Kimi Raikkonen (Lotus Era) - Melting The Iceman

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 31) "I think I may be falling in love with you."
Warnings: none

Kimi stood looking out of his pit box at the dozens of people standing outside in the hot Bahrain sun. While it looked as though the iceman was lost in thought, while his engineer stood chatting with him, that was far from what was going through his mind. Although yes, his engineer was speaking to him, his focus was instead on the lovely Y/n, a reporter based in England that had caught his eye last season and was by far his favourite person to be interviewed by. Sometimes she could just tell he didn't want to do press and didn't push him for answers and instead faced the consequences by her employers.

Her lovely smile seemed to light up the whole paddock, moreso than any lights that lit up the track. He had it. He needed to tell her, but how? Without making it so awkward? He began walking over towards her. The camera shutters grew louder with each step he walked towards her. Dozens of people were about to capture the exact moment the Kimi Raikkonen was going to confess his love. He coughed gently, catching her attention. "Oh, sorry guys, can we cut the cameras for a quick second?" She asked the crew politely before turning her full attention back to Kimi.

"Ah, Kimi. Is there anything I can do for you?" Y/n smiled as Kimi walked up to her in his usual Lotus gear. "I think I may be falling in love with you." He blurts out. Her smile fades slightly upon his words, that worried Kimi gravely. He awaited her response but was instead faced with silence. Whilst he generally took silence we'll, this was not goinghow he expected it to....but to be fair, he didn't didn't know what to expect. "Way to be blunt." She muttered. Kimi didn't move. Maybe he couldn't. A small smile played on Y/n's lips. "I never imagined the 'Iceman' being so candid. But I appreciate the honesty." Kimi continued on. "I'm not good with words, but I want to get to know you better. So, if possible can we exchange numbers?"

Y/n chuckled, taking out her phone and handing it to the driver. "Sure, Kimi. Let's see where this goes." He smiles and begins typing in his digits, before handing the phone back and smiling. "I'll call you later, Kimi. Sound good?" Kimi nodded. "Perfect." He replied plainly. "Good luck with your show." He smiled softly. "And good luck with the weekend." Y/n smiled right back. Kimi pocketed his phone and returned to the garage. The Lotus crew looked at him confused. "Love struck?" Kimi turned to see his teammate Heikki looking at him, an amused. "Shut up." He mumbled. "So that is a yes?" Kimi shrugged. "Maybe." As Kimi walked away, he couldn't help but smile to himself. He was going to finally get to know Y/n better. Who knows? Maybe this could go further and better than he expected.

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