George Russell (Mercedes AMG) - Regency

942 14 1

Requested: yes by Jett_Joan
Prompt: 20) "Suddenly every love song is about you."
Warnings: none tbh

George and Y/n sat cozily on the couch, engrossed in an episode of Bridgerton. The soft glow of the TV illuminated their faces as they indulged in the Regency-era drama. As George and Y/n wrapped his arms tighter around his girlfriend, she turned to him, a playful glint in her eyes. "You know, you'd fit right in with the British charm on this show. Can you imagine giving me a dramatic love confession like they do?" George knotted his brows, partially confused. "How?" Y/n grinned mischievously. "Well, you're British, and you've got that dashing charm. Plus, wouldn't it be amusing if you had one of those angry love confessions, just like in the show?"

George raised an eyebrow, entertained by the idea. "Oh, you want an angry love confession, do you?" Y/n nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, and sitting up off him. With a grin, George cleared his throat, adopting a dramatic tone worthy of Bridgerton. "Very well, my dearest Y/n. Brace yourself for the torrent of my affection." Y/n giggled, settling in for George's performance. George chuckled, playing along. "Oh, my dearest Y/n, I must confess, my heart yearns for you in the most passionate manner," he said in a faux posh accent. "Do go on, Mr. George, I'm intrigued." Y/n giggled, encouraging him to continue. George stood up, taking Y/n along with him as though he was in the show. "Ah, my love." He began theatrically. "In your eyes, I find a celestial beauty that rivals the heavens above." Y/n's mouth was agape. "You're doing splendidly, darling. Carry on."

"My beloved Y/n, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew my heart was irrevocably yours. You are not merely a person to me; you are my stars, my moon, and my sun." Y/n's eyes widened in amusement and affection as George continued, his voice dripping with melodrama. "In your presence, it's as though every melody I hear is but a love song dedicated to you. Your laughter is the sweetest symphony, and your smile, oh, your smile, it could outshine the very sun itself." Y/n couldn't help but laugh, charmed by George's theatrics. "Keep going, I'm intrigued!"

"Y/n, my love for you knows no bounds. It transcends time and space, like a love story woven into the fabric of the universe itself. To love you is to breathe, to exist, to live." George continued, looking into Y/n's eyes with mock seriousness. "The melody of my heart beats in sync with the rhythm of your laughter." George, still in character, took Y/n's hand, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. "My dearest Y/n, my feelings for you are a tempestuous storm, yet in the chaos, I find the most exquisite serenity." She felt her cheeks heat up as he looked up towards her. Y/n couldn't help but smile. "Oh, George."

"What? You wanted a confession and you got one." George chuckled, kissing her lips. "I know but Jesus, have you been practising that?" George laughed falling back onto the couch with Y/n in his arms. "No, not at all. I just did a lot of poetry and literature in school. It's easy to come up with sometimes." He said it as though it were easy. It wasnt. To do it unscripted was something else entirely. "I know but it was quite romantic." She muttered. George leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "Only for you, my dear Y/n. Only for you."

As they melted into each other's embrace, the echoes of their laughter mingled with the melodious strains of Bridgerton, creating a scene straight out of a love story-one that would rival even the most captivating tales of Regency romance.

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