Pierre Gasly (Alpine) - Die Hard

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Day 16 of Christmas

Pierre couldn't contain his excitement as he carefully laid out the matching Christmas pyjamas he had picked out for Y/n. With a mischievous grin, he planned the perfect surprise for his girlfriend. As Y/n entered the room, Pierre tried to hide his excitement, pretending to be engrossed in something else. "Hey, babe, I was thinking we could have a cozy Christmas Eve together," he suggested, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Y/n raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? What did you have in mind?"

Pierre unveiled the festive pyjamas with a flourish, a proud smile on his face. "Ta-da! Matching Christmas pyjamas for us! I thought it would be fun and super cozy." Y/n's eyes lit up like a child on Christmas as she examined the adorable set. "Pierre, this is so sweet! I love them." He chuckled, "I knew you'd like them. Now imagine us sipping hot cocoa by the fireplace, wearing these comfy pyjamas, and obviously watching Die Hard." Y/n arched a brow at the last bit. "We'll see about die hard, but hot cocoa sounds good right now."

So there they were, in a cozy chalet nestled in the French Alps, the couple had found themselves wrapped in matching Christmas pyjamas, sipping hot chocolate by the fireplace. The snowfall outside added a touch of magic to the evening.

Pierre chuckled "You know, Y/n, I still can't believe we found matching pyjamas in our sizes." Y/n grinned, "It's like they were made for us. And speaking of perfect matches, this hot chocolate is amazing." They clinked their mugs together and nestled further into the sofa, surrounded by the warmth of the crackling fire.

As they enjoyed their cocoa, Pierre turned to Y/n, "What do you think about starting a new tradition? Like watching Christmas movies together during the off-season?" Y/n's eyes sparkled. "I love that idea! Where should we begin?" Pierre pondered for a moment. "How about 'Die Hard'? It's a classic Christmas film, right?"

Y/n raised an eyebrow, "Debate time! I think it's more of an action film set during Christmas." Pierre scoffed. "Come on, Y/n, it has all the Christmas elements - action, suspense, and a bit of holiday cheer. Totally a Christmas movie."

Y/n laughed. "Agree to disagree, Gasly. Let's compromise and watch it anyway." And so, in their matching pyjamas, Pierre Gasly and Y/n settled in for a night of Christmas movies, creating memories that would last far beyond the winter season.

(Also, just to settle a debate; is Die Hard a Christmas movie)

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