Marc Marquez (Ducati) - The Gift That Keeps Giving

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Day 4 of Christmas

As Y/n sat down in her family living room, she couldn't help but feel slightly gloomy. This was meant to be a joyous time of year but for Y/n and her boyfriend Marc, they didn't like it as much, simply because they never stayed together for Christmas and went to their family homes instead. She watched as her family excitedly opened their presents. She had a few, mainly clothes and jewellery but nothing major. "You alright?" Her mother asked. "Oh yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Her mum knew fine rightly that she was missing Marc. She always did at Christmas. "Oh for God's sake." She mumbled. She left the sitting room leaving Y/n confused as to if she did something wrong, only for her mum to come back with the biggest bouquet she had ever seen and a box. "What is-"

"He told me to give it to you at a certain time but you're moping around made me cave." She said. "Happy Christmas love." Y/n grinned as she reached for the envelope attached to the flowers and opened it.

Hello, my love

I hope you and your family are enjoying Christmas so far. I am missing you more and more with every moment that passes but I'm sure you're enjoying the one day where you don't have me annoying you every waking moment.

Y/n smiled as she read on.

As you can see, you have a bouquet of flowers. Hopefully they haven't died yet but I promise you if they have, they were beautiful when I bought them for you. As for what is in the box, I'll let you open it now, then open the envelope inside.

Y/n's face lit up as she grabbed the box beside the flowers and untied the beautifully wrapped gift. Once she opened it, she was met with the cutest eyes she had ever seen. There inside, was a golden labrador with a pretty bow around his collar. She gasped as she lifted the creature out of the box and into her arms. "Oh, he's perfect." She whispered, not to scare the pup. "There's another envelope there." Her mother spoke up, handing her the envelope that was in the box. Y/n opened it and was faced eith his beautiful handwriting again.

If you're reading this letter, you have met Diego. He is there to keep you company until I get to kiss your face again. I'll see you soon, my love and Feliz Navidad♡

Te Amo, Marc

Y/n wiped her eyes dry. "Oh I love this man so much." Y/n cried, holding the dog. "I miss him so much." Her mum held her. "Why did he want me to open it later?" Before her mum could answer, the doorbell rang. "That's probably gran. Would you mind getting it?" Y/n nodded and put her dog down before getting up and going out to open the front door. Before her stood Marc with his suitcase and gifts, as his family followed behind him. "Hello, mi amor." He smiled.

"Marc!" She almost shrieked, jumping I his arms and kissing his face over and over again. Y/n's family came out to see what the commotion was about and saw the couple finally reunited. "What are you doing here?!" Y/n asked. "Well, I-" They were interrupted by the small barks of a puppy at their feet. "I see you open your presents a bit early." He laughed. "Yes, he's been taking care of me." Marc bent down and took the puppy into his own arms. "Muy bien, hombre." He said, petting the pup. "Oh my goodness, this is the best Christmas ever." Y/n grinned. "It is." Marc whispered, before planting a kiss onto his girlfriend's cheek. "Feliz Navidad, mi amor." She caressed his face and smiled even wider than before. "Happy Christmas, Marc."

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