Daniel Ricciardo (Alpha Tauri) - Wrapping Mistletoe

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Day 14 of Christmas

Daniel and Y/n huddled together in their cozy living room, surrounded by festive wrapping paper and ribbons. As they busily wrapped Christmas gifts for their son, Josh on the eve of the special day, Daniel couldn't resist the mischievous allure of the mistletoe hanging above.

Y/n chuckled, catching Daniel's playful antics. "Are you planning to wrap gifts or just use the mistletoe as an excuse to steal kisses?"Daniel flashed a mischievous grin, holding up a wrapped gift. "Why not both? Multitasking is my specialty."

They shared a laugh, their banter filling the room with warmth. Y/n pretended to scold him "Focus, Daniel! We need to get these gifts wrapped before midnight." But Daniel, ever the jester, countered, "I'm just adding a touch of love to each gift. It's the Ricciardo special wrapping technique." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "I think Josh will appreciate a neatly wrapped gift over your 'special technique.'"

As they continued wrapping, Daniel couldn't resist stealing more kisses under the mistletoe. "You know," he mused, "we should keep mistletoe around all year. It's a great way to keep the romance alive."

Y/n smirked and pushed it away gently. "I'd rather focus on keeping the gifts wrapped. Romance can wait until after Santa visits." Daniel pouted. "Spoilsport."

The jokes continued as they finished wrapping the presents, the room filled with laughter and the warmth of a love that only grew stronger with each playful exchange. Daniel pulled out his phone and smiled gently as Y/n stood up. "What are you smiling about?" Y/n asked, before shoeing her the time;

35th Dec, 2023

Her face softened from confused as she looked up to her husband. They had been through so much together and noe they stayed up on Christmas Eve wrapping their son's gifts from Santa. Daniel pulled Y/n into a heartfelt kiss, mistletoe forgotten, but the love and joy of the now Christmas Day lingering in the air.

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