Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - Worship

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Requested: yes
Prompts: 16) "I would do anything for you."
                  29) "Let me take care of you."  
                  32) "I could kiss your lips all day."
                  40) "Ah, ah, ah, no touching."
Warnings: smut, dom!charles, reader being HUMBLED, overestimulating, edging, kinky (???), oral (f receiveing), angst? But happy ending

Charles stood in the hallway outside Y/n's Hotel room, simply awaiting for her to open the door. The F2 driver had caught his eye when she joined Mercedes during pre-season testing in 2022, and she then joined Formula 2 in 2023. They kept glancing at one another in the paddock, neither brave enough to make the first move. And the  came Monaco. Whilst Charles was out after the race on Sunday, they bumped into eachother and let's just say there was an...entanglement when they headed back to Y/n's hote room. Since then, their meet ups had become more and more regular to the point where they didn't even need to use a race weekend as an excuse to meet up. They would meet up on a random day for no reason. While the whole situation was strictly sex at the moment, Charles felt himself falling for her.

The door opened and before he could say hello, she already had him by the collar, dragging him in the door and kicking it behind them. "You're eager today." Charles managed to say in between kisses. "Have you seen yourself in a suit?" She replied, trying not to break the contact between their lips. She pulled him back until she fell back onto her bed. Charles eagerly hopped on top of her, his chain dangling out from his shirt which had the first few buttons undone. "I could kiss your lips all day." He whispered, as Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back to kiss her. As their kiss deepened and the sounds of them panting grew louder, Charles and Y/n couldn't help but roll around, twisting in the bed sheets.

"Y/n, I need to talk to you." He murmured into her skin. He looked up as her head fell backwards and her fingers tangled in his hair. "Talk between my legs." She chuckled. Charles clenched his jaw before grabbing her ankles and yanking her down towards him at the edge of the bed. "What are you-" Charles' hand covered her mouth before she could say another word. "You're going to listen to me tonight. You understand?" She arched a brow, not even giving a hum to respond. Charles licked his fingers before trailing them down her toned abs and towards her core. He teased, circling her clit. Her once knotted brows softened at the sensation. "I said, do you understand?" Y/n nodded. Charles took his hand away and pecked a gentle kiss onto her cheek. "Good girl, just relax, mon cœur." He whispered, unbuttoning his shirt agonishingly slow, before throwing it to the floor. Y/n's mouth watered upon seeing him so dominant. While she was used to leading these encounters, she didn't mind this change one bit.

Y/n sat up, looking down towards him. "Charles, I-" Charles shut her up quickly with a kiss. "Shhh mon amour. Let me take care of you." She nodded slowly, lying back down, her hands resting above her head. Charles bit her panties, gently tugging them down between his teeth. Her lips parted as a quiet sigh left her lips. Charles began peppering gentle kisses on each of her thighs, growing closer and closer to her already wet core. "Charles-" She whispered. "Please."

"Oh." She sighed as Charles licked a slick line up her slit, before circling her clit with his tongue. "You like this, mon amour?" Y/n nodded, biting her lips to hide her smile. "I can't hear you. Can you speak up?" He asked, pressing a kiss onto her clit. She hummed in response. "Yes, Charles. I love it." He chuckled. "Oh, you love it?" He smirked, looking up. "You've got such a big ego, don't you?" She giggled as the scruff of his chin scraped her skin. "That's not the only thing."

"I feel like you're just teasing me now, and I don't appreciate-" Her words were stopped as Charles pressed another gentle kiss onto her clit. He looked up, his green eyes locking with hers. He hushed her, watching as she nodded and slowly but surely found her way back lying on his bed. "Good girl." He whispered, before his tongue worked wonders on her. Her moans grew louder with each thrust of his tongue,her fingers tangled in her hair as she felt herself overcome with pleasure. "Charlie, fuck." She whimpered as his nose rubbed off her sensitive bundle of nerve endings. He hummed, sending vibrations through her and that's when it happened. She felt her core tighten, she jolted, feeling herself grow closer and closer to finishing.

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