Liam Lawson (Mugen) - The Art Of Decorating

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Day 20 of Christmas

Liam Lawson, known for his speed on the racetrack, found himself in a different kind of race this Christmas; a race against time to create the perfect decorations for his apartment and determined to surprise his girlfriend Y/n as he embarked on a festive DIY project.

In the midst of the glitter, ribbons, and tangled Christmas lights, Liam's artistic vision took over. The living room transformed into a chaotic workshop, a reflection of his creativity. All was going well until in and around 5 o clock, when Y/n walked through the door after a long day's work. Her eyes widened at the glittery disaster that awaited her.

"What happened here?" Y/n exclaimed, shocked at the mess. Liam, with a sheepish grin, tried to explain his ambitious holiday endeavor. "I thought we could make some decorations so I went to Asda and bought glitter and ribbons and-" As Liam continued on, think he was doing a good deed, Y/n, usually the calm one, couldn't contain her frustration. "I appreciate the effort, Liam, but this is a disaster! I can't believe you made such a mess." She scolded, a rare moment of tension between them.

Liam, sensing her disappointment, took a deep breath. "I just wanted to make our Christmas special. I didn't mean to create a mess." Le apologized, his sunny demeanor overshadowed by a tinge of sadness.

As Y/n processed his words, she noticed the genuine sincerity in his eyes. Softening, she realized the effort he had put into making their holiday memorable. "Okay, let's clean this up together." Y/n replied a lot calmer now and a small smile breaking through the frustration.

As they tidied the room, Y/n began to appreciate the handmade decorations scattered around. Liam explained each piece, his excitement contagious. The atmosphere lightened, and Y/n couldn't help but fall back into her love for Liam's infectious joy. "How about we hang these up? I actually like some of them." Y/n suggested. Liam's sunshine demeanor began making its return and with each little glitter picked up, be became happier and happier.

Once the mess was cleared, they began hanging the decorations. The twinkling lights, glittering ornaments, and paper snowflakes took on new life in their shared space. With each ornament placed, the tension melted away, replaced by laughing at how bad the mess was and humming along to Christmas songs together.

By the end of the evening, the tree was up and the whole place was decorated. Y/n stood back and admired each and every square inch of the place and looking lovingly at Liam as he added the final touches to the mantlepiece. Liam's warmth and love had turned a messy situation into a beautiful Christmas memory, reminding her that he was her sunshine, even when things seemed a bit stormy.

As they stood back to admire their festive masterpiece, Y/n wrapped her arms around Liam, grateful for the unique holiday adventure he had given them. "I'm sorry I gave out earlier." Y/n whispered. Liam smiled and kissed her head. "No need. We got it all sorted in the end, didn't we?" In that moment, surrounded by the glow of homemade decorations, they embraced the joy of Christmas and each other and uttered a quiet 'Merry Christmas' amongst themselves.

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