Ollie Bearman (Prema) - Early Bird

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 14) "It's too early."
Warnings: nope

Y/n slowly opened her eyes, the soft morning light seeping through the curtains. She turned to her side, finding Ollie still deep in slumber beside her. The digital clock on the nightstand blinked a reminder that it was time to start the day. Gently untangling herself from Ollie's embrace, Y/n tiptoed to the bathroom to begin her morning routine. The faint sound of water running and drawers opening filled the room as she got ready for university.

As she emerged, freshly dressed, she glanced at the still-sleeping Ollie. Realizing the urgency of the situation, Y/n leaned over and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead. He turned sleepily, his eyes still closed. "Ollie, you need to wake up. You've got that flight to Bahrain, remember?" She whispered, gently moving his curly locks out of his eyes. Ollie stirred, mumbling incoherently. Y/n chuckled softly."Come on, sleepyhead. It's time to face the day."

With a groan, Ollie squinted at the clock, protesting. "It's too early, love. Can't I have 5 more minutes?" Y/n laughed. "You wish, but you've got a plane to catch, and I've got classes to get to. Get up." As Ollie reluctantly opened his eyes, he pouted, "Why do flights always have to be so early?" Y/n rolled her eyes playfully, "Blame the airlines, not me. Now, up you go."

Ollie checked his watch, realizing he was running late for his flight. Meanwhile, Y/n was frantically searching for her university essentials. "Are you ready, love? We have to head soon." Ollie said, finishing up his breakfast. "Where on earth did I put my laptop charger?" Y/n exclaimed, turning her bag upside down. "Again? You've lost it again?" He asked in disbelief, chuckling. "This isn't funny. I need it!" Ollie, determined to help, joined the hunt. "Let's divide and conquer. I'll check your study area; you focus on the bedroom." As Ollie rummaged through papers, Y/n discovered her charger hidden behind a stack of books. "Found it! Thanks, Ollie." He grinned. "No problem. Now, let's grab your other things so we can both make it to the airport on time."

In a hurry, they made their way to the car, Ollie still half-asleep. As they drove, Y/n couldn't help but admire the way Ollie's eyes tried to stay open, fighting against the morning fatigue. On the way to university, they enjoyed the quiet moments, knowing they wouldn't have this time together for a few weeks. Y/n loved the shared laughter, the sleepy conversations, and the warmth of Ollie's presence beside her, but now for the first time in a few months, he'd be away from her.

Upon reaching the university, Ollie pulled up to the entrance, and they shared a lingering goodbye. "Bye, love." Ollie smiled as he kissed Y/n lovingly. "Please text me." She said, opening the door. "I will. Only if you message me too." Y/n smiled. "Of course I'm going to message you. I'm not mental." She chuckled, hopping out and waving as her boyfriend left. As Ollie drove away towards the airport, Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions – the bittersweetness of parting, but also the anticipation of the reunion. And so, they bid each other farewell, knowing that distance couldn't diminish the love that bound them together.

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