Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull Era) - Man After Midnight

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Requested: yes (and thank fucking god) on tumblr
Prompt: 23) "I can't believe you're actually wearing my jumper."
Warnings: not particularly

Y/n sat on the edge of the hotel bed she visited, leaning down to tie her shoelace before making an attempt to sneak out without anyone catching her. She stood up and grabbed the clutch she had the night before and headed for the door. She stopped and paused, looking at the beautiful, gleaming silver shine of the World Championship trophy from the Abu Dhabi morning sun shining through the thin curtains. Her mind from the night before was a blur and to be quite honest, she didn't entirely want to remember it. Especially based on where she woke up.

"Leaving so soon?" She jumped at the sudden groggy voice and turned to see Sebastian laying on the bed with nothing but the bedsheets dressing him. "I don't want people seeing me here." Y/n replied. "You don't want to be associated with me." Sebastian chuckled. "No, it's not that. It's just we are teammates and this shouldn't happen between teammates." Sebastian laughed again. "Well if it eases your concious, no other driver on the grid has a teammate that's as talented as you are in the bedroom." She rolled her eyes. "What? Its a compliment." He said. "No, it's not." She retaliated. "How?"

"It implies things about me." She remembers the first time her and Sebastian slept together. It was a drunken mistake. But then again, how many times can something happen before its no longer a mistake? "Well I apologise for...what's the opposite of complimenting?" He asked. He sometimes forgot words or mixed them up. "Insulting, Seb." She replied. "Thank you, schnuki." He said. "Sebastian, don't!" She nearly screamed. He looked at her confused. "I don't see what the problem is? We always do this."

"Seb, that is exactly the problem!" She chucked her clothes back on the floor. "We always do this. This is not normal, I any shape or form! We aren't even friends!" Seb looked at her with his cocky grin still on his face. "We aren't friends?" He asked, faking a hurt voice and pouting his lip. "Shut up or I will shut you up!" He lay back onto the soft pillows behind him and flexed his arms behind his head. "Feel free to do just that, schnuki." She shook her head. "I'm not doing this again." She said. "What do you want from me? Do you just want a quickie and then for me to leave or what?" His face lost the smirk. He realised it was a lot more serious than this. "Well-" He was quiet for a moment. He didn't have anything to say for once. "What would you like me to say?"

"I mean, I'm half hoping you actually-" She stopped and picked her clothes back up. "That's I'd actually what?" He asked, sitting up. "It's nothing, Seb. I'll see you next season." She mumbled, before she walked towards his hotel room door and opened it. "Y/n?" She turned and saw Sebastian staring at her. He looked almost angelic with how the sun had shined on him. The true Red Bull golden boy. "What?" Y/n asked as Sebastian stood in the doorway. "I just can't believe that you're wearing my jumper." He replied. "If you told me at the start of the season that you would be wearing my jumper, I would have laughed." She scoffed.

"Don't be such a dick, Sebastian."

Y/n walked through the airport with her sunglasses covering her tired and red eyes. Although fans were around her, she felt like the loneliest person in existence. She simply sighed and continued walking as fans asked for photos and for her to sign things, to which she obliged and tried to do quickly as to just get to her gate and forget the pain and heartbreak of Abu Dhabi. "Y/n!" An all too familiar voice called. She lifted her head to see her German teammate jogging towards her with his suitcase and backpack.

The swarm of fans soon grew twice the size as the new 3 time world champion joined the woman who took the third place spot. "Sorry I'm late, the cab." He lied. He wasn't meant to fly back for another few days and he definitely wasn't meant to be flying to London like Y/n. "At least you got here." She smiled back. The pair shared a look before Sebastian walked in front of her and grabbed her hand. "We have a flight to catch." She looked down at his hand and swallowed the lump in her throat hard. "Very sorry guys! We have to go, but we'll see you here for next season!" He smiled, pulling Y/n away from the crowd and through to security.

Even in the lines, Sebastian didn't let go of her hand. He instead looked at everything else, such as the boarding times, and tightened his grip ever so slightly. She didn't dare ask why he was holding her hand. She put it down to him trying to prove a point. As Sebastian muttered to himself in German, Y/n decided to let her eyes wander and in doing so, spotted the prying eyes of strangers looking on. The more she looked, the more sets of eyes stared back. It all became that bit too much and she decided it was time to grab Sebastian's attention.

She pulled at his shirt before speaking up gently. "Seb?" He turned and looked down towards her. She was met with his blue eyes, almost instantly soothing her of her worries. "People are looking, you can let go now." Sebastian looked around and saw people staring at him and her, obviously confused about him holding his teammate's hand. "Let them. It's why they have eyes, schnuki." He replied, before pressing a reassuring kiss onto the top of her head. "I found what gate we're at. We can go now." He said, smiling. She simply smiled back and nodded, following him. "Seb?" He looked down to her once again. "What does this mean?" She asked. Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. "Well, I was using this as an opportunity to show my true feelings." He looked down to her. "But I think we find out what this is together. It'd be more fun, no?" Her hand squeezed his tighter, as her other hand reached up to hold his arm. This wasn't teammates anymore. This wasn't even friends. This was something else that neither had felt before. Love, perhaps? Well, they had the whole off-season to figure it out and the rest of their lives to promise it.

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