Dennis Hauger (MP Motorsport) - It's Cold Outside

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Requested: yes
Warnings: none

Dennis and Y/n enjoyed a leisurely stroll through the charming streets of Norway, the crisp air and picturesque scenery creating a perfect setting. Their friends had just welcomed a newborn into the world, and the couple happily volunteered to take the baby for a walk since their friends had been busy keeping up with college and work. As they meandered through the cobbled streets, the Norwegian landscape unfolded around them, and the couple chatted with friends about the joys and challenges of parenthood. "It's quite cold. I say we go get a coffee or something soon." Dennis suggested. "Yeah, sure. Sounds good." Y/n chirped, happily pushing the stroller along.

Y/n carefully maneuvered the stroller to the entrance, but Dennis gently halted her. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Coming into the café? What's the problem?" Dennis pointed to the other strollers each parked up one next to the other. "Oh, no strollers inside?" She asked. "You don't need to bring the stroller inside, love. It's a Norwegian thing – we leave them outside." Y/n raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Outside? But what if someone takes the baby or it gets cold?" Dennis chuckled. "It's a safe country, and leaving strollers outside is common. It's like a communal trust thing. And don't worry; Norway is known for its warmth, even in chilly weather."

Although still unsure, Y/n reluctantly left the stroller by the entrance, exchanging uneasy glances with her friends. "What are we going to tell Julie and Fred if their baby goes missing?" Y/n asks, peeking out the window every few seconds. "We won't have to because it will never happen. Julie and Fred do this all the time." She grumbled in response, her eyes not leaving the sight of the stroller. Y/n couldn't shake off her concern, leaning in to whisper. "Dennis, I'm not sure about leaving the stroller outside. It just doesn't feel right." He reassured her. "Trust me, it's normal here. It's part of the culture. Look, we can sit by the window so you can keep an eye on her, okay?" She nodded, before making her way to the small table by the window where she watched the baby stroller intently.

Dennis joined shortly after, holding their cups and placing them down onto the table. engaged Y/n in a conversation about their day, sharing laughs and tender moments. The café's warm ambiance eased Y/n's unease, and she began to appreciate the cultural nuances.

As they sipped their coffee, Y/n couldn't help but ask, "Why do they leave strollers outside, though? It still seems strange to me." Dennis grinned. "It's about community and trust. People here believe in looking out for one another. Plus, it's more convenient than lugging strollers inside crowded spaces. It's a blend of tradition and practicality." Y/n nodded. "Any benefits? Just curious." Dennis shrugged and folded his arms, leaning onto the table. "It's believed to boost their immune systems, foster independence, and connect with nature." He explained. "Or at least, that's that's my mother said to me."

"It's still a bit odd for me, but I guess I have to just get used to it since I'm moving here with you soon." Dennis beamed, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Exactly, love. Eventually, when we have kids we will be doing this. It's just tradition." Y/n arched a brow. "When we have kids?" She chuckled. "Well, I don't plan on leaving you anytime soon, do you?" Y/n shook her head. "Then when we have kids, they'll be sleeping outside every so often." Y/n hummed in response. "We're a little young, though." Dennis agreed. "Yeah, but in a few years I'd say we could. You never know." Y/n smiled, reaching over to take his hand in hers. "You get so-" She paused, thinking for a moment. "Romantic?" Dennis, smiled. "I was going to say soppy but that works too."

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