Semi finals

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Y/n's POV
December 17th

Today is the Semi Finals for The Voice. Kelly and I have had multiple rehearsals ensuring that today's performance goes smoothly and hopefully, will allow me to move forward in the competition.

It is currently 1pm and i'm already at The Voice studio, getting my hair and makeup done for the performance later. I haven't been speaking much today in order to rest my voice, since the song i'm singing will require me to do a lot of high notes.

"Alright you're all done here, i'll leave so you can get dressed." Jill, the makeup artist explains. I smile to her and nod before she leaves the room. Kelly had kindly chosen an outfit for me to wear. It's a white elegant dress that probably costs more than my entire wardrobe.

 It's a white elegant dress that probably costs more than my entire wardrobe

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I struggle with the zipper on the back of the dress. I attempt to turn my body in a way to reach the zipper, which I fail to do. I hear a knock on the door, making me groan as i'm only half dressed.
"Yes?" I call out, still attempting to grab the zipper. There's no answer from me calling out so I call out again.
"Is anyone there?"

Moments later I hear a voice. A familiar voice.

"Y/n.. Can I come in?" The voice asks from the other side of the door. I take a deep breath before walking towards the door, opening it slightly. Stood there is none other than Scarlett. She gives me a small smile which I don't return. I angle myself so she doesn't see my dress zipper undone.

"What are you doing here?" I question.
"I'm back working. Halsey is gone for good." Scarlett explains. I pause, taking in the information.
"And I just- I wanted to wish you luck." Scarlett spoke softly. I look up to her emerald eyes.
"Right well thank you, but you need to go." I say in response. Scarlett sighs before speaking.
"Y/n please can we talk?" She asks, begging slightly. I hold back the frustration growing in me.
"There's nothing to talk about Scarlett. We can't be together. Please don't make this anymore difficult than it already is." I was trying not to cry out of frustration. I literally just had my makeup done, I didn't want to ruin it within 2 minutes.

Scarlett makes her way into the room, closing the door behind her. I back away from her, observing her movements.
"Y/n please listen to me." Scarlett continues to beg. I groan, giving in to her as I know she won't back down. I gesture for her to speak.
"This past month has been miserable for me. Rose misses you like crazy and I- I miss you more than anything. Please, I can't live without you Y/n.." Scarlett tears up as she speaks, making my heart shatter. As much as I want to say 'fuck it' and kiss her right now, I can't do that. I made a deal with Lee. I break things off with Scarlett and he allows me to continue competing on The Voice.

Scarlett slowly walks towards me, holding my forearms. She gives me another small smile.
"You look beautiful, darling." She whispers.
"You can't call me that anymore." I reply. Scarlett's smile drops from my response. She looks down briefly before looking back up to my eyes.
"Right, i'm sorry.." She apologises. She breaks our eye contact, turning around to leave the room.
"Wait!-" I call out, making the blonde stop her tracks, in front of the door. She turns to face me with a concerned look on her face.
"Do you think, before you go- Can you do my zipper please?" I ask. Scarlett holds back a laugh as she nods, walking towards me once again.

I turn around as Scarlett stands behind me, grabbing the zipper, slowly pulling it up. My breath hitches as her fingers brush against my skin for a split second.
"There you go." Scarlett whispers before leaving the room. I let out a deep breath, composing myself quickly.

A few hours has gone by and it's almost my turn to perform. The show has just gone onto a commercial break, afterwards i'll be performing. The crew has been preparing the stage for me, whilst other members have been doing final checks of my ear piece and mic.
"Alright Y/n you can head onto stage now." Brian, the head crew member informs me. I nod and walk onto stage. After i'm sorted at my position, I look down to the coaches. Kelly looks over and grins, holding up two thumbs up. I smile in response.

The commercial break ends and i'm introduced as the next performer. The backing track for 'Easy on me' begins to play and I take a deep breath before singing.

The performance, in my opinion, was going great. The audience responded well with my high notes and I noticed how proud Kelly looked. As I begin to sing the final verse, I decide to go all in for the high notes, you can never have enough of them. I finish singing the last sentence as the audience begin applauding, including the coaches. I smile, proud of myself for getting through that with no issues.

Another commercial break occurs, which is when I see Kelly run out of her chair and towards the stage. I laugh as I walk towards her and we meet in a hug.
"You did amazing Y/n. You blew them away!" Kelly gushes. I thank her before we break apart the hug. She leads me down the stage and towards the coaches chairs. Alicia and Blake compliment me on my performance, in which I thank them. I look to see Scarlett stood beside Alicia, quiet. I didn't want to interact with her as it'll most likely stir up something in the media. Before she could say anything, it was announced that the commercial break would be over soon, hinting that I need to go backstage. I leave the stage just in time for the show to go live again.

I decide to relax in the contestants lounge whilst the other acts perform. My phone blows up with texts from Ellis as well as my social media comments. I click on Ellis' number, waiting for him to pick up the call.

"YOU DID THAT!!" Ellis exclaims. I laugh at his enthusiasm.
"So i'm going to assume you liked the performance?" I giggle.
"Liked?! Bitch I LOVED that! You sang that song so well!" Ellis gushed. I smile at his comments, wishing he was beside me so I could hug him.

Ellis and I continue to talk for a while, until I hear a knock at the door.
"Yes?" I call out. A crew member opens the door.
"Y/n in a few minutes you need to go backstage for the results." They inform me.
"Okay thank you." The crew member nods before closing the door.
"Hey El I need to go."
"Alright, good luck! I'm rooting for you!" Ellis beams.
"I love you El, bye!" I say before ending the call.

I run backstage, where I can hear the show's host talking on stage. All the other remaining contestants are waiting backstage until we're told to go on stage.
"And here are The Voice Semi Finalists!" The show's host introduces. All the acts, including myself, make our way into stage, as the audience applauds and cheers.
"Alright, the time to announce the Finalists is here. The first act to go ahead to the Finals is.." I take a deep breath, looking down to avoid making eye contact with anyone.
"...Y/n Y/l/n!!" The audience screams and applauds as I look around in disbelief. Kelly runs towards the stage hugging me close.
"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!" She gushes. We break apart the hug and Kelly wipes away tears that manage to fall down my cheeks. Kelly leads me down the stage steps where I then leave at the side stage.

I look around my surroundings, still not believing what had occurred a mere few seconds ago. I lean against the wall trying to process everything.
"Y/n." I snap out of my daze to see Scarlett stood beside me.
"W- what are you doing? You're supposed to be out there." I say confused.
"Another commercial break." She simply replies. I nod before continuing to wipe away tears that are still falling down my cheeks. Scarlett walks towards me and tucks some hair behind my ear before placing a hand on my waist.
"Scarlett.." I sigh, knowing the risk of being seen.
"No talking." She whispers in my ear before softly placing her lips on mine. I couldn't help but placing my hands on the back of Scarlett's neck, pulling her closer to deepen the kiss.

Moments later we break apart, catching our breaths.
"What was that for?" I breathe out.
"Congratulatory kiss." She responds casually, before walking back to the stage.

Oh. Oh?

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