Mick Schumacher (Alpine WEC) - Coffee and a Miracle

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Day 18 of Christmas

In a small town, amidst the festive glow of Christmas lights, Mick found himself drawn to the cozy warmth of his local coffee shop. Y/n, the barista with a perpetual smile, always served him his usual. However, lately, Mick's visits had become more frequent. While he used to show up maybe once or twice a week, he found himself almost having to go to the coffee shop on the off-chance that Y/n was working and in a way, he found it somewhat pathetic of himself.

One chilly December morning, as Mick had just come back from his daily jog and approached the counter, he mustered the courage to break the routine. "Oh, Hi Mick. The usual?" Y/n smiled already grabbing the medium cup and writing his name on it. "You know, I've been thinking," he began with a playful grin. "I'm starting to wonder if I should change my usual order or if I should just ask you out instead."

Y/n chuckled, her eyes sparkling. "Well, variety is the spice of life, they say. But asking me out might be more interesting." The jokes continued as Mick stood with his hands in his pockets, talking about what he had done since the last time he saw her (which is pathetically two days ago) while Y/n stood behind the counter making his coffee. Finally, the coffee was made and he simply thanked her. "So?" He asked. "How about it? A date I mean." Y/n looked up at him. "Ask me closer to Christmas and maybe when there isn't a huge line behind you." Mick turned and saw the line of impatient customers all looking to order their seasonal coffees. Mick turned back around to face Y/n. "I will. Don't you worry about it."

On a snowy evening closer to Christmas (just as Y/n had asked) Mick decided it was time to take the plunge. With a cup of steaming hot coffee in hand, he leaned on the counter and said, "You know, spending time here with you has become the highlight of my day. How about you answer me this time and grab dinner sometime?"

Y/n's face lit up with a radiant smile. "And here I was thinking you were just coming here for the coffee." Y/n joked. Mick grinned and lifted the cup to take another sip. "Well, the coffee's great, but it's the company that makes it special."

"Smooth." She replied. "So when are you free?" Y/n pointed at his cup. "If you look at the bottom, my number is there. We can text about this later." Mick lifted the cup and smiled to see various numbers written on the bottom just as Y/n said there would be. "I look forward to it." Mick said, before they bid their farewells and started another chapter into their relationship.

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