Lando Norris (McLaren) - Did She? ft. Oscar Piastri

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Requested: yes
Prompt: 44) "Give me another chance."
Warnings: angst, rivalry (which is fictional), sad ending

Lando had stormed into the paddock, frustration etched across his face and rage very evident in his eyes. Oscar however, followed, a smug grin playing on his lips. The press had been around them, taking photos and undeniably thinking of the catchy headlines they would be using for their insufferable articles. They quickly made their way into the McLaren hospitality. "What the hell was that, Oscar?" Lando snapped, trying to keep his voice down in an attempt to not attract too much attention. "Relax, Lando. It's just racing." Oscar replied, his tone nonchalant. "Just racing? You practically pushed me off the track!" Lando retorted, his eyes blazing with anger. Oscar chuckled. "Well, maybe you shouldn't be so easy to push around." He patted his teammates back. Lando pushed the Australian's hand away.

A few of the mechanics stood up in case they needed to intervene. "Maybe don't be a dick and just admit you had to cheat to stop me from passing!" Oscar arched a brow. "I mean, I had to fend of Y/n too. I don't-" Oscar noticed how Lando's face had changed once he mentioned the Aston Martin driver. Oscar chuckled. "Is this because Y/n chose me over you, mate?" Oscar smirked, knowing he had hit a nerve. "No. This is about you pushing me off the track."

Y/n and Lando had been insepersble the whole winter break and then suddenly once testing had begun, Oscar swooped in and took her. It annoyed Lando but considering him and Y/n agreed there wasn't anything going further than their winter fling, he had hoped it would turn into a spring fling and then a full blown relationship. "Well sorry Lando. I just don't believe you. I think it's over the fact that Y/n chose me."

"Did she?" He had practically squared up to his teammate now. The pair had been glaring at one another. Oscar raised an eyebrow, reveling in the opportunity to provoke his rival further. "Oh, she did. Believe me, she did." Lando clenched his jaw, struggling to maintain his composure. "It didn't seem like that last weekend mate, but whatever you think."

Oscar leaned in, his grin widening. "Sure, Lando. Keep telling yourself that." As the pit of jealousy grew deeper, Lando couldn't help but question his feelings. Was it about the race or something more personal.

Y/n stood in the media pen, smiling and laughing away at her good result. "I mean, obviously I couldn't have done it without the team. I just think I was incredibly fortunateto have the McLarens both occupied with eachother. That way I could-"

"Hey, can I grab you for a minute?" Y/n jarred to see Lando marching towards her, looking both determined and angry. "Im in the middle of an interview-"

"I don't care. Come on." Y/n looked back between her PR manager and the interviewer but soon found herself being pulled along to somewhere a bit more private; in between trucks. "What's this about? Im a busy girl." Y/n asked, slightly concerned. "Did you choose Oscar over me for a reason?" He asked, his vulnerability exposed. "Really? You pulled me away to talk about Oscar?" Lando nodded. "Oh yeah, because I'm after nearly ripping his fucking head off. Now please, just answer me." Y/n sighed. "Lando, it's not about choosing. Relationships are complicated, and I can't be reduced to a prize to be won."

Lando looked at her in disbelief. "When did you become a prize? It was meant to just be us and that was it. A quiet winter fling." He protested. "Lando, it's April. The winter is long over. I thought you would have moved on." She walked away, leaving Lando to just watch her. "Can you give me another chance?" She stopped dead in her tracks and turned to face him, her expression a mix of sadness and rage. "Lando, I don't think we should have even started this." Lando's heart sank, and he swallowed hard, unable to mask the pain in his eyes. "Why? What did I do wrong?"

Y/n took a deep breath, her gaze unwavering. "It's not about what you did wrong. It's about what I need." His brows furrowed, confusion evident in his eyes. "And what do you need that I can't give you?" Y/n hesitated before speaking, her words laced with regret. "I need someone who understands the pressures of this world, Lando. Someone who shares my passion for racing." He scoffed. "I am a driver. I share your passion, i understand the pressure. What more do you want from me?!" Y/n hesitated before answering. "I don't want anything from you! I like you, but I can't ignore the differences. Oscar and I, we just connect on a different level." Lando clenched his fists, the pain evident in his expression. "So, what, I wasn't enough for you?"

"It's not about you not being enough, Lando. It's about finding someone who complements me in a different way." Y/n explained, her voice tinged with regret. Lando scoffed, his disbelief turning into bitterness. "Complements you? Or is it just about the thrill of someone new?".Y/n looked away, unable to meet his accusing gaze. "Listen, dickhead. I ended it because I didn't want this from the start, I ended it when I did because I didn't want to hurt you!"

"But you did," Lando whispered, his voice filled with resignation. He wiped his eyes of the few tears that fell. Y/n reached to help, but he pushed her hand away. "Is he what you want, then?" Lando's voice cracked with emotion, his fear of the answer palpable. Y/n swallowed the lump in her throat, her silence speaking volumes. "I don't know, Lando. But right now, he is." The words hung heavy in the air, sealing their fate with an unspoken finality. Lando's chest tightened with despair, his heart shattered into a million irreparable pieces. "I'll go." She wanted to reach for him, but she refrained. How could she stand there, denying her love for him then to turn around and grasp him.

As for Lando, in that moment, he knew that some wounds never truly healed, and some loves were destined to remain forever beyond grasp.

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