Oscar Piastri (McLaren) - Picturesque

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Requested: yupp
Warnings: an undeniable sense of being single

Oscar and Y/n had finally managed to take a well-deserved vacation, escaping to a secluded seaside town where the pace of life was slower, and the views were breathtaking. They had chosen a hotel that Lando had recommended due to how secluded and private it was and since the couple desperately needed some time to be intimate with one another, they obviously looked into it. The hotel was perched on a cliff, with a balcony that offered panoramic views of the ocean.

"I'm so tired. I didnt realise how much I needed to relax." Y/n chuckled as she slumped down on her chair. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, the couple decided to not go to the hotel restaurant for dinner and instead sat across from eachother on their balcony, with some room service. Oscar couldnt take his eyes off his beautiful girlfriend as a gentle breeze rustling through Y/n's hair. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks below was soothing, creating a perfect backdrop for their serene moment. Oscar simply hummed in response as he reached for his Polaroid camera, a recent gift from Y/n. He loved how it captured moments instantly, freezing them in time. He turned to Y/n, who was gazing off into the distance, lost in her thoughts. Her face was softly illuminated by the fading sunlight, and her freckles seemed to glow.

Without a word, Oscar raised the camera and snapped a photo. The familiar whirr and click of the Polaroid brought Y/n back to the present. She turned to him, curiosity sparkling in her eyes as the photo developed. The small polaroid slid out,before Oscar began to shake it slowly. "Youre obsessed eith thag thing." She chuckled, leanjng across the table. "I mean it takes great photos. And I thought you looked pretty so I thought I'd make you my muse." Y/n felt her cheeks heating up from the compliment. "This trip is making you so sappy, babe." Oscar shrugged and looked ag the photo. "Look at this." He said softly. Y/n walked around the table and sat on his lap, looking at the photo. "You look so effortlessly beautiful. Your freckles are perfect."

Y/n took the photo and gazed at it, her heart swelling with affection. In the picture, she appeared peaceful and content, a small smile tugging at her lips as she stared at the horizon. "It's beautiful." She murmured, her voice filled with emotion. Oscar leaned in closer, his eyes reflecting the same warmth and love that filled Y/n's heart. "Just like you." He whispered, planting a gentle kiss onto her cheek. Y/n reached for the camera and got up quickly, a playful glint in her eye. "Your turn." She declared. She pointed the lens at Oscar, who was now gazing at her with a look of pure adoration. She pressed the button, capturing the moment forever.

As the photo developed, Y/n couldn't help but smile. There was Oscar, his eyes locked onto her, a look of undeniable love and devotion etched across his face. She handed him the photo, her heart fluttering. "Look at you." She said, mimicking his earlier words. "You can't take your eyes off me." Oscar chuckled, taking the photo and examining it. "Can you blame me?" He replied, his voice thick with affection. He grabbed the photo of her. "Just look at the view."

Oscar opened his phone case and placed the picture inside gently. “I love it too much. Im keeping this close for when I miss you.” Y/n simply looked at him, a bright smile on her face. “I was thinking the same thing.” Y/n followed suit, carefully sliding the Polaroid into the backs of her phone cases, ensuring it was protected but always visible. The pictures became their little secret, a reminder of this perfect evening and the love they shared.

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