Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - Just Back

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Requedted: yes
Prompt: 19) "We could watch a movie if one of us didn't always fall asleep."
Warnings: none

It had been a brilliant but long weekend for Charles at Australia. The intense race had left him exhausted as he trudged back to his apartment, his shoulders slumped and his eyes heavy with fatigue. Y/n was stood in the kitchen making some food after Charles had text her that he had landed. Y/n, greeted him with a warm smile as he entered the room. "Hey, how was the flight?" She asked, concern evident in her voice. Charles sighed, flopping down on the couch. "So long." He sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. Y/n frowned sympathetically, knowing how demanding the races could be on him. "Well, how about we relax and watch a movie?" She suggested, trying to lighten the mood.

Charles chuckled tiredly. "I mean we could, if one of us didn't always fall asleep." He teased, poking fun at Y/n's tendency to doze off during movie nights. Y/n playfully swatted at him. "That only happened once!" She protested, a grin tugging at her lips. "Whatever you say, mon cœur." He chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. "Respectfully, it's you who's about to pass out any minute now." Charles feigned offense, putting a hand to his chest dramatically. "Me? Never! I'm a professional sleeper."

As they settled onto the couch with snacks in hand, Y/n couldn't help but notice how Charles was already starting to drift off. "You're not going to make it through the whole movie, are you?" She teased, nudging him gently. Charles shot her a mock glare. "I'm able to stay awake, you, mon cœur, cannot." He declared, his arm now around her shoulders, though his drooping eyelids betrayed his words. Y/n rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Charlie."

Halfway through the movie, Y/n glanced over to find Charles' eyes drooping. She nudged him gently. "Hey, wake up! You promised not to fall asleep." Charles blinked blearily, fighting to stay awake. "I'm not asleep." He mumbled, his eyelids heavy. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at his failed attempt to stay awake. "Okay, babe." She smiled as she felt his head droop onto her shoulder. Charles began to feel the exhaustion creeping in. Despite his best efforts to stay awake, his eyelids started drooping, and before he knew it, he had drifted off to sleep.

Y/n glanced over at him, unable to suppress a fond smile at the sight of him peacefully asleep. She couldn't help but fall in love with him again as his head tilted to the side, softly snoring. She reached for her phone and snapped a quick picture of Charles with his head tilted back, his mouth slightly open in slumber.

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