Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing) - Farewell

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Requested: no
Warnings: toxic, mentions of cheating, angst, cursing, COMPLETELY FICTIONAL

The FIA gala was usually an incredible event, where some of the best drivers in the world came together for one night and celebrated the season they just had, regardless of the category or outcome. Y/n Y/l/n was one of these drivers. Since making headlines back in 2019 for being the first female driver in the series since Giovanna Amati in 1992. After what she saw two very successful seasons in Toro Rosso, she got a call up to Red Bull to replace her old teammate, Alex Albon. Since then, she's won Grand Prix, gotten pole, and had numerous podiums.

Here she found herself with a glass of prosecco in front of her, smiling in case a camera suddenly lands on her. She looked around, seeing a good few members of her team surrounding her all deep in conversation. Y/n smiled, sipping her drink. Suddenly, she felt a soft pair of lips on her cheek. She turned to the tipsy dutchman beside her, a smile on his face too, his arm around the top of her seat. She felt her cheeks heating up and she quite frankly wasn't able to speak. "Really packing on the PDA tonight, aren't we Max?" He laughed and looked to the ground. "What was that for?" She asked. "For what you have done for me all season. You seriously helped me. Couldn't have won it without you." She chirped. "I would say the same for you But, you know, Brazil." Max chuckled. "I said sorry, I don't know how many more times I have to say it." He scooted closer. "Until I apologise. Or until you apologise in a way I deem fit." He took a deep breath in. "Not tonight. Kelly." He whispered. "Yeah, I'd hate for her to find this out." She replied sarcastically, finishing the rest of her prosecco and setting the empty glass to the table. "Oh come on. It isn't hurting anybody. This is just me getting back at her." He grinned, lifting his crystal glass of whiskey to his lips and sipping gently. Y/n clenched clenched her jaw and stood up abruptly.

"Well sorry to burst your bubble Max-" She stooped enough to whisper into Maxs ear. "But don't use me as fire for your argument. It's not right." He looked at her confused. "I don't know why this is a problem now considering we started this during testing." He lay back in his seat, confident and cocky as ever. His legs were parted and his arm stayed rested on Y/n's chair while the other lay lazily on his lap. "It's not a problem now, it has been a problem since it started. Its toxic, its so fucking stupid." She walked on through the tables, not daring to look at anyone, that was until she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw Geri, Christians wife, smiling. The smile soon dropped to a look of concern as she saw the young drivers face. "You alright darling?" She asked. "Yeah, just not feeling good. That's all." She reassured her, walking away and out into the hallway. She fought the urge to cry, the urge growing with each step she took not being pursued by Max. It was wrong, yes, but it meant he loved her in some way.

"Y/n." She turned and saw the dutchman following her. She didn't in fact like this, it felt wrong, horrible even. His girlfriend sat in there and he's following his mistress. "Oh fuck off." She said pulling away from him, or at least tried. It was stopped as Max pushed back and the door swung open, hitting the wall and breaking a part of it, pulling Y/n in with him. "The fucking wall!" She shouted. "I'll worry about it later!" He shouted back. If anyone were to see this, it would be pure chaos. "Why the fuck are you following me?!"

"Shut up, someone might hear you-"


"Not until you listen to me!" Silence ensued after that. Neither of them knew what to say. "I'm not doing this right now. People will talk if I end up doing what you think is going to happen." Y/n mumbled. "How would they know? We've hid it so well these past year." Her stomach curdled at the thought of this being a thing since testing. Almost half of his relationship with his current girlfriend was unfaithful with Y/n. She didn't know if there was anyone else other than her, but she wouldn't put it past him. "They'll figure it out. Two Red Bull drivers who are rarely ever seen not together sneak off, are heard having an argument in the hallway outside of one of an FIA gala, where and one of the drivers pushed the door through the cleaning closet and brought the her with him." Maxlooked away from her to think about it for a moment. "Well when you put it like that."

"Is that all you have to say? When you put it like that? Is this just a joke?" She asked. "Listen, I love you. I really, really love you, but I can't leave Kelly. She shows that I can commit to something. And having a nice family to go back to really helped me. I needed this and I need her. I love her too." Y/n crossed her arms and shook her head, before she moved his hands. "If you can't leave her, then stop knocking on my door in the middle of the night when she isn't around." He let out a sigh. "If you love her, if you can't leave her, at least be respectful." She paused. "I don't like her but she at least deserves the bare minimum, Max."

"I know. And you deserve the world." She groaned. "This is the problem! You're complimenting me! Stop it! That's how we even got into this mess." His brows scrunched in confusion. "You know, at the car launch. You said I kinda looked good. Then you like took me away from the crypto currency weirdos, we got a bottle of champagne from one of the drink tables and we sat at the top of the hotel. You said something about the lights being sparkly. Or was it twinkly?" Max chuckled at her recollection of the memory. "That's when I even contemplated-" She stopped. "When you contemplated what?" Max asked gently. "Contemplated kissing you I think." Silence fell again. They both wanted one another badly, but both equally knew how bad this would turn out if they didn't end this right here, once and for all. "So is this a farewell?" Max asked. He looked sad. She had never seen him look so disappointed in all the time she's known him. "It's hardly farewell. We always have to see eachother for work."

"Well that is true. I think we have to be more professional towards eachother though. Cut out the flirting." He said, his hands deep in his pockets, clenched. "No more loving glances. Secret rendezvous. Nothing romantic anymore." She added. "It'll be weird, but it has to be done. Doesn't it?" He mumbled. "Yes. Unfortunately."

"Well, I'll see you at work." He smiled, reaching his hand out to shake hers. She smiled a melancholic smile back and took his hand, in turn, the dutchman pressed a soft kiss onto the top of it and set it back down. "I should go." He said. "You should." In his head, Max had a response for her last words. "I can't. I can't. I can't." He repeated in his head, before he just decided to open the closet door and leave. He walked back inside as if nothing had happened, went to kiss his girlfriend on the cheek and sit down for the rest of the evening, while Y/n followed pursuit shortly and sat across from them. Nothing happened.

Nothing happened...

Both of them would have kept this a secret and would have not told anybody about this, but soon, with photos of them both going into the closet and coming back out again, both also looking equally flustered, they would have to face the world on what this could possibly be...

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