Carlos Sainz Jr (Scuderia Ferrari) - Mirrors

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Requested: via wattpad by Thiscouldbefunright and TerezaWanda (I mixed these two together as I just thought they meshed so well)
Prompt: 37) "We can't so that here."
38) "Im supposes to be making you feel good."
Warnings: smut, 18+, riding, papi!carlos, edging, self pleasure, teasing

Carlos had been in his gym working out, trying to keep up his fitness since it was the off season after all. He was just finishing up his deadlines, when a figure in the background caught his attention. He watched her through the floor to ceiling mirrors as she walked behind him. Her fingers gently touched his biceps. "Hi, papi." She not-so-innocently said, pressing a kiss to his shoulder. He sighed and watched as she watched back to whatever machine she wanted to use now. Recently his girlfriend Y/n had been so very needy. She had been trying to tease him and in all honesty it was working. Carlos found himself having to constantly go to her and have sex with her just to relieve himself. While yes, it was great, it was getting annoying, but for Y/n, nothing was better than getting fucked by Carlos whilst he's annoyed or angry, so it always worked out for her.

Y/n adjusted the weight on the leg on the laying leg curl before she lay down and started doing her sets. She wasn't doing them properly whatsoever. She instead let the curl hit her ass, catching the attention of the Spaniard behind her. She kept glancing over to him every so often through the mirrors and spotted how hot and bothered he was getting. She loved making him feel this way. She ended up finishing up and decided to deadlift instead. She set up her weights and went about her workout. This would definitely get a reaction. He loved her ass and She made sure for him to notice it. It didn't take long before Y/n had bent with the bar and bumped into the driver behind her. She set the weights down and looked up as Carlos stood behind her, with a disapproving look on his face.

"Do you need help?" He asked. Y/n smiled innocently. "No. Why?" She asked. His eyes fell to her cleavage. He swallowed hard. Her plan was working again. "You're clearly looking for something. My attention maybe?" She shook her head. "No, not at all. It's cute that you think I would revolve my workout on trying to get your attention." He clenched his jaw. "Fine. Be like that." Carlos said staring off to his side of the gym. Y/n smiled again. "I don't know what you mean." She turned and leaned down to grab the bar again, before she heard a low grumbling.

"Alright, I'm sick of this." He muttered. Y/n turned to look at him confused. "Get here now." He growled. "Oh no, we can't do that here." She teased. "Y/n. I said now." He repeated, his voice deeper and more commanding. Y/n grinned. Suddenly, her favourite workout would be her boyfriend. His arms were open, ready to lift her upon impact. Y/n hopped up and grabbed onto his broad and sweaty shoulders. Their lips met in a needy kiss and this is where it started getting messy. Carlos pulled Y/n's shirt off, lifting her breats with his hand and kissing them both hungrily, whilst Y/n tangled her fingers in his hair, her chest heaving with each kiss Carlos gave her. "You're so fucking annoying." He muttered, looking up at her. "So put some manners on me, Papi."

Carlos grinned and slowly dropped to the ground. "Touch yourself for me, princesa." He demanded lowly. Y/n's hands dropped from his shoulders and antagonisingly traced over his abs, before moving up her own torso. She licked her fingers and began pleasuring herself whilst Carlos simply watched, taking out his length. Y/n's head fell backwards. "Hey, eyes down here." He said, gripping her throat and pulling her head to look down to him. Y/n gasped and did what she was told. Carlos' fingers soon joined Y/n's and moved her shorts and panties to one side. "Raise your hips for me, please." He asked. Y/n sat up as Carlos aligned himself with her entrance. "Now, slowly princesa." He held her and helped her down onto his hard length slowly so she could get used to him. No matter how often they had sex, she always needed to adjust to him again.

"Slowly." He repeated as Y/ tried to start a qucik rhythm. "I thought you wanted to work out?" She grinned. Carlos' hands ran up her thigh. "Don't worry. I'll do my hip thrust sets now." Y/n felt herself growing wetter at his words. "Go on, Papi." He grinned and began lifting and lowering his hips as Y/n met his rhythm. They locked eyes. Who would break first? Who would go wild first? Y/n held in her moans, clutching her throat with her own hands. "Ah, no cheating." He said. "But it feels so good." She whimpered. "Hey!" His hand gripped her throat and squeezed lightly. "I'm supposed to be making you feel good." Y/n whimpered. "Oh fuck it." She leaned forward and began bouncing up and down much quicker, much to Carlos' dislike. Another hard slap landed onto her ass. "What did I just say?" He asked. "Papi, I can't help it. You're just too fucking good."

Carlos tutted and stopped his thrusts. "Get off." Y/n looked down. Did she finally push him too far? "Carlos, I didn't mean to. Come on, let's finish. I'll never do it again. I promise." Carlos smirked. "While I love to see you beg, its okay." He stood up, taking her with him and walked the short distance to the nearest wall. I just want to fuck you up against the mirror." She let out a shakey breath as Carlos had her lean against the mirrored wall, only being able to watch her face contort as Carlos done the most unholy of things to her. His hand reached around and took hold of her throat, giving a light squeeze. A strained moan managed to escape past her lips.

The other hand held firmly onto her hips before he delved in without much warning. She held in her noises as best she could, knowing that Carlos would only fuck her harder to hear them and that's what she wanted. She bit her lip as Carlos' thrusts grew harder and harder, that was until he grabbed her hair and messily wrapped it around his fist until it was nothing but a clump. He pulled her head back to look at him in the reflection, her eyes dropping down to look at his delicious lips. "Grita para mi, princesa." He rasped into her ear as he began to pulsate in her, his pattern speeding up. Her head fell back as his hand let go of her hair and instead fell to grip the sweaty skin of her hips. "Te gusta cuando te hablo español?"She gasped as his hand landed a firm smack onto her ass.

"Yes." She moaned, one hand leaning on the mirror whilst the other fell behind her to grab Carlos' arm. "What did you say?" He interrogated. "Yes, papi." She looked back through hazy eyes to see his lazy grin resting on his face. "Dejame escucharte." Those were the only words he had to say and she was a mess. Her throat almost hurt from how loud she was being, but she didn't care; she had been waiting on this all week. His thrusts became sloppy as he felt himself coming towards his high. His hand fell from Y/n's throat, much to her distaste, but that soon ended as Carlos had instead started massaging her clit instead. "Papi, can I?" She begged.

"Wait for me, hermosa." He groaned, nearing with each stroke inside her. "Carlos! Please!" He knew once she started saying his name again, she just needed it and at this stage, he was too close to stop this and tease her. "Finish for me." Y/n gripped his forearm as her walls clenched around him and she found herself coming undone, Carlos finishing up soon after.

Carlos held her close, their bodies sticking together with the sweat. As they caught their breaths, Carlos left a trail of kisses down her back before pulling out gently and lifting her into his arms bridal style. "Too much?" He asked as he carried her to the bathroom. "Not enough." Y/n joked. "Maybe we can always go for a round two in the shower." She suggested, kissing his cheek delicately. "Not in the shower. The water gets everywhere. Not a fan." Y/n rolled her eyes. "You didn't mind in Brazil last year-"

"That was different." Y/n simply looked at him amazed as they got into the shower. Carlos put the water on and the water cascaded down their bodies, almost as if washing away their sins. He reached for Y/n's shampoo, taking some out and beginning to stroke it through her hair. Y/n stood with her head held back as she felt the intimacy of it all. "You're a true gentleman." She said quietly. He chuckled. "How so?" He asked. "You let me finish first and you're cleaning me. What more could I ask for?" He smiled and kissed her shoulder. "I will always look after you. You know that." Y/n turned and looked into Carlos' deep brown eyes, her arms reached up and around his broad shoulders as his hands took their usual place at her hips. "And I am the most fortunate woman to have you."

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