Liam Lawson (Red Bull Reserve) - Sappy

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 23) "I can't believe you're wearing my jumper."
Warnings: none

Liam woke up with a content smile, finding himself wrapped in the warmth of his girlfriend Y/n and the soft embrace of the morning sun that had managed to seep through the curtains. Y/n, still half-asleep, looked at him curiously throw just about closed eyes, seeing him smiling softly, his eyes scanning across her face. "Why are you so smiley?" She whispered, catching him off guard.

Liam chuckled, tracing his fingers along the outline of Y/n's face. "Because you're wearing my jumper and I cant believe it." He replied, a grin playing on his lips. Y/n raised an eyebrow, glancing down at the oversized garment she had borrowed for the night. "And that's a reason to be so happy?"

Liam nodded, pulling her closer. "It means you're mine, and there's nothing better than waking up next to you in my clothes." Y/n couldn't help but smile, feeling the warmth of his sentiment. They lingered in the cozy moment, wrapped up in each other. They blabbered endlessly for hours, enjoying the innocence of their newfound relationship. Liam, tracing circles on Y/n's hand, said, "Do you ever wonder what cats dream about?"

Y/n giggled. "Probably world domination and unlimited treats. What about you?" Liam shrugged. "I think dogs dream of endless belly rubs and chasing their tails." He replied, his eyes sparkling. "You are basically a golden retriever." Y/n smiled, ruffling his hair.

They shared a moment of laughter, their connection growing stronger with each shared giggle. Y/n looked at Liam and whispered, "If we were animals, what do you think we'd dream about?" Liam thought for a moment, looking into Y/n's eyes, and then he spoke. "I think we'd dream about mornings like this, where time stands still and it's just us, tangled up in each other. And then the sun makes the whole room look golden."

"You're so sappy as a boyfriend." She joked, before Liam pulled her closer and nuzzled into her. "I don't care to be perfectly honest." He sighed. "I've got you and that is enough for me."

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