Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing) - Champagne Problems part 2

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Max and Y/n had found themselves at Melbourne, the first race back for the 2023 season with their last encounter still lingering in the air. Awkward glances and hasty greetings marked their initial interactions, both carefully avoiding the elephant in the room. They managed to avoid eachother for the whole of testing somehow, but now it was near impossible with Marketing wanting to do teammate challenges and interviews as well as having to be in the same space almost all the time.

Y/n tried to keep her focus on the race, avoiding eye contact with Max whenever possible. Max, on the other hand, couldn't shake the memories of the gala and the unspoken emotions hanging in the air. Pit lane conversations became stilted, and team briefings turned into silent exchanges. The unspoken words lingered between them like a fog on the racetrack. To make matters worse, the team started to speculate what was happening between them. Most believed that it was just a rivalry or argument, whereas the small few suspected an...incident, which would be right.

The Saturday had rolled around and tensions were high in Red Bull. Max walked as his PR manager filled him in on what was to be expected with the plans for today. He was fully engrossed in the conversation until he looked up towards the hospitality and spotted Y/n at the Red Bull station where fans would be coming to get things signed. She must have a sixth sense, because she had managed to feel his eyes on her. They stopped and simply stared at eachother. Max gave a small smile. "Y/n." He said. "Max." She replied.

"Have a nice winter?" He asked. "I mean, if you had caught up with me you would have heard by now." Max looked at her confused. "What?" She sat down. "I've been going on dates." She explained. "Any successful?" She didn't reply. "Oh. I mean, hopefully one of these days you'll find someone who will meet your requirements." He said, a glint of hope in his voice. "There is someone." She said. Max's smile drooped slightly. "That's nice. Who is the lucky guy?" He asked. "Just a guy." She said bluntly as the first fan had come forward to get a cap signed. "He's lucky." He whispered. Y/n sighed and nodded mindessly as the line moved on, trying to pay as little attention to Max as possible, but it didn't work as effectively as she would have liked.

As the tension grew, and the crowd had died down, Max had become fed up with making conversation and not getting a response. Finally, he broke the silence. "Look, about last time-" He began, eyes flickering nervously. Y/n interrupted the dutchman. "It was a mistake and we will ignore it. Just sign the stuff for the fans and we can I our separate ways." She continued on smiling and signing while Max signed, just less enthusiastically. "Listen, we can't exactly pretend it didn't happen, Max. But let's keep it professional, okay?" She smiled as the new fans approached. "I'm trying but I just can't stop remembering what happened-"

"Can you shut up?" Max looked at her. She had changed over the winter. She wasn't as bubbly as she once was an turned cold, towards him anyway. "Okay." He replied quietly. "Sorry." Y/n felt guilt wash over her.

Max looked deep into her eyes. "Y/n, I can't deny how I feel. I know I have a girlfriend, but being around's different. I need to be honest with myself." Y/n tapped the marker off the desk trying to get her frustration out silently. "Max, this is a bad idea. We can't do that again. I won't be kept a secret." She said, signing a new sheet of paper. Max's determination flickered in his eyes. "I don't want to keep you a secret, but I need to figure things out. Please, just give me time." Y/n shook her head. "No, Max. I won't let you break up with Krlly because you've confused love and lust."

Max clenched his jaw, frustration evident. "Y/n, you can pretend all you want, but we both know you're just lying to yourself. We have something going on and we can'tpretend it doesn't exist." Max said sternly. Y/n's voice wavered. "Max, we can't do this. It's not fair to anyone involved." The stopped for a moment before the last fan had come and gone. Y/n got up and began to walk when Max followed her. "We have to talk about it, everyone else is. And besides, it's affecting our performance." He said closing the door behind him. "It's affecting your performance. Mine is fine. My lap times are on time, my set up is perfect. It's affecting your performance." She said as-a-matter-of-factly. "Oh what? Because this means something to me?" Y/n stopped right outside the Red Bull hospitality lounge. "If I mean something to you, you wouldn't still be with Kelly." She said. "And I am not being the factor of your breakup so do better."

"Y/n." He said helplessly. "I'll see you later Max." She said, walking in and making her way to her driver room, whilst Max had to be whisked away to his other driver duties.

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