I pick..

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"Alright, Alright! I think it's time. Y/n who do you pick as your coach?" Alicia asks.

I take a deep breath, trying to process the last few minutes. I look over to the four coaches, thinking of all the different opportunities and experiences I'll have in each team. Weirdly, the coaches look nervous. What the hell could they be nervous about?

"In case you don't know, you get a cool jacket if you pick me!" Kelly calls out, making the whole room echo with laughter.

It would be incredible to work with both Kelly and Alicia, and of course Blake. I've loved them and their careers for as long as I can remember. But thinking back to what Ellis told me..I can't disappoint him. But ultimately it is my decision.

"Well I love all of you and working with each of you would be a dream! But I think the coach I'm going to pick is..Scarlett!" I reveal.

The audience cheers and applauds. Scarlett jumps up in excitement and quickly makes her way towards the stage, towards me. Without warning, I'm pulled into a hug from the short haired blonde.

"Thank you for picking me. We'll be great together." She whispers in my ear. I smile and hug her back. I couldn't help but take in her scent. Vanilla. My favourite.

We break up the hug and she holds my face in her hands, failing to hold back her grin. I notice how soft her hands are, how much emotion her eyes show. She really is beautiful.

I, weirdly, get lost in her emerald eyes before I snap back into reality. I walk off the stage as Scarlett goes back to her chair. Fuck me, did that just happen??

As I walk backstage I see Sarah with Ellis. Once they notice me they both beamed in excitement.

"Bitch you did THAT" Ellis states proudly as he walks towards me with open arms. I gladly hug him back.
"I can't believe what just happened. Four chairs turned!" I gush.

We both spoke to Sarah for a few minutes before we were able to leave.

"You ready to go?" Ellis asks me
"Fuck yes I am. I desperately need a nap." I reply as I grab my purse from Ellis.
"Apologies but you cannot leave." A crew member interrupts us.

"Uh why not?" Ellis asks, rather rudely but I don't say anything.
"The next commercial break will be in a couple minutes. Miss Johansson would like to speak to Y/n." The crew member informs us.

Oh fuck here we go..

The crew member showed us to a private seating area where we will meet Scarlett. As I had already met her and hugged her, I wasn't really thinking much about this particular situation. Ellis, however, you couldn't really say the same. The man was hyperventilating..

"El calm down! Follow my breaths!" I order, placing his hand on my chest. Eventually Ellis calms down, sort of.

"I can't believe it. I'm about to meet Scarlett fucking Johansson! THE Scarlett Johansson!!" He states the obvious. I really don't see what's all the fuss about her.

I sit comfortably on the red velvet couch whilst Ellis paces around the room thinking of how to speak to his idol.

"MOMMY- no, how about sup Scar." Ellis talks to himself.
This is actually so painful to watch.

I'm freed from this torture by a knock on the door. Thank the Gods.

"Miss Y/n?" I recognise the voice from the crew member from earlier.
"Come in!" I call out. Not a second goes by and the door opens, revealing the crew member and the blonde beside him.

Scarlett walks in and the crew member closes the door, allowing the three of us our privacy.

"Y/n thank you for waiting to see me." Scarlett begins. I smile as a response not knowing what to say, then remembering the freak stood beside me.
"Oh Scarlett, let me introduce you to my best friend, Ellis." I slightly push Ellis to go shake her hand.
"Nice to meet you Ellis!" Scarlett smiles shaking his hand.
"I- uh- hi.." Ellis barely muttered out an actual word.

I roll my eyes at how he's acting and decide to save him from disaster.
"El has been a fan of yours for years, he adores you." I chime in
"Oh I appreciate the support, thank you." She smiles at him before turning her attention to me
"And what about you?" She raises her eyebrow slightly.

Fuck that was hot. No! Focus Y/n!

"I've pretty much seen every movie you've been in and heard all your songs, thanks to Ellis." I laugh, trying not to make this more awkward than it already is.
She smirks before nodding slightly.
"I see.."

After a brief pause the blonde speaks again,
"So since you're on my team, here's my number. Contact me whenever and we'll see each other for rehearsals. I'm looking forward to work with you Y/n." Scarlett hands me a piece of paper.

I don't look at the paper, instead I stuff it into my purse.
"Thanks I'll text you. But we should get going." I gesture over to a still frozen Ellis.
Scarlett giggles slightly and nods, opening the door letting us go.

We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. Before anyone else can stop us, I grab Ellis by his wrist and run out of the studio.

We arrive back at the apartment. Ellis is back to his old, annoying self. The last hour all I've been hearing about is how he met Scarlett Johansson. Honestly kill me now.

"Oh my god she looked unreal! Like she had her short hair styled so perfectly!!" Ellis gushes over her, as if I wasn't literally stood next to him throughout this whole meeting.

"Ellis, I'm happy for you, but please shut the fuck up already." I groan as I lay on the couch, my legs rested on Ellis' lap.
"Okay fine but promise me you'll talk about me a lot when you're at rehearsals" Ellis pleads. I roll my eyes at his request.
"El I'm going to be busy working with Scarlett for the show. But I'll try my best." It's like I'm taking care of a six year old..

It's a lot later in the evening. Ellis is fast asleep in his room, whilst I'm wide awake in my room. I stare at the ceiling waiting for the urge to sleep to drown me. Alas, that doesn't happen.

Just then, I remember the piece of paper Scarlett gave me earlier. I reach over for my purse that I left on the nightstand and grab the piece of paper.

198 411 2217
Text me
S.J x

I unconsciously smile at the note. Did she really have to add a kiss? Was it on purpose?

Fuck knows what I got myself into..

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