Max Verstappen (Red Bull Racing) - Champagne Problems

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Requested: HIGHLY requested
Prompt: How did their affair start? The prologue to Farewell
Warnings: cheating, FICTION, drunk!max

Y/n smiled politely as the cameras flashed around her. This would be the first time she would be at the FIA Gala as an F1 driver. She was there when she was in F2 two years ago, and ultimately missed out last year after a very disappointing year in Williams. She posed and laughed, becoming more or less effortlessly gorgeous, easily the most gracious woman in the room and it didn't go unnoticed.

Many of her fellow drivers watched from the sidelines, one of these was Max who had his girlfriend tapping away on her phone mindlessly as he watched on. There was something about her when he first met her. Her honesty, her urge to befriend the grid. It made her likable from the get go and now that she was his teammate, he couldn't help but steal glances at her from across the garage. Despite the six-year age gap, there was an undeniable connection between them. Max, usually confident on the track, found himself feeling a bit uneasy around her. "Our turn." Kelly said, taking Max from his trance. He looked up to see Y/n gone and all the cameras noe turned in anticipation of who was to come next. "Right. Let's go." He smiled,grabbing her hand and leading her to the carpet.

Max walked backstage, being briefed on how the whole main event of the two teammates walking out would work. "So I just have to stand in the bit on the floor eith white tape?" Max asked. "Yes well you have to-" The voice faded away as he spotted Y/n smiling as she got her makeup touched up. God she looked stunning, but that's not something anyone should ever feel about their teammate, especially when she's younger. Max stood looking forward beside Y/n. They stood silently before Max coughed and managed to get a "hello" out. "I was beginning to think you were ignoring me." Y/n chuckled. "Never. I could never ignore you. You're far too loud and bubbly." Y/n turned to look at him and he did the same for her. "Don't pretend you hate it." She smiled.

"If you don't mind me saying-" He paused and looked between both of her eyes. "You look very good tonight." She nodded and smiled. "I know." Max chuckled. "I'd say you do." The pair looked forward, returning to their professional composure. "You know, I don't like these kind of events." She said. Max turned his head slightly so he could look at her in the corner of his eye. "I don't like having to dress up. I would prefer for us to just head somewhere with our Red Bull stuff on." She joked making Max laugh. "I mean if it suits you wear it."

"Introducing, newly crowned two time World Champion, Max Verstappen and the first woman to grace the grid in years, his 19 year old teammate, Y/n Y/l/n." 

As Max stood next to his World Championship trophy, he searched the room for his teammate, desperately wanting to find her. Eventually he spotted her face, once bright and smiley now looking bored as she found herself surrounded by men. He chuckled and set his glass aside before grabbing the bottle of champagne beside him and making his way over to the small group. "But you see, crypto is the future and I would even go as far to say-"

"Hello Y/n!" She turned to see her teammate with a beaming smile upon his face. "Max." She replied. "Sorry to interrupt, but would you mind if I borrowed her from you. Y/n and I need to discuss some things. Excuse us." Max said, guiding her away with a knowing smile. As they walked away, Y/n couldn't help but feel the magnetic pull between them. "Of course." She turned to the guests and excused herself before quickly rushing off with Max. "Thank god. I don't think I could've listened to them talking about crypto currency for another minute." Max laughed, whisking her away with a charming smile. "Saved by the Max Verstappen." Y/n teased, her eyes meeting Max's. "Just returning the favor for you helping me this year." Max replied, a playful glint in his eyes. "You hardly needed me for something, did you?" She asked. "No, I just thought you needed help out of that situation and I happen to have a full bottle of champagne."

The pair found themselves on the balcony of the gala, away from prying eyes, continuing their conversation. Max, still hesitant to admit his feelings, spoke about the unique dynamics of their partnership on the track. "You know," Max began, clearing his throat. He turned to see Y/n looking at him. His knees went weak before continuing on. "We make a great team out there. I mean you're young, you're basically fearless and" He stopped, confused where he was going with this. "Old and wise?" He looked at her offended. "I'm not that old." She looked back out onto the view with a subtle smirk. "Well, you're not so bad yourself, Max. Maybe it's the teamwork that's making us stand out."

"Maybe it's something else?" Y/n took a deep breath in as Max continued on. "How do you mean?" She asked. Max fought in his head whether or not he should admit to these immoral thoughts he had about her. "Nothing." He muttered back, grabbing the champagne from Y/n and taking a swig sipping from the bottle. "Well you've started it now, you may as well finish it." Y/n said. The air between them crackled with unspoken emotions, and Y/n could sense Max's internal struggle, torn between his feelings and loyalty to his girlfriend. "Just say it." She whispered. Max let out a sigh and kept looking out onto the view, not brave enough to look into her eyes in case he fell in love. "There's something about you, Y/n. I can't put a name to it but it's there."

"I've noticed, Max. It's been there all season." He let out a breath of relief, knowing she felt the same. "So, what exactly do we do now?" He asked. "Because-" He turned to her, taking her hand into his. She locked eyes with him. She never realised how blue they were before but now she can't help it, seeing the twinkling lights within them. "I can't promise anything, but I can't deny what I feel either." She nodded. "I understand, Max. I just-" He closed the gap between them, pecking her lips gently. He pulled away, staring at her in disbelief of what he had just done. "I am so sorry." He whispered. She took a deep breath. "Do it again."

It didn't take long for his hands to cup her face and pull her in again for another kiss. The kiss deepened and his hands dropped to her waist, while hers went under his buttoned shirt. This is the passion he had wanted with her. Y/n, her head generally always thinking of what others would say if they saw this, didn't care as Max pushed her back towards the ledge on the balcony and began to kiss her neck. Her fingers twirled through his hair, messing it as his now stained lips drew lilac bruises from her skin. She grinned, pulling him back up to engulf him yet another kiss when-

"Max!" The pair jumped apart by the sound of the sudden voice. "Max!" Their PR manager. "Yeah?" He called back, fixing his shirt back into his trousers. "We just need you for some photos!" Max wiped Y/n's smudged lipstick away from her lips and allowed her to fix his tie and his own lips. "Coming!" He shouted back. "If you find Y/n on the way in, can you call her in too?" Max looked down to Y/n grinning. "Of course!"

"Max?" He turned back, looking at her. "How about a movie at my hotel tonight?" She asked, twiddling with her fingers. Max didn't know what to do. "Um, maybe it's not such a good idea right now. I mean-" He paused gesturing inside. "My girlfriend is here and I don't think she would-"

"No, no, I get it. I think we just let the champagne get to us." She said. "Yeah. But if its any consolation, if I was single, you would- I mean I would love to- you- yeah." He couldn't quite finish his sentence. Y/n nodded. "Thanks." She mumbled. "I will-" He stopped. "I'll talk to you later." Y/n nodded again. "I'll be in soon. I. Just going to have a look at the view." She smiled, reassuringly. Max nodded and turned to leave. How could he do that? How stupid was he? Then again, she asked him to kiss her again. Did it mean anything?

As the gala drew to a close, Max and Y/n lingered closely to one another, their eyes speaking volumes. Max hesitated, his unspoken desire evident, but his unspoken loyalty to his girlfriend still there, but being questioned. "Should we leave?" Kelly asked, sensing that Max was not feeling it anymore. He nodded, a soft smile on his lips. "Alright. We should say goodbye to the other guests then." Kelly held his hand gently and pulled him along to say goodbye to everybody. "Leaving so early? You're not drunk already, are you?" Christian chuckled, patting Max on the back. Max chuckled as he rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "I don't know. I've had a lot of people buying me drinks and then a whole bottle of champa-"

Max looked to Christian's right to see Y/n, looking between both his eyes. He felt the air stuck in his lungs as she stared right into his very soul. "I'll see you on the track, Y/n," Max finally said, his voice carrying a mix of regret and longing. Y/n, understanding the complexity of their situation, smiled softly. "Looking forward to it, Max." He opened his arms for a hug to which Y/n reluctantly fell into. How long would this awkwardness go on for? And how long would it take for someone to figure it out? The pair pulled away with Max giving an awkward smile. "See you next year." He whispered. "Likewise." And so, she watched him as he walked away, out of sight but most definitely not out of mind.

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