Mitch Evans (Jaguar) - Butterflies

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Requested: yes by xxronnixx3
Prompt: 3) "His smile gives me butterflies."
Warnings: fluff

The night was young, and the atmosphere was filled with laughter as Y/n and her friends gathered for a vacation getaway. The whole found themselves on a yacht in the Mediterranean Sea. As the night unfolded, drinks flowed freely, and inhibitions were left at the door. Mitch had wandered from the main group on this specific night. As he stood watching the moon shine off the ocean's surface, he suddenly heard giggling. He walked towards it, seeing Y/n and and their friend Erica sat on one of the secluded sofas, pouring another glass of champagne and laughing relentlessly.

"D'you know, Erica-" Y/n slurred slightly, her words laced with a hint of intoxication, "Mitch has this smile and it just...I d'know, it jus' gives me butterflies. I mean, have you ever seen a smile so perfect?" Erica chuckled knowingly. "Oh, come on, spill the details! What's got you swooning over Mitch?" Y/n shrugged. "He's just... everything." Y/n sighed dreamily. "The way he laughs, the way he listens – it's like he sees right through me. And when he smiles, it's like the whole world stops."

Mitch stood back, leaning against the wall of the yacht, taking a swig of the massive bottle of  Moscato he had brought with him. Intrigued and flattered, he decided to let the night play out before making his move.

The following morning, the group gathered for breakfast. Mitch had be placing the food onto the table, and he saw Y/n walking in. She didn't look hungover in the slightest. She just looked....perfect. "Morning, Y/n." He chirped as she grabbed a piece of toast off of his plate. "You're in a good mood. You're not usually a morning person." Y/n smiled. Mitch hummed in response. "What can I say? I've had a change of heart." Y/n went and sat beside Jake, one of the guys they brought on the trip. Mitch felt his eyes wandering to them laughing every so often. Something happened, it rarely ever happened before. Was he jealous? Surely not- no yeah he was. He was totally jealous.

"Y/n?" Y/n looked down, a soft smile resting on her face. "Wpuld you mind giving me a hand with something?" He asked as the whole table was now looking. Y/n and Erica exchanged a look before Y/n nodded. "Yeah, sure." The pair got up and walked to a secluded corner of the dining area. "What do you need help with?" She asked. "I don't need help, I just wanted to talk with you. Away from them." Mitch explained. As they sat down, Y/n couldn't help but feel a strange tension in the air.

"So, Y/n-" Mitch began with a small grin. "I heard you had a lot to say about me last night." Y/n's eyes widened. "What? What are you talking about? Did Erica say something?" Mitch scooted closer, his tone playful, "Oh, she didn't have to. I overheard your little confession to Erica. Something about my smile giving you butterflies?" A blush crept up Y/n's cheeks as she realized she was caught. "You heard that?" Mitch chuckled. "Yeah, and I have to say, I'm flattered. So, I thought, why not give this a shot?" He leaned in closer, watching as her eyes had changed slightly. Y/n's heart raced as she tried to process the situation. "You mean... us?"

Mitch nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "Why not? I like you too, and it seems like you like me quite a bit." Y/n felt her breath stuck in her throat as he lingered dangerously close. "You like me too?" Mitch nodded, looking between both of her eyes. "Yes, and your confession about my smile giving you butterflies, it's completely mutual. I just didn't know you could get so poetic when you got drunk."

"You're very close." Y/n whispered. "Do you want me to-" She closed the gap between them, their lips connecting and their hands immediately finding eachother. It was perfect. The sound of the ocean and the seagulls flying overheard being the only thing to break this silence between them. Well, that was until they heard a certain someone. "Jesus! You know there are 5 other people on this boat!" They quickly jumped away from eachother as they turned to see Erica, running away quickly. "Erica! Get back!" Y/n gave up before standing up. "It's fine. They would have figured it out eventually." Mitch stood up helping Y/n. "Yeah, I thought we could have kept it secret a bit longer than 20 seconds though."

Mitch and Y/n walked back to join the others at breakfast, immediately being bombarded eith questions and all they could do. Simply smile at one another and give eachother butterflies.

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