Richard Verschoor (Trident) - Told You So

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Requested: by anonymous on wattpad
Prompt: 24) "It's cold, at least wear a jacket."
Warnings: none

Richard watched as Y/n prepared to leave for university, concerned about the chilly weather. "Hey, babe, it's pretty cold outside. You should wear a jacket." He suggested, eating his bread eith chocolate sprinkles and worry in his eyes. Y/n laughed, dismissing the suggestion. "Don't worry about me. I'm immune to the cold! The Dutch weather is not going to bother me." Richard raised an eyebrow, skeptical but amused by her confidence. "Okay, just be careful." He said, watching as she left out the front door.

Which now leads us to the present day. Richard gently placed a tray of steaming chicken soup on the bedside table, glancing at Y/n with a soft smile. "I hate to say this, but I told you so." He teased, trying to hide the concern in his eyes. Y/n let out a weak laugh, snuggled beneath the warm blankets. "Yeah, yeah, you were right about the jacket. You just love being right." Richard shrugged. "I'm never wrong, I know that." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "At least I have the best nurse ever."

Richard grinned, sitting on the edge of the bed. "That's me, Dr. Love. Now, eat up. The soup will work wonders, I promise." As Y/n took a sip, she couldn't help but smile. "Thank you for taking care of me, Dr Love. I guess being right has its perks." He chuckled, running a hand through her hair. "Anything for you, love. Now, do you need anything? Movies, books, or just my charming company?" Y/n pondered for a moment before grinning mischievously. "How about a cheesy rom-com? It might speed up my recovery with a dose of laughter." Richard shook his head in mock disbelief. "You're insatiable, but I love you for it." He reached for the remote, determined to make the healing process as enjoyable as possible. Whilst she simply cuddled into him for the evening.

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