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Scarlett's POV

"Hey! I'm so sorry i'm late.." Spoke a familiar voice. I look up to my side to see none other than Y/n.

"No need to be sorry, i'm just glad you're here." I admit, standing up to hug her. Y/n hugs me back and we break apart moments after.
"Y/n! You came!" A little voice shouts out in the distance. We turn our attention to our right, to see Rose running towards Y/n. Rose crashes into Y/n's legs, hugging them tightly.
"Of course I came Rosie! I couldn't miss your party!" Y/n crouches down to Rose's level and gives her a short squeeze, before she hands Rose a gift bag.
"Mama can you hold my present? I want to play with Y/n!" Rose jumps up and down in excitement. I giggle and nod at my daughter. Rose hands me the bag, before she grabs ahold of Y/n's hand and leads her to the bouncy castle.

I laugh seeing Rose force Y/n onto the bouncy castle, Y/n looking awkward being the only adult in there.
"Rose, honey, maybe Y/n would like to talk to the grown-ups." I say walking towards the castle. Rose nods and allows Y/n to leave.
"Bless you." Y/n whispers to me, so Rose doesn't hear. I give her a smile and a nod.

Y/n's POV

We both sit near the tables, talking about absolute nonsense.
"Hey there you are!" A raspy British voice speaks. I turn to look beside Scarlett to see a small blonde.
"Ah Flo you're here!" Scarlett beams with joy. She gets up from her seat and squeezes the other blonde.
"Who's this?" Florence directs her attention to me, as both blondes sit down.
"Florence this is Y/n. Y/n, Florence." Scarlett introduces us. I shake her hand smiling.
"Nice to meet you Y/n. You don't have to call me Florence, you can call me Flo" Florence grins. I offer another smile, as well as slightly shift in my seat not knowing what to do or say.
"So is this the famous Y/n i'm here so much about? The one in your coaching team?" Flo questions, looking at Scarlett. Scarlett smiles and nods. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. I was about to say something, when I feel a small hand grab ahold of mine.

"Y/n can we go play?" Rose asks, pulling my arm. I give her a smile and nod before following her to the pool of toys on the floor. Rose hands me a Black Widow action figure as well as a Captain America action figure. She then grabs an Iron Man and a Spider Man action figure and we begin play fighting with them. Rose starts to make sound effects with her mouth and dialogue for the figures. I couldn't help but grin at the cuteness in front of me.

My phone starts to buzz in my pocket, so I put down the action figures to answer the phone call.

"Bitch where the fuck are you?" Ellis questions.
"Uh at a party.." I mumble.
"Who's party? And why didn't you invite me?"

I pause to think of a reply that wouldn't hurt Ellis' feelings. I look over to Rose, who's watching me patiently.
"Hey sweetie i'm just going to step outside for this call, okay?" I direct my attention to Rose. She nods understandingly so I stand up and make my way to the front porch, where it was completely clear of people.

"El you still there?" I ask, knowing it took me a while to reply to him.
"Yes and i'm still waiting for an explanation." I could sense he was becoming slightly agitated.
"Look i'm at Scarlett's house and it's her daughters birthday.." I explain slowly.
"Y/n what the fuck!" Ellis beams with excitement.
"..You're not mad?" My eyebrows furrow with confusion.
"Why would I be? Also can you put Scarlett on the phone? Oh and little Rose!" Ellis requests. I roll my eyes hearing him speak.
"You know i'm not doing either of those things. I need to go, I left Rose so I could talk to your stupid ass." I explain. We say our goodbyes and I end the call.

I decide to quickly reply to some texts before heading back inside.

"Who the fuck are you?" A deep voice speaks behind me, making me jump slightly. I turn around to see a tall dark haired man.
"Uh- A friend of Scarlett's.." I mumble. He walks closer to me, a mere few centimetres away from my face.
"Bullshit. Get the fuck away from my house. Or i'll move you myself." He spits out before walking inside.

My entire body shivers from the familiar feeling. That feeling I ran from years ago. The man looking, sounding and acting the exact same as him.

I don't realise i'm crying until I feel a tear fall onto my cheek. I wipe away all the tears that escaped my eyes, looking around to make sure no one witnessed what just happened a few minutes ago.

I can't go back in. Can I? If that man sees me inside the house after telling me to leave, Lord knows what he'll do to me.. But I left Rose. I can't leave her without no explanation. Especially at her birthday party.

I sigh, trying to muster up the courage to go back inside the house. I finally managed to go back to Rose. It felt like that took years, when in reality, must have been around 10 minutes.
"Y/n there you are!" Rose squeals, holding out the Black widow figure again.
"I'm sorry Rose but I need to find your Mommy." I utter out. Rose nods and continues to play with her toys. I walk outside into the yard where I saw Scarlett last.

Surely she's still out here. Hopefully he's not.

I look around the crowd of people and children, failing to see the short haired blonde.
"Hey you look a little lost." A British voice speaks. Ah, Flo.
"I'm trying to find Scarlett, any idea where she is?" I ask the Brit.
"Rose's father came to the party, I think she's talking to him in private." Flo explains. I think back to a few moments earlier. Was that man Rose's father? No, it couldn't be. Could it?

"Y/n are you alright?" I snap back into reality hearing Flo speak.
"Oh- Right. Yes I am." I stutter.
"Could you tell Scarlett I needed to go?" Florence looks at me slightly confused.
"Of course. But you sure you're okay?" She places a hand on my shoulder. tears begin forming in my eyes, which I refuse to let escape.

I can't let Florence Pugh of all people, see me cry. It's bad enough Scarlett has seen me cry already. Well no, Scarlett has seen me sob helplessly as I laid my head on her shoulder. That's even worse.

"I'm fine." I mutter out before making my way to the front entrance. I hesitate slightly before walking back out to the drive way and getting into my car.

How the fuck did I get myself in this position?

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