Family Feud

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Y/n's POV

I hear the front door close. I assume that means Rose's father left. I run out of the studio and make my way towards the living room, where I had heard all the commotion. I enter the room to see Scarlett on the floor crying helplessly, alone.

I rush towards her.
"Hey, hey it's okay!" I try to comfort her, wrapping my arms around her petite body. Scarlett began crying more loudly. The feeling in my chest could probably be similar to a gunshot wound. I hold her closer to my body, her head resting in the crook of my neck.

"Just breathe Scarlett, follow my breaths." I direct her, when I notice her breaths becoming more uncontrollable. I grab ahold of her hand and place it on my chest, as a way to help her regulate her breathing. Once she succeeded, she looks up to me. I couldn't help but noticed her left cheek, every inch completely red.

"Oh Scarlett.." I muttered out, not knowing what to say. Without really thinking. I cup her cheek with my hand, I notice her slightly flinching at the contact, afterwards slowly accepting the gesture. I wipe away the tears from her cheeks, accidentally getting lost in her emerald eyes in the process.

Moments later, I take my hand off her cheek and Scarlett gives me a sad smile.
"Want to talk about what happened?" I ask softly.
"I mean..What's there to talk about? I'm sure you heard everything." She sighed.
"Yeah but I want you to be able to share your side of things, if you want to that is.." I suggested, not really knowing if this is appropriate since we're not close.

She looks down to her hands that are fiddling with her top.
"He's not present enough in Rose's life. He promised he would be after we divorced but he isn't." She began.
"He's never done anything to hurt us. But recently it's like he's a completely different person. He hit me.." She mumbled the last part. I could just about hear her. I don't want to ask her to repeat it, scared that she will cry again, so I stay quiet.

We were in a silence. Neither one of us knowing what to say. That is until, Scarlett jolted up.
"Oh God, Rose!" She gasped out. She got up and ran towards her daughter's bedroom, all whilst I was still getting up from the floor.

I follow her into Rose's room.
"Nugget?" Scarlett calls out, looking around not seeing Rose near her toys.
"Rosie?" I call out too, slightly worried that the small girl isn't in her room.
"Where could she be?" Scarlett began pacing around the room frantically, fear plastered on her face.
"We'll find her Scarlett." I promise her.

We separate ourselves to look around the house. It really doesn't help that Scarlett lives in a huge mansion. Rose could be anywhere. Scarlett ordered me to look upstairs whilst she looks downstairs and in the garden.

I make my way up the stairs and open the doors to each room. Fucking hell why are there so many bathrooms in this place?

I make it to the end of a hallway and Rose hasn't been in any of the rooms i've checked. There's only one room left. I slowly open the door, to see none other than the small blonde laying in the middle of a King size bed, fast asleep. I smile briefly at the sight before making my way towards the bed.

"Rosie.." I whisper, tucking her hair behind her ear. The little girl coos in her sleep, before slowly waking up.
"Y/n?" She mumbles.
"Yes sweetie, what are you doing in here?" I question, sitting beside the small body.
"I wanted to be in Mama's bed." She replies, yawning.

My eyes widen when I realise what the blonde had said. I look around to see that I was, in fact, in Scarlett Johansson's bedroom.

I turn my attention back to the little girl.
"Come on, your mommy is worried sick!" I explain, picking Rose up in my arms, allowing her to rest her head on my shoulder. I walk us back down the stairs to the living room, where I see Scarlett gasp, seeing the child in my arms.

"Oh baby girl you scared me!" Scarlett admits, taking her daughter in her arms, hugging her close.
"I'm sorry Mama" Rose apologises, before asking,
"Is daddy gone?"
Scarlett looks at her daughter and gives her a sad smile.
"He is baby.."

The mother and daughter hugged for a few more minutes before Rose decided to go play in her room. She actually went to her room this time.

Scarlett and I sat on the couch, switching on the TV so we wouldn't be in silence.
"I'm so sorry you had to experience all this. I'm sure when you pictured being on The Voice and working with a coach, you hadn't pictured this whole mess." Scarlett gives me an apologetic look.
"No I didn't quite picture this, but I wouldn't change this for anything.." I admit smiling at her. She looks back at the TV and I noticed her cheeks blushing.

Wow I made Scarlett Johansson blush.

We continue to watch TV, Scarlett put on an old episode of 'Family Feud'.

"I'm not a slut by the way.." She blurts out. I couldn't help but laugh at the completely random comment.
"W-what?" I stuttered, laughing uncontrollably.
"Well I know you heard Romain saying i'm a slut and Rose isn't his daughter. Well i'm not and she is his daughter." She explains. I calm myself down and nod understandingly.
"I never once thought you were." I admit. Scarlett looks at me with an appreciative smile before turning to face the TV again.

So I guess i'm just never going to experience a regular rehearsal session with Scarlett..

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