Lando Norris (McLaren) - Dress Up

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Day 8 of Christmas

"Please, don't make me wear this." Lando mumbled. "Oh come on! Liam is gonna love this." Y/n grinned as she adjusted the beard on her boyfriend's face. "He's gonna know it's me." Lando protested. "Hes going to me too excited to tell. All you have to do is come in, and let him sit on your lap." Y/n explained the plan. "You can sit on my lap." Lando winked as she just stared back at him in an annoyed fashion. "You're no fun." He muttered, letting her fix the minor details on his Santa suit. It was a drunk idea of his to buy a Santa suit to surprise Y/n's nephew. The plan was the drive into the driveway in his road car, then hop out with presents and stuff for the kid. The couple completely forgot about it until the suit arrived to their home a few days ago.

"He's gonna be home with mum any minute, so just go along with it!" Lando's hands dropped to Y/n's waist as she fixed his beard. "Don't try anything." Y/n warned. "I'm not doing anything." He replied, knowing damn well he was far from innocent. "Babe, get your hands off now." She chuckled. "But when I'm not doing anything, why should I?" She looked up slightly and was met with his adoring eyes. "Don't look at me with those eyes." She said. "What eyes?" He chuckled, leaning in ever so close. "Lando. They're bound to come back any second, now." He grinned. "Just one kiss." Y/n couldn't help but give in. Her arms flung around his neck and closed the gap between them, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. It was all going fine....that was until-

"Y/n!" Y/n and Lando jumped away from eachother from the sudden voice. Her mum stood in the doorway holding various bags while Liam stood excitedly by her side. "Woah! Y/n, you kissed Santa!" Liam said running towards them. "No, I- Liam I would never! I'm with Lando, remember?" Y/n tried to convince him he hadn't saw her kiss Santa, but he did and that was that. "Nana saw it too!" He said gleaming with joy. "No, she didn't!"

"I wish I didn't." Her mum mumbled. Y/n shot her a look. "Come on, let's just meet him. How's that sound?" Lando nailed the Santa look. He nailed everything, for the whole 20 minutes he was there. "I have to go now, Liam." Lando said in a deeper voice. "But, what is your biggest wish?" Liam thought for a moment before he pulled Lando down towards him and whispered into his ear. Lando looked up to Y/n, almost shocked before smiling. "I'll work my magic and I'll make sure it happens." He replied, patting him on the head. "Bye Santa!" Liam grinned, hugging the big man before he left out the front door and quickly running by the side as to not let Liam see.

As Y/n's mother settled down her grandson, Y/n snuck out the back to help Lando sneak back inside. She opened the shed door and there stood Lando taking his beard off. "Hello, Santa." Y/n smiled. "Have you been naughty or nice?" He grinned. Y/n rolled her eyes and grabbed him by the bright red suit. "Come on, before you freeze to death." After carefully sneaking him back in, Lando began changing. "So, I think you should wear some "Do you wanna help me out of it?" Lando asked in a suggestive tone. "My whole family is do better!" Y/n replied, slapping his chest playfully and walking away. "You love me really!" Lando called out. "I did cheat on you with Santa, though. Didn't I?"

As Christmas day finally came, the family all sat by Lando and Y/n's tree to open the gifts. Both sides of the family were there which was different, but a nice change. Liam and Landos niece Mila got to open their gifts first before everyone else did too. Y/n took the moment in. They should bring both families over to Monaco more often in all honesty. It's just too magical. "Did you get my present yet?" Lando whispered. Y/n smiled and shook her head. "No, I don't think so." Lando bent down u der the tree, searching frantically for his gift before pulling out a small wrapped box and handing it to her. "What's this? Earrings?" Y/n smiled as she tore the wrapping off the small parcel Lando had given her. "Just open it." He replied.

Y/n looked at the black box with gold writing on it.

Lando & Y/n
est. 2018

She smiled at Lando. It was probably a necklace with a photo of them inside it. "Well, open it." Her mum egged her on, holding her phone out. Y/n turned to see Lando's mum doing the exact same thing. She opened the box, rather confused at the fuss before she fully understood. There in the velvet inside casing was a beautiful and dainty diamond ring, with Lando and Y/n's initials and anniversary date printed on the inside of the band. She looked over to Lando, who shifted from his seat and down to one knee. Her hands covered her mouth.

"Y/n, I love you so much. And we have been on one hell of a ride together so I wanted this Christmas to be our most special and ask you to be my wife by the next, if you'll accept." Lando said, taking the box into his hand. "Of course, you muppet!" Y/n replied through tears. As Lando placed the ring on her finger, their families rejoiced and the couple kissed. Their first of many kisses an fiancées.

Later on whilst the family were getting ready for Christmas dinner, Lando helped Y/n get ready in their room when a question that had been bugging Y/n all day came up. "Lando?" She asked. Lando looked up from his watch. "Yes, my love?" She smiled at his pet name for her. "Why did you ask me today?" Lando grinned and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling jnto her neck. "Let's just say, a certain little boy had a dream of making Lando Norris his Uncle officially."

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