Logan Sargeant (Williams) - I Did Something Bad

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Requested: no
Prompt: literally just sat listening to I Did Something Bad
Warnings: Y/n is a bitchhh

"I mean, last race of the season. You and your teammate are heading into this race with the same amount of points. Do you reckon you could pull something out the bag?" Will Bixton asked Y/n before he pointed the microphone over towards her. "I'm not sure, I'm just going to go into this weekend a little more aggressive I think. At the end of the day, what matters is the team result and foe both cars to come back safely." She replied, adding that last bit simply because her PR manager was there. "You could give Logan Sargeant a word, assuming he finishes qualifying in last." Will joked. Y/n smiled to herself, before she left. No matter how far away she got from Will and that conversation, the idea lingered; What if she asked Logan to hold George up? It'd be so easy to make him do it. You see, Logan and Y/n came up the ranks together and since she was one of the only girls he saw frequently, she became the object of all of his desires.

Logan walked into the paddock, his confidence surprisingly booming....considering he finished qualifying in 19th. His eyes couldn't help but wander over to where Y/n Y/l/n (or the love of his life as he would say it) stood surrounded by her team. She gave a wave towards hin, ushering him to come over. His heart fluttered. Ever since Logan had begun racing her, he found himself inexplicably drawn to Y/n. Her talent on the track was matched only by her charm off it. But there was something about her, something elusive and alluring, that kept him captivated.

As Logan approached her, Y/n flashed him a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She was aware of his infatuation, and on occasion like this one, she used it to her advantage whenever she pleased. "Hey, Logan," Y/n greeted casually, her voice dripping with subtle amusement. "Got a moment?" Logan nodded. "Always for you, Y/n." Logan replied in a joking tone. "I need a favor, darling." Logan felt his mouth go dry. "Okay?" He replied, more ina  questioning tone than a reply. Y/n leaned in, her breath warm against his ear as she whispered her request. "During the race, could you let me by easier and give George a harder time? You know, help me out?" She winked.

Logan's heart sank at her words. He wanted to refuse, to stand his ground and race fair and square. But the longing in his heart overruled his better judgment, and he found himself nodding in agreement. "Sure, Y/n. Anything for you." Logan murmured, trying to ignore the pang of guilt gnawing at his conscience. Y/n smiled. "Oh, you're the best!" Y/n pressed a kiss onto his cheek. "See you out there!" She said, before heading back into her garage. Logan simply stood in awe. She....she gave him a kiss?!

The memory of the kiss hung in Logan's mind. He couldn't quite believe it. Was she finally warming up to him? He had told Alex, and Alex told Lando, and Lando....told just about anyone I the paddock. Logan sat by his car on the grid, the mechanics and engineers running around ensuring that everything was ready for the race ahead. Logan watched as Y/n's Mercedes rolled past. He could just about figure a smile through the visor, before Y/n waved and Logan couldn't help but do the same. In the cockpit, Y/n grinned and shook her head at how stupidly easy this whole plan was. All it took? A bit of her charm that Logan was oh-so crazy about.

The race unfolded with breathtaking speed, the roar of engines and the screech of tires filling the air. Logan did as Y/n asked, easing off the throttle to let her pass while putting up a fierce fight against George, allowong Y/n to go on and ultimately finish the race in second. But as the checkered flag waved and the podium celebrations began, Logan's heart grew heavy with regret. He had betrayed his principles for a fleeting chance at Y/n's favor, only to be met with indifference.

Y/n stood outside the Mercedes hospitality, holding her trophy whilst the cameras took a few photos. "Y/n?" She turned when she heard the American, her smile dropping slightly. "Logan." She said through a faked smile. "How did your race go?" She asked. Logan struggled to find the words to express his anguish. "I got a penalty." He replied simply. "Oh." Logan looked at her, visibly pissed off. "Oh? I do what you ask and all you can say is oh? Why did you ask me to do that if you weren't even going to thank me?" Logan questioned, his emotions bubbling to the surface. Y/n regarded him with a cool detachment, her expression unreadable. "Y/n looked at him nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.

"It is what it is, Logan. I needed an edge in the race, and you were willing to provide it." She replied dismissively. "Are you fucking kidding me now?" Y/n scoffed. "You're acting like I owe you something." She said. "You don't, but a bit of gratitude would be much appreciated." Y/n's brows knotted in anger. "Thank you? This is your job. You're pissed off at me for asking you you to your job? To actually defend the other drivers? That is your job, I just think it's pathetic it took a girl for you to do your job somewhat well." Logan stood as he watched her return into the Mercedes hospitality, her tone sending a shiver down his spine. Her words hung in the air like a bitter truth, leaving Logan feeling hollow and used. He realized then that Y/n would always play by her own rules, leaving broken hearts in her way.

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