Patricio O' Ward (Arrow McLaren) - Back To December

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 9) "It will always be you who has my heart."
              10) "Can we at least talk about this?"
Warnings: heartbreaking and whoever requested this....I will find you

Whilst the storm outside had destroyed everything in its path, the aroma inside the kitchen from Pato's cooking filled the air as he prepared a special meal for Y/N. The atmosphere seemed perfect, the warmth of his love was evident in every shared glance and tender smile. As Pato stirred a pot on the stove, Y/N gave a lighthearted smile, yet, her heart felt heavy, burdened by the weight of her own uncertainties.

Pato hummed a tune, his eyes bright with affection as he flipped the sizzling vegetables in the pan. "You know, Y/N, tonight's dish will be extra special." He remarked, his voice laced with adoration. Y/N forced a smile, her fingers toying with the edge of her sweater. She knew she couldn't delay any longer, couldn't ignore the growing rift within her own heart. Gathering her courage, she cleared her throat, her voice betraying the turmoil within. When she didn't give a cheeky remark like she usually did, Pato turned, his gaze searching her face, his heart already sensing the impending storm. "Is everything okay, amor?" He inquired, his concern palpable. "You" 

Tears threatened to spill from Y/N's eyes as she met his gaze, the depths of her sorrow reflected in his own. "No, Pato, everything's not okay," she confessed, her voice trembling like a fragile whisper in the night. Confusion clouded Pato's features as he set aside the spatula, his attention solely on her. "What's wrong, Y/n? Please, tell me." He implored, his voice laced with urgency and fear as he turned the stove down to go to his girlfriend who was very clearly troubled and torn. Y/n's breath caught in her throat as she struggled to find the words, each syllable heavy with the weight of her decision. "I... I think we should break up." She confessed, her voice barely above a whisper, as though afraid to shatter the fragile illusion of their love.

The world seemed to stand still as Pato processed her words, his heart fracturing into a million shattered pieces. "But... why?" he choked out, his voice raw with pain, his eyes searching hers for a glimmer of hope.

Tears cascaded down Y/N's cheeks as she met his gaze, her heart breaking with each passing moment. "I just don't think it's working, Pato," she lied, her voice trembling with vulnerability. "Its just, this is too perfect, too beautiful to be real. And I can't do this. I don't deserve this." She sobbed. "Deserve what? Love? You deserve everything in the world and more. Amor, let's just talk about this. Can't we just, talk about it?" He reached for her face but she pulled away. "Please don't make this more difficult." Patricio had started crying now, although he hadn't noticed. Pato's world shattered as her words pierced his soul, the anguish in her voice echoing the turmoil within his own heart. "But Y/n, you are everything to me." He confessed, his voice trembling with unshed tears, his heart laid bare before her.

Y/N's resolve wavered as she watched the tears glisten in his eyes, her own heart breaking with each passing moment. "I know, Pato, I know," she whispered, her voice choked with sorrow. "But I have made my decision and hopefully one day you'll realize that I'm not enough, that our love is just a fleeting dream." Silence hung heavy in the air as Pato processed her words, his heart aching with the weight of her doubts. "Y/N, please. Please don't leave me." He pleaded, his voice raw with emotion, his eyes pleading for her to stay. Tears blurred Y/N's vision as she reached out, her fingers trembling as they brushed against his cheek. "I'm sorry, Pato, I'm so sorry." She whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I have to do this, for both of us."  His lips parted as a sigh left. "Y/n?" She turned to see him one last time, his once sweet eyes now turned red and puffy, his smile now replaced with sorrow. "It will always be you that has my heart."

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