Ralph Boschung (Campos Racing) - Its Funny

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Requested: on wattpad by anonymous
Prompt: 3) "His smile gives me butterflies."
Warnings: cute innocent crushing is all

In the bustling atmosphere of the Formula 2 paddock, Y/n found herself in a bit of a predicament. Their camaraderie on and off the track was undeniable, yet she had never fully acknowledged the fluttering feeling in her chest. She doesn't know when this crush began but she knew it happened during the season. She remembers simply staring at him during a driver briefing with the FIA and having to snap out of it a couple times. From then, she put it down to just crushing on him. To make things worse, she didn't know if he liked her back. She didn't know whether he was flirting or being polite and that threw her off ever even bringing the crush up.

Y/n sat on the tarmac, awaiting for the drivers to be called to their cars. She sat  near the back of the grid for the first time in a while and she was lined up along side no other than Ralph, the guy she's had a huge crush on since she started F2. It started as him simply coming up to her and introducing himself and now she considers adjusting her time during quali to start right next to him. She was very much in love. "What's up with you?" She was startled by her teammate Jack who started just ahead of her. "Just thinking of the race. You know how it is." She replied, trying to mask what she was really thinking.

"Come on, I'm not stupid. You can tell me." Y/n sighed. "I- I think I might like Ralph." She hesitantly said. "What?" Jack asked loudly in disbelief. Y/  jumped to cover his mouth. "Shut up! He might hear you!" Jack dodged her efforts to shut him up as fans watched on laughing in the stands. Y/n turned around to see Ralph smiling over too from the other side of the track. Her heart began fluttering, her stomach filled with butterflies. He waved, she waved back. "That's so funny." Jack chuckled. "What?" She asked. "That you think he doesn't like you back." Y/n nudged him. "I didn't say that." She said. "But you thought it." Jack retorted, walking away to his own car. "Wait. How do you know?!" She called but it was too far and Jack couldn't hear her; or so she thought.

During this particularly tense race, Ralph and Y/n were fighting and whilst Y/n liked Ralph a lot, she always wanted to be better than anyone else on that grid. Y/n watched as he maneuveredhis car, trying to get around her, her heart pounding. In that moment, Ralph's determination and the way he handled the pressure made Y/n's realization crystal clear. "Fuck." She mumbled. "What? Is everything okay?" Y/n was distracted by the random voice. "Oh! Yeah, just- sorry I didn't know I had the radio on." She chuckled. "You nearly gave us a heart attack!" Her race engineer said.

After the race, Y/n approached Ralph with a congratulatory smile. "You were amazing out there." She said, genuinely impressed. Ralph grinned, his eyes reflecting the adrenaline of the race. "Thanks, Y/n. Means a lot." As the other drivers came and went, congratulating the pair on their incredible result, they stood chatting away by their cars. She looked over and spotted Jack, holding his thumbs up with a goofy grin. Should she tell Ralph now? Should she wait? Ugh this was tough. "Ralph?" She began, nervously fidgeting. He turned and looked down to her, still smiling his usual smile.."There's something I need to tell you." His eyes met hers, and a curious smile played on his lips. "Sure, what's up?" He asked. "I think I like you?" He arched a brow. "Is this a statement or a question?" He joked. Y/n felt her face go immensely red. "No, I just thought you'd like to know. I- yeah- it's a statement." He nodded along slowly, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and guiding her to the weighing station for the drivers.

"I mean, it is a statement. Anything to add to that? To clarify liking me?" Taking a deep breath, Y/n confessed it all.  "Of course, ai like you as a friend but I think the little things make me want to just be more. Like being your friend, privilege, love it, but i just want to be more because of the things you do." She paused. "Like, your smile for example? It gives me butterflies. That should not be normal! I like you Ralph, I really, really do."

For a moment, there was silence. Then, Ralph's face broke into a wide grin. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that." He admitted, pulling her hand up to meet his which hung off her shoulder. In that simple gesture, Y/n found her answer. Jack was right. This was surreal, Ralph actually liked her back! "Come on. We should discuss this more over dinner." He took her hand into his and walked with her. She looked around as all the drivers looked back in shock. "Ralph?" He turned. "Everyone's looking." He smiled. "Let them. We have a dinner to get to." Jack grinned, giving Y/n a thumbs up, Y/n returned the gesture. "Told you." He mouthed. She rolled her eyes and continued walking with Ralph, her only thought in her head being the relief she felt from finally telling him and him finally revealing he felt the exact same.

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