George Russell (Mercedes AMG) - Academic Rivals

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Prompt: 13) "Sometimes I think you do these things just to annoy me."
15) "You're a wonderful person. Don't ever forget that."
Academic Rivals with George Russell
Warnings: bout to be converted to a George girly

"Russell. George! Hey George Russell wake up!"

George snapped awake, looking around confused as his fellow classmates were leaving the lecture hall. "Late night?" He looked up to see Y/n, a girl in his class that he simply despised. She sat a few rows behind him and since they began university, they have been practically rivals. It had been tit for tat on who would get the better test result, who would get the better assignment result, who would get the better anything. "Very, if you must know. Had to finish that assignment that was due this morning." He replied, stretching back in his chair. "Well at least you got it done. I sent mine in last week." Geofge scoffed. "And I am simply delighted that you had enough free time to send it in before me." He replied in a harsh tone. "I've been sending the assignments in before you for the past few weeks, George. Not falling behind, are you?" He stood up quickly and began packing his bag. "Absolutely not! I've just been caught up recently, that's all." She chuckled. "If that's what you want to call it." Y/n opened her refill pad and ripped out a few pieces of paper,before handing them to George. He looked between her and the paper confused. "What is this?" He asked.

"I took the liberty of writing your notes for you." Y/n mumbled, handing him the paper. George examined each piece carefully, seeing her perfect handwriting of her notes on the topic. "You wrote these?" He asked. Y/n nodded and turned to leave. She was just about at the door when she heard the brit call her name, making her look back at him. "Thank you." He muttered, placing them into his folder and walking out of the class behind her. "So what are the plans for this evening?" George asked. "I have a date. My friend set me up so I'm hoping it's not a philosophy student again." George chuckled at the girl. "I'm gonna head this way. My flat is closer to this side." George said. "That's fine. I suppose I'll see you after mid-term?"

"You definitely will. Can't have You having an upper hand on me." Y/n smiled. "Not after today's naptime." George joked. The pair chuckled before bidding their goodbyes and walking their separate ways to their usual study places. Hers being the study hall and his being the old library.

Y/n smiled as she spotted her friend Debs sat at their usual spot with her coffee cup and her headphones connected to her phone and undoubtedly playing Taylor Swift's folklore again. "Hey Debs." Y/n smiled as she sat down and began to set up. "Hey, Y/n. How was class today then?" She asked. "Well, Russell fell asleep. It was funny to see." Y/n replied. "Ah, so noe you have blackmail material. Wonderful." Debs joked. "Actually, I wrote the notes out for him." Y/n questioned the silence after she said that. She looked up to see Debs staring at her eith a shocked expression plastered all over her face. "What?" She asked. "You helped George? Why would you do that? You hate eachother!" Y/n rolled her eyes. "I don't know, Debs. I think it's just a case of us actually maturing now that it's our last year I university together. Just kind of-" Y/n's face dropped as her eyes scanned her files for her document titled Mid-Term assignment but nothing. "Debs....I think I deleted my assignment. Or it didn't save or- fuck!" Debs scooted over to Y/n and scrolled through the laptop while the poor girl beside her, sat with her head in her hands. "Maybe you saved it somewhere else?" She asked. "No, I always save it here. I was working on it this morning! I-"

"Y/l/n." She groaned as she heard the all to familiar voice of her class rival, George Russell trailing behind her. "What the hell do you want?" She asked, continuing to walk and not dignified the brit with a glance. "Studying again?" He grinned. "Yes, I always do." She replied. "It's a shame you have to actually try to be here. It's like you almost don't belong." She scoffed. "And it's almost as if the only reason you're here is because your dad bribed the board." George clenched his jaw before walking over to a table nearby and setting himself up. "What the fuck is he doing studying here? Thats-"

"I'm just gonna have to go to my dorm and start over. All my notes and references I used are up there." Y/n said in a panicked state, began packing everything up and didn't bother herself with why her classmate wasn't studying in his usual spot. She didn't have the time. Every second mattered in this moment. "Debs, I'm I'm sorry. I'll call you tomorrow but I can't right now." Y/n said as she stood up quickly and hurled the bag across her back, grabbing the attention of a particular classmate nearby. She and Debs briefly exchanged goodbyes, before Y/n set off running to her dorm to quickly throw together her mid-term paper.

A few hours later, Y/n had just about managed to find half of her notes and that's about it. She groaned and chucked yet another folder to the corner and onto the next. A sudden knock caught her off guard from the task at hand. She figured it was just Debs coming to say goodbye before her parents came to pick her up so she sat up off the ground and opened the door with a bright smile, only for it to change to one of pure confusion as she was faced with George.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Y/n grumbled, looking up at her rival. "Well I heard your assignment got deleted." He said. "And what? You're here to laugh?" She arched a brow. "No, I want to help. I have some websites. Might be helpful?" Her face softened at his words. He wanted to help her? "Thanks." She muttered. George pushed past her into the room, taking his scarf off. "Right, you start writing, I'll put on some hot chocolate. Do you like marshmallows? Wait a minute-" He looked in the cupboards. "Do you even have marshmallows?" She shook her head confused. "Right, I'm heading to tesco. They should be open. I'll be right back!" He quickly tied his scarf back around his neck. "Wait, what? What are you doing?" Y/n asked as he walked off. "I just explained-"

"Yeah but you said your train back home goes at twenty past eight. It's a quarter to eight and the train station is a fifteen minute drive away." He shrugged his shoulders. "It's no problem, I'll just get the first one tomorrow." He reassured her and opened up his laptop laptop the websites her had. "Right, so these are the websites I used. Very helpful, but you might already have your references sorted out. So I'll leave you alone with my assignment and these websites and I'll head out. I'll be right back." George smiled and headed towards the door.

"I don't understand." She muttered, amking George stop in the doorway. "You don't have to Y/l/n. I'm trying to help my fellow classmate." He said. "But there's no reason that you of all people should be looking to help me." George chuckled and tied the scarf around his neck. "Think of it as paying it back for today. Its no big deal, swear." George said, going to close the door behind him but stopping to give the last word, as he usually did. "It's nice how you remembered when my train went though." He winked and closed the door, leaving Y/n and her burning red cheeks. She let out a shakey sigh as she tried to steady her heart. Did! Out of the question! Its George, for God's sake!

He- he's kinda sweet.

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