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Scarlett's POV
Same day as last chapter

I don't realise i'm crying until a tear drop falls from my cheek onto my hand. I wipe away the remaining tears on my cheek, grabbing Y/n's phone and making my way upstairs.

I walk into my room to see Y/n in one of my oversized shirts and shorts. Y/n notices me and smiles, holding out her arms for me, which I ignore and decide to sit at the end of my bed instead. She walks towards me, kneeling down in front of me.
"Scarly, what's wrong?" She questions, completely unaware of the texts. I sigh, handing her, her phone. Y/n looks at me with a confused expression before taking her phone. She looks through the various notifications on her lock screen, when I notice her eyes widen and she freezes in shock. Y/n looks up to me with a sad smile as my eyes begin to tear up again.

God. I hate how much this affected me.

Y/n cups my cheek, wiping away a tear that had fallen. At first I try to fight away her hand, but allow her to continue. I can't help it, her touch does something to me.
"You went through my phone?" She questions. I look at her, frowning, as I shake my head.
"Your phone was blowing up. I thought there may had been an emergency, perhaps with your friend Ellis." I try to explain, thinking back to the man I had met the first day I met Y/n. Y/n sighs, taking away her hand from my cheek, getting up and somewhat pacing around the room.
"Scarlett. You had no right looking through my phone! Just because you're Scarlett Johansson, doesn't mean you can go through people's phones!" She yells. I jump slightly, taken aback from not only
Y/n's yelling but her words.

I stand up walking towards her.
"Now what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I ask, raising my voice slightly. Y/n rolls her eyes before continuing to yell.
"You know exactly what I mean. Just because you're a hotshot actress and singer with multiple awards, you think you can do whatever the fuck you want. Well you can't!" She shouts, fire behind her eyes.

I stand in a complete silence, unknown of what to say. I look at the woman stood in front of me, her face unrecognisable.
"I- I need some air." I utter out as I walk out of the room, making my way outside to the front porch. I sit on the porch steps, trying my hardest to not cry. I decide to pull out my phone and call the first name that comes to mind. After a few rings, they answer.

"Hello?" The raspy voice answers, sleep filling their voice.
"Oh god were you asleep?" I question, now realising how late it actually is.
"Scar it's 3am. Are you okay?" They become panicked.
"It's only 10pm here, i'm so sorry Flo I completely forgot the time difference between London and New York. I'll let you go back to sleep." I apologise.
"No, no it's okay, i'm up now. What's wrong Scar? You sound like you've been crying." Florence questions, her voice sounds more and more concerned. I take a deep breath before I begin explaining.

Somehow I managed not to cry explaining the situation. Florence stayed quiet for a few moments, most likely trying to process everything I told her.
"Wait.. Are you and Y/n dating?" She asks. I roll my eyes at her question.
"No we're not, but the way we act with each other, we practically are." I explain, sighing.
"I think you should just give her some space for now. Let her calm down, maybe she'll come to you." Florence suggests. I hold back tears as I listen to Florence's advice.
"I'm here for you always Scar. But please for the love of God don't call at 3am again." Florence complains. I laugh nodding even though she can't see me.
"Yes I promise not to do that again. I love you Flo." I apologise.

We say our goodbyes and after a few minutes I walk back indoors. As I walk upstairs and down the hall to my bedroom, I stop when I notice the guest bedroom door open slightly. I look through the gap to see Y/n laying on the bed, gazing out the window. I sigh, walking over to sit by the end of the bed.
"I think it'll be best if you stay in here tonight." I say, stopping myself from saying anything else.

"I'm sorry.." She says, barely above a whisper.
"What?" I look over to her, realising she turned her gaze towards me. Y/n sits up, beside me, gently grabbing my hand.
"I shouldn't have said those things. You have to understand, that's not how I see you at all. Yes you're Scarlett Johansson, but to me you're more than that.. You're Scarly.." Y/n struggles to say her sentences as she begins crying. I cup her cheek, rubbing her cheek softly with my thumb, until she calms down her sobs.
"I'm sorry for looking at your texts. I genuinely didn't mean any harm by it. But when I saw the texts as well as the name of the person, I freaked out.. I guess I became jealous.." I confess. Y/n gives me a sad smile before pulling out her phone.

She notices the name of the contact and raises an eyebrow, before looking back at me.
"I promise you I didn't do that. The person is Halsey, the temporary coach filling in for you. I guess she thought more of our rehearsal today than I did." Y/n explains. After processing the information, I cringe at myself for being so jealous for no reason. Y/n notices and smiles slightly.
"I really am sorry for yelling, forgive me please?" Y/n apologises again.
"Yes, as long as you forgive me too." I reply. Y/n nods before pulling me in for a hug. We embrace for a while, neither of us wanting to let go.

We both lay down on the guest bed, my head resting on Y/n's chest, as she softly rubs my back.
"I thought you were seeing someone else.." I confess, unsure if I should have said that.
"There's absolutely no one on earth i'd rather be with right now, than you." Y/n states. I sigh, resting my hand on her stomach.
"I love you, Scarly." She whispers out. I smile to myself before replying.
"I love you so much more, darling." I lift my head up from her chest, looking deep in her eyes. Without another thought, I lean in kissing her lips before pulling away shortly after. I caress her cheek, before getting comfortable again in her arms, as I let sleep take over my body.

A/n Alright so.. Am I forgiven?

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