Jenson Button (Brawn era) - Snowball

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Day 22 of Christmas

Jenson and Y/n strolled hand in hand through an enchanting park of London, covered from the littlest pebble to the biggest tree with festive lights. The air was crisp, and the atmosphere was filled with the spirit of Christmas. Their laughter echoed from the park and up into the sky, filling the heavens.

Amid the cheerful jokes and loving stares, Jenson smiled at Y/n, his eyes filled with warmth. "Isn't London magical during Christmas?" he remarked, squeezing her hand gently.

Y/n nodded, a grin on her face. "Absolutely. But you know what would make it even more magical?" she teased. "What's that?" Jenson asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. Y/n playfully tilted her head. "A snowball fight!" Without waiting for a response, she scooped up a handful of snow and tossed it at Jenson, initiating a playful battle.

Their laughter resonated through the winter air as the snowball fight escalated. Jenson retaliated with good-natured competitiveness, and soon enough, the quaint London street transformed into a winter battlefield. Amid the flurry of snow, Y/n giggled, ducking behind a snow-covered bench for cover. "You're not getting away that easily!" She called out, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jenson grinned, a snowball in hand. "We'll see about that!" He shouted and began pegging them at her again. As the playful skirmish continued, their connection deepened. Between laughter and snowball throws, they shared intimate moments, stealing glances that spoke volumes. As the snowy chaos thickened, Jenson gently caught Y/n off guard, pulling her into a tender kiss that melted the winter chill.

Breathless, Y/n grinned against his lips. "You're distracting me," she teased. Jenson chuckled, his eyes locked with hers. "Guilty as charged." He said, smashing a snowball atop of her wooly hat that sat on her head. "Jenson Alexander Lyons Button!" She gasped. "Shush! People are gonna hear you saying that!"

The snowball fight persisted, both reveling in the joy of the moment. Yet, as the snow-covered ground bore witness to their playful antics, Y/n eventually conceded defeat, sinking into the snow with a dramatic sigh. "I surrender," she declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Jenson joined her on the snowy ground, a victorious smile playing on his lips. "Admitting defeat already?" he teased.

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