Stoffel Vandoorne (DS Penske) - Sleepy

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 19) "We could watch a movie if one of us wouldn't keep falling asleep."
Warnings: none

Stoffel and Y/n found themselves at home, contemplating how to spend their evening together. Y/n suggested watching a movie, excitedly proposing it as a cozy option for their night in. Stoffel chuckled, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend. "Sure, we could watch a movie if one of us didn't always fall asleep halfway through." Stoffel teased. Y/n pushed him away. "I don't always sleep!" She defended. "Oh please, our first date was going to watch House of Gucci and you fell also while the ads were on." Stoffel replied. "That's not true! And besides, the ads are boring. I'd let someone sleep through them." They settled on a lighthearted romantic comedy, with snacks ready for their movie night.

As the movie started, Stoffel stole glances at Y/n, amused by her determined expression. However, under an hour into the film, he felt a gentle weight on his shoulder and turned to find Y/n peacefully dozing off. Chuckling to himself, Stoffel decided to let her rest and continued watching the movie. He couldn't help but smile at her occasional soft snores and the way she nestled against him.

As the credits rolled, Stoffel carefully shifted Y/n off his shoulder, amazed at how she managed to sleep through the entire movie. He cleaned up the remnants of their snacks and gently scooped her into his arms, carrying her to bed. Once he tucked her in, Y/n stirred awake, a bit embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, Stoffel. I really wanted to watch the whole movie with you."

Stoffel reassured her with a warm smile, "Don't worry about it, love. Watching you sleep peacefully is just as enjoyable. It's one of the things that makes me love you even more." Y/n blushed, grateful for Stoffel's understanding. They shared a tender moment, expressing their affection through quiet words and soft laughter. As they settled into bed, Stoffel whispered, "Maybe next time, we'll pick a shorter movie, or I'll find a way to keep you awake."

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