Mitch Evans (Jaguar) - Meeting You

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Day 24 of Christmas

In the glittering ambiance of Monaco, Mitch found himself walking up the pathway to his friends home for his annual Christmas Eve party. For once, it was a chilly Christmas Eve in Monaco, and the glitzy lights adorned the streets as Mitch Evans, the charismatic Formula E driver, rang the door and awaited the response. He hadn't even gone inside yet, but he already felt as the air buzzed with holiday cheer as the front door swung open to show Stoffel, a fellow driver. "Mate, how are you?" Stoffel asked as he let Mitch come inside. "Not so bad. The place is looking good as always." Mitch said as he hung up his jacket on the coat hanger by the front door. "Had to do it up. I actually like it better." Stoffel replied as he showed Mitch into the dining area where everyone would be meeting up for the party.

Amidst the festive crowd, Mitch's gaze met the eyes of the very familiar face of Y/n the renowned and charming journalist with an air of elegance. He hadn't had the pleasure of meeting her yet as Jaguar hadn't yet been asked to to interviews interviews her yet, but she of course did them with Stoffel quite regularly, which is obviously why she must have been there. Their connection was instantaneous as they both exchanged looks and caught eachothers curious stares from across the room. It was as if the Christmas magic had cast its spell. They exchanged smiles from across the room, drawing each other in like magnets.

Mitch so desperately wanted to finally meet the journalist with a warm smile that seemed to light up the room. Determined to make a memorable impression, Mitch conjured up a light-hearted joke. He smiled as he approached Y/n. She stood politely holding her glass of prosecco, awaiting Mitch to speak. After an uncomfortably long time of silence between the two, Mitch decided to speak up.

"You know, if Stoff goes on one more time about the renovations he's done to this house, I am gonna lose my mind." He quipped, hoping to grab her attention. Y/n's laughter echoed through the room, and Mitch knew he had succeeded. "I thought I was the only one thinking that." Y/n admitted. "I actually can't see the difference, can you?" Mitch smiled as she continued on the conversation. The two quickly discovered that they had a lot in common as the conversation so naturally changed topic. It was almost as if they had found their other person.

Engrossed in conversation, they found themselves engrossed in each other, seemingly oblivious to the festivities around them. Time slipped away as Mitch and Y/n shared stories, exchanged jokes, and connected on a deeper level.

As the evening drew to a close, Mitch, not wanting the magic to end, needed an excuse excuse stay with her just just little while longer and so, he began thinking. "Hey Y/n? You need me to call you a taxi?" Stoffel asked as he handed Y/n her jacket. Mitch had a eureka moment. "That'd be great actually. I-"

"I could drive you back if you'd like." Mitch interjected. Both Stoffel and Y/n looked at the kiwi. "I can bring Y/n back to her flat." Mitch smiled. "You know what, that's actually a good idea." Stoffel smiled and patted his friend on the back. "That'd save you some trouble." Mitch grinned and grabbed his blazer, heading for the front door and putting it on. "Oh wait! I forgot to get your your party favours. I'll be right back." Stoffel said as he momentarily disappeared. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was a book on house renovations." Mitch said quietly, making Y/n giggle. "Wouldn't mind it. My flat is looking awful." Mitch simply looked at Y/n and watched as she looked up, her face changing. "What?" Mitch asked, following her gaze and spotting some mistletoe hanging by a thread. "Oh." Mitch whispered. "We don't have to." He paused. "Well, unless you want to." Y/n smiled lightly. "It is a tradition after all." Mitch nodded and began closing the gap between them both. "Exactly. Who are we to deny traditions?"

"Not us." Y/n whispered as their noses touched, an endearing moment ensued as they both hesitated, caught in the charm of the season. With a shared smile, they decided to seize the moment and share a sweet, spontaneous kiss. Y/n threw her arms around Mitch's neck and Mitch took this opportunity to wrap his arms around Y/n to pull her as close as he could.

"And will I be seeing you tomorrow?" Y/n asked, looking between Mitch's eyes. He smiled and whipped out his phone from his picket. "I'll give you my number, but only if you message me first thing in the morning. How's that?" The couple chuckled before Y/n nodded in agreement. The pair exchanged their numbers to stay in touch, and Mitch dropped her home. It was as simple as that. Little did they know that the chance meeting at the Christmas party would be the start of a festive romance filled with flirty conversations and the joy of discovering love during the most magical time of the year.

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