Anxious partners

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Scarlett's POV
Same day as last chapter

"Scarlett hey! Where is she?" Ellis calls out as he enters the ER. I notice his anxious demeanour and his tear stained cheeks. I offer him a sad smile before pulling him in for a hug, which he accepts.

"They've just taken her for some scans, we'll know more of her injuries soon." I explain as I break the hug. Ellis nods trying to process the news. I place an arm over his shoulders holding him close.
"Come on let's wait in the waiting room." I say softly.
"Thank you for being here. God knows what would've happened if you didn't find her when you did." Ellis sniffles.

I didn't even think of it like that until he mentioned it..

We stayed quiet for a while, neither of us having the energy to talk during this situation. That's until,
"So why're you in California?" Ellis questions innocently. I could tell he wants in on my secrets relating to my work.
"Something to do with The Outset." I laugh seeing his eyes go wide.
"Wait please tell me! I promise I won't tell anyone!" He begs. I laugh again, forgetting he's not just Y/n's best friend, he's also a fan of mine.

"Perhaps i'll add you to our PR list so you can get all the new goodies." I smile. Ellis covers his mouth in an attempt to stop a scream, before reaching his arms out to hug me.
"That would be a dream thank you!"He gushes. I smile hugging him back.

An hour goes by and we're still waiting for someone to tell us any updates on Y/n. Ellis has fallen asleep on his chair, he's been sleeping for the past 20 minutes, I don't blame him as it's almost midnight now. Although i'm tired, I couldn't possibly fall asleep when I don't know what's going on with Y/n.

I pull out my phone and call the first person that comes to mind. After a few rings he answers.

"Scar? What's wrong?" He asks concerned
"Chris.." My voice becomes overwhelmed with emotion.
"It's Y/n. S-she had an accident." I begin to sob quietly as I try to explain. I look over to Ellis who's beginning to stir in his sleep so I walk out of the waiting room to continue the call.
"What happened? Is she okay?" Chris' voice becoming more worried.
"I think so? I don't know. They took her for tests over an hour ago and we haven't heard anything since." I wipe away tears.
"Do you need me to come over?" He questions.
"No it's okay. We're in LA." I explain.
"Update me on her situation. Let me know if you need anything okay?" He says softly. I smile even though he can't see me.
"Thank you."

Once I end the call I notice the same doctor from earlier walking down the hallway. I run towards her, she smiles when she notices me.
"Hi sorry, I was told my fri- my wife was taken to get some scans done, that was over an hour ago. Are there any updates?" I ask, almost forgetting i'm supposed to be Y/n's wife here.
"Oh i'm so sorry. I told an intern to let the family know. We had found that she had internal bleeding in her abdomen so she was rushed into surgery around 50 minutes ago."

A pain hit my chest as if it was a gunshot. This can't be happening.

"No. No you have to be mistaken." I mumble out.
"She can't- This has to be- No!" My eyes well up with tears as my vision goes blurry. I grab onto the doctor's shoulders for stability as I feel my legs shake.
"Ma'am we're doing everything we can to ensure your wife will be okay! She'll be out of surgery soon!" The doctor explains as she holds onto my body to prevent me from falling.

She leads me into the waiting room and gently places me on the seat next to a-now-awake Ellis.
"Scarlett??" He screams out.
The doctor places my hand on her chest and begins to take deep breaths in and out.
"Ma'am can you copy my breathing? You're okay you're just having a panic attack." She says softly before continuing with the deep breaths. I try to mimic her breaths before I feel myself getting better. She gives me a warm smile once she notices me going back in a relaxed state.

"Thank you for that." I say softly.
"No problem at all, that's not the first time i've had to deal with anxious partners." She laughs off.
"I didn't catch your name..?" I say.
"Ah i'm Doctor Emily Anderson." She introduces.
"Scarlett Johansson." I smile.
"Nice to meet you Miss Johansson, i've been an admirer of your work for some time. I'll go have a look to see if there are any updates regarding your wife. Excuse me." Dr Anderson leaves moments later as Ellis and I continue to wait.

"Hold on.. Did she say wife?" Ellis questions.
"Uh yeah." I smile innocently, not wanting to admit that I like the sound of that label.

Another 30 minutes go by and Doctor Anderson as well as another doctor walks into the waiting room. Ellis and I both stand up eagerly to hear the news.
"Hello i'm Doctor Connor, i've been operating on your wife. I'm pleased to say the surgery went smoothly and she is now in our post op recovery wing if you'd like to see her." He explains. I wipe away tears and nod as Ellis and I follow the doctors to see Y/n.

"Is she still unconscious from the anaesthesia?" Ellis questions.
"Yes she is, she should be waking up at any moment now." Doctor Anderson replies. We arrive to the room and the doctors leave us to be alone with her.

"Oh god.." Ellis mumbles as we make our way to her bedside.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't with you." He begins to sob, holding her hand. I frown at his words.
"Stop that you can't blame yourself for this." I explain.
"When she wakes up we'll try to find out what happened and ask if she'd like to involve the police." I say, Ellis nods in agreement.

I check the time to see it's almost 2am.
"How far is your hotel from here?" I ask him. He thinks for a moment before responding.
"Like 30 minutes."
"Mines 2 minutes away, how about you check out of your room and i'll book you one at my hotel." I offer. Ellis smiles slightly but shakes his head.
"I can't afford to pay for the cancellation costs as well as new hotel rooms." I frown at his reply.
"I'll pay for it all don't worry about it. You can't say no." I insist. Ellis sighs before reluctantly agreeing to my offer.
"Thank you Scarlett, for everything."

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