Paul Aron (Hitech) - Clingy

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 32) "I could kiss your lips all day"
Warnings: none

Paul couldn't contain his excitement as he led Y/n through the buzzing atmosphere of the race weekend. He was unusually clingy, constantly holding her hand and wrapping his arm around her. Y/n, bewildered by the sudden change in his demeanor, couldn't help but laugh. "What's gotten into you, Paul?" She asked, amused, as the couple walked away from a group of fans looking for a photo with Paul. "I'm just so happy you're here with me. You've never been here before." Paul chirped, slinging her hand back and fourth. "Well, I appreciate the affection, but it's a bit much. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked.

Paul nodded, "Absolutely. I just can't believe you're here, and I want to make the most of it." He leaned in and pecked her lips softly. "I could kiss your lips all day!" He teased, slinging his arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer. Y/n burst into laughter, reaching up to grab his hand. "Okay, Clingy. I didn't know a race could make you this affectionate." He pulled her into him even tighter. "It's not just the race, it's having you here with me. I want you to enjoy every moment." His grip on her hand was firm, almost possessive, as if he feared losing her in the sea of people and racing activities.

He suddenly gasped. "Y/n, you have to meet Toto!" Paul exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm. "Paul, do you not think he might be busy?" She asked, trying to make him think before doing, one of the perks of their relationship. "No, no. It'll only take a second. Let's go!" He said as he steered her towards the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team area.

"Mmh, where he could be." Paul muttered to himself looking around the hospitality. "In the garage doing his job?" Y/n replied. "No, no, he wouldn't  be in the garage at this time. It's way too- there he is!" He began to walk her towards the unmissable Toto Wolff, surrounded by a group of people. "Paul, he looks busy. Don'-t"

"Hey Toto!" Y/n masked her frustration as Toto turned around, smiling and shaking hands with Paul. "Paul, how are you? I see you've brought us a guest." He said, referring referring Y/n. Paul turned and presented her. "Yes. Toto, this is Y/n, my girlfriend. Y/n, this is Toto, the man who makes everything happen here." Toto extended a hand with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Y/n. Paul can't stop talking about you." Y/n chuckled, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Paul's eagerness. "Thank you, Toto. It's a pleasure to be here." Paul, unable to contain himself, interjected, "Wait until you see the car! I'll give you a tour later. Oh, I just saw Kimi go into the garage. We should say hi!" Y/n turned back to Toto to bid farewell, but her boyfriend had already had her whisked away. "It was nice meeting you!" She called, earning a laugh from Toto as he returned to speaking with his colleagues.

Y/n almost felt dizzy as they navigated the maze into the Mercedes garage, yet she was amused by Paul's infectious energy as he pulled her towards Kimi. "He's a nice guy. You're going to get on well." Paul reassured her, although after meeting Toto Wolff, she didn't need much reassurance. "Kimi, I'd like you to meet Y/n. My girlfriend." He smiled as Kimi introduced himself. "Kimi, nice to meet you." Y/n shook his hand. "Of all the drivers you could have picked, you picked Paul?" Y/n laughed at the joke as Paul looked on pretending to be annoyed. "That was out of order, mate." Paul said, pulling the younger driver into a headlock. "Don't be jealous." Y/n chuckled. "Who's side are you on?" Paul replied sarcastically.

Once their joking around had died down, Paul brought Y/n to the Formula 2 tents. "You must want everyone to know who I am." Y/n remarked. "You're going to be so famous by the time today is finished." Y/n sighed, catching Paul's attention. "Everything okay?" He asked, stopping dead in his tracks in the middle of the paddock. "I am fine, but I just think you're a bit overexcited is all." Paul's brows knotted in confusion. "Over excited? No, I'm just excited. It's your first time here!" He smiled. "I know, and its great you want everyone to know I am your girlfriend but I just think maybe it would be better suited away from where everyone is trying to do their jobs." Paul was just confused at this point. "What do you mean?"

"Toto was talking to people. They could have been sponsors, they could have been important people. Kimi was talking to an engineer. He might be preparing to do a test for Mercedes. These people are working. As nice as it is, I don't need you to run around telling everyone we are together." Paul's smile had pretty much vanished. "Am I being too clingy?" Y/n nodded. "Just a bit, babe." She replied. "Okay, that's fine. I'll just tone it down." Paul nodded. "Right. Now to the motor home." He said, leading Y/n to the Hitech truck so he could speak with his engineers. They laughed and chatted the whole way over, but once he stepped foot inside the motor home, he was zoned in, like he was meant to be.

As Paul engaged with his engineers, Y/n occasionally glanced nervously at the camera. She felt a bit out of place in this tech-filled environment, but Paul's reassuring grip on her hand kept her grounded. The crew aimed their lens toward her, capturing candid moments of her subtle attempts to step away from the intrusive camera. Paul noticed Y/n's discomfort and gently squeezed her hand, signaling that he was aware of her unease. "Don't worry, babe. They just need to film some segments and they'll be gone." He whispered, shooting her a comforting smile. Y/n nodded, appreciating his understanding.

The engineers discussed technical details, charts, and diagrams, while Y/n observed the intricate dance of collaboration. She marveled at the passion in Paul's eyes as he explained the intricacies of the project. The F2 crew captured these moments, weaving a visual narrative of dedication and innovation. As the conversation continued, the crew focused on Paul's animated interactions with the engineers, capturing the essence of teamwork and determination. Y/n, feeling a bit overwhelmed, sought solace in the familiar warmth of Paul's hand.

The crew, sensing the emotional nuances, adjusted their approach, providing a bit more space for the personal moments. Y/n, grateful for the consideration, began to relax, allowing herself to become part of the unfolding documentary. "Okay, sounds perfect. We'll go from there." Paul said, finalising the strategy plan for the upcoming qualifying session. "Paul, mind if I just ask who this is quickly so we can identify her in the documentary?" Onenof the camera men asked. Paul looked over to Y/n. "This is Y/n. She's my girlfriend."

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