Charles Leclerc (Scuderia Ferrari) - Tree Topping

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Day 12 of Christmas

In a cozy living room in Monaco, which was bombarded with twinkling lights, Charles and Y/n enthusiastically unpacked boxes of Christmas decorations. Charles chuckled as he handed Y/n a tangled string of lights."Looks like a festive challenge," he teased, his eyes gleaming with holiday spirit. Y/n grinned, playfully nudging him. "Challenge accepted, Charles." Together, the couple sat as Christmas music played from the TV and untangled the lights, their laughter filling the room. Every so often, they would refill their glasses of wine but it didn't particularly last very long.

As they covered the tree with ornaments, Charles couldn't help but steal glances at Y/n. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she carefully placed each bauble, and he couldn't believe how lucky he was to share this moment with her. "What do we think so far?" Y/n asked, tearing him from his thoughts. He smiled and reached for the gleaming red bauble in the box. "Let's add a touch of Ferrari red." Charles suggested, handing Y/n the shiny red ornament. Y/n shared his smiled, before hanging it with care. "Perfect! Just like your car."

They continued decorating, sharing stories and creating new memories. The room echoed with the sound of Christmas carols playing softly in the background. Charles paused and pulled out a small box from his pocket. "I thought we could add a special ornament this year." he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Y/n's eyes widened as she opened the box, revealing a delicate ornament shaped perfectly like his ferrari. "Charles, it's beautiful!" She whispered, taking it carefully. He smiled warmly. "A little reminder of our journey together." Y/n placed the ornament proudly yet carefully onto the tree. Once that final ornament had been placed on the tree the couple stood back and looked at their glamorous work.

The room glowed with the warmth of twinkling lights, and the scent of pine filled the air. Now, there was only one thing left to do. Y/n held the angel ornament in her hands, a delicate figure with glittering wings. She looked up at the top of the tree, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. Charles, sensing her hesitation, gently took the ornament from her.

"Let me help you with that." he said, offering a reassuring smile.

Together, they approached the tree, Charles reaching up to make space for the angel at the pinnacle. Y/n stood beside him, her gaze fixed on the task at hand. Charles could feel her excitement and nervous energy, and he couldn't help but find it endearing.

"Okay, on the count of three," Charles suggested, holding the angel in position. "One, two, three!" In unison, they carefully lifted the angel to the top of the tree. Y/n marveled at the sight, her eyes lighting up as the angel found its place amidst the branches.

"It's perfect," she exclaimed, a radiant smile spreading across her face. Charles grinned, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. "Just like you." They stood together, admiring their handiwork. The room seemed to shimmer with a special kind of magic as they embraced the holiday moment. Charles pressed a gentle kiss to Y/n's forehead, savoring the joy of sharing this simple yet meaningful tradition.

"Merry Christmas, Y/n." he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek.

"Merry Christmas, Charles," she replied, snuggling closer. In that moment, surrounded by love and Christmas magic, they celebrated not just the season but the bond that made their Christmas truly special.

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