you said weakly, his hand haunted in its place, unmoving like a statue, "Y/N... please... I don't want to hurt you... I- I'm not going to hurt you" he pleaded, "Ethan this isn't you... you're... different" you said. His face filtered through all kinds expressions, "no- no I- I haven't changed, I'm me" he tried, "your not my Ethan... I don't know who you are, but your not him" you started to cry. He stud up, so fast you could feel the wind rush past your face, his breathing quickened, he was pacing. Then he abruptly stopped. "Your scared of me" he said, his tone was flat, so horrifyingly emotionless. You didn't answer, but then he snapped his head to look at you, and you felt obliged to answer now, "no... no I'm not" you profusely shook your head as you stuttered, "no? Then why do you look so scared of me?" He sounded sad, and almost angry, as he asked that. He moved to be crouching in front of you again, this time he didn't hesitate, he quickly moved both hand to the sides of your face. You tried to pull away, but the placement of his hands wouldn't let you.

    He started into your eyes for some time, you were having trouble focusing on his, screams and gunshots in the background causing you to flinch. His eyes were so calm, so loving, but all your eyes showed was pain and fear. "I love you" he said as the reality around felt like it was crashing down. You hated to admit it, but you loved him too. He had killed people, killed your friends, he was part of the reason this was happening, but he also killed to protect you... but you tried to stay level headed, "why are you doing this... you- you killed my friends" you searched his glossy eyes for pity, but there was none, "I never wanted to hurt anyone- I never wanted to... kill people" he cried, "I had to... my dad, he- he was the reason I-I had to do this... I had to show him I could accomplish something, I had to impress him, I had to prove to him that I was good enough, that I was worth his time and his love... just like Richie" he sobbed, collapsing on to his knees. His hands fell from your face as he let out staggered breaths, "but then you came along. You changed everything... all I could think about was you, you, you! But I knew if I didn't do anything, if I stopped, my dad would use you against me" he paused, "I just wanted him to think I was good enough, for once in my life, I wanted him to care" "you are good enough" you spoke quietly, looking in his eyes. You had no idea what you were saying, you were just speaking the words that came to your mouth without thinking about them first, "and I care about you" you added, taking one of his hands and placing it on your cheek, letting your hand rest on top of his, leaning into his touch.

Word count: 800+

A/N: sorry that this chapter is shorter than the others. I've been having a really shitty week, (we love mental health issues 🫶) so I've been mentally unable to write, meaning no posts. So I thought I'd at least post this bit that I had already written before this lil thing that's going on.

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