Oscar Piastri (McLaren) - Self Care

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 32) "I could kiss your lips all day."
Warnings: none tbh

Y/n hummed contently as she stood in front of the bathroom mirror, organizing her array of skincare products. Tonight was one of those rare evenings when she had the luxury of indulging in a thorough skincare routine. The soft glow of the bathroom lights cast a warm ambiance as she meticulously selected her serums and creams. Just as she was about to begin, Oscar, her boyfriend, poked his head through the slightly ajar door. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned against the door frame, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

"What you doing?" He asked. "Just my skincare for the night." Y/n replied. "Ah. Mind if I join in on the skincare stuff?" He asked, teasingly. Y/n looked back at him through thr mirror. "Sure, but you'll need this." She playfully threw a hairband over to him, With a laugh, he obliged, pretending to be an eager participant in the skincare ritual. The sight of Oscar in a pink hairband, holding all his hair back was soon captured in photos up all over Instagram.

As Y/n began to apply the first layer of a soothing face mask onto her skin, Oscar leaned in, unable to resist the urge to steal a quick kiss from her lips. "You're so cute." He smiled, simply watching her like a lovestruck puppy. "Thank you babe. You are too." She said, continuing to put on her face mask. He leaned in a few seconds later, gently kissing her lips once again. "Oscar!" Y/n exclaimed, her laughter bubbling up at his playful antics. "You're going to ruin the mask!"

"But your lips are too tempting to resist." Oscar replied with a grin, his eyes dancing mischievously. Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, unable to suppress her smile. "You're so distracting." She said as her hand found itself behind her boyfriends head. "Guilty as charged," Oscar admitted, planting another gentle kiss on her lips. "I could kiss your lips all day," Oscar sighed contently. Y/n shook her head, "We'll never finish if you keep doing that. I need to do my face mask and you need to do yours, babe." Y/n said turning to apply the mask to Oscar now. He sat still, taking in her face as she focused on putting the face mask on. "It's not burning or anything, is it?" She asked. "No, not at all." He replied quietly. "Why are we whispering." Oscar shrugged. "I dunno." He replied, still whispering.

They continued teasing each other, sharing laughter and kisses. Y/n finished applying the mask to Oscar's face, pretending to be a professional esthetician. "You're glowing." She joked. "Oh my god, you are so right." He replied in a teasing tone. Y/n giggled. "You're ridiculous."

As the face masks dried, they decided to watch Netflix to pass the time. Snuggled up on their bed, Y/n couldn't help but steal glances at Oscar's silly face mask. "You look like a superhero." She giggled, covering her smile with her hand. "I can't move my face." He muttered. "Alright, Captain Moisture. Calm down." He looked at her. "Captain Moisture? Seriously?"

"It should actually be in and around the time to take the masks off." Y/n climbed on top of her boyfriend. Oscar's hands held onto her hips as she carefully took off the mask. "Oh wow. You got even better looking." Y/n smiled, pecking the tip of his nose. "Let me take yours off." Oscar said, his hands peeling the mask off just as carefully and inspecting her skin. "I think I look better." He said. Y/n slapped his chest playfully, making the aussie laugh. "If racing doesn't work out I could just do this." Oscar declared proudly.

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